Lynn “Rudy” Rudolph

In just a few short weeks, voters will have the opportunity to elect to Kokomo’s Common Council one of Kokomo’s finest. His name is Lynn Rudolph from the 2nd District.

I have known “Rudy” for decades. His background and reputation precede him. Rudy served many years on Kokomo’s police force. He led a special task force dealing with crime and drug enforcement. This task force, which benefited not only Kokomo and Howard County but surrounding counties as well, was recognized in law enforcement as one of the best. Rudy led by example. He always made it a goal to see that he and his fellow officers had the best training and education available. In short, they were very effective.

One year, Lynn Rudolph was recognized nationally as one of the top ten “Policemen of the Year”. He well deserved this honor and recognition.

I know all of this because I was an executive at the Kokomo Tribune at the time. I served on the Mayor’s Drug Abuse Task Force along with others of the community. We held Lynn Rudolph and his task force in highest regard.

Now we are at a time when we are hearing about drugs and crime in the news about every day. Kokomo is not exempt. We need leaders with experience and an outstanding track record. None could be better that Rudy’s. He would bring common sense, effectiveness, and results to a variety of issues as a part of the Kokomo Common Council. Rudy’s life is one of service to the community. We could do no better than have him as a member of our Common Council. We need to elect Lynn Rudolph.

Kent Blacklidge
Past Publisher/ Kokomo Tribune

New Diversity in Congress

[From the Internet]

Several months ago, the 116th Congress was sworn in, and all day long, the media was fawning over the “remarkable diversity” of the new Democrat members. It was a day of “firsts,” we were told repeatedly. While the new Democrat majority offers members of note, we want to highlight a few “firsts” who are examples of the “diversity” that was sworn in then.

Here are our Top Most “Diverse” house Freshmen:

1. Ilhan Omar — The first person who married her brother to commit immigration fraud ever to be elected to Congress. Omar is also the first open supporter of female genital mutilation to ever be elected to Congress. Such amazing diversity! And this does not mention her problems with fraudulent tax filings.

2. Rashida Tlaib — One of the first Muslim Brotherhood-linked and anti-Semitic candidates to be elected to Congress. She also claims to be a Palestinian — not American. Wonders never cease. Also, she has a potty mouth using the term “Mother F—er” for the President.

3. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Where do we even begin? Let’s just say she is the first person elected to Congress who lied about being from the Bronx, and thus, made up her life story. She’s also an overt Marxist, in case you forgot.

4. Abigail Spanberger — The first substitute teacher from an Islamist school (nicknamed “Terror High”) ever to be elected to Congress.

5. Donna Shalala — Rep. Shalala was HHS Secretary from 1993 to 2001 under Bill Clinton and worked from 2015 to 2017 at the Clinton Foundation, and in 2016 she admitted in an interview that some significant Clinton Foundation donors received “courtesy appointments” in the Clinton State Department. To top it off, apparently she can’t let go of politics. At 78, she’s the oldest female House Freshman in history.

6. Krysten Sinema — The first bi-sexual atheist to be sworn into Congress. She refused to take the oath of office on the Holy Bible.

These are just a few examples of the “firsts” that the media has been celebrating. Those who apparently show an open disdain and animosity for America as we’ve know it for over 200 years. And they all represent the Democrat Party. Kind of makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it? All of this “diversity”!


Are you angry yet? If you are not, you should be. The Democrats in Congress are moving toward crossing the line. They have announced they are proceeding with a formal impeachment inquiry as a step to impeachment….. and over what?

Democrats have been obsessed with taking down President Donald Trump ever since he won the election for the Presidency in 2016. Hillary Clinton, a known law breaker, lost but has never been held accountable for her illegal actions. One was the deleting of over 30,000 emails after she had been subpoenaed by Congress. That was the least of the illegal acts she undertook along with then President Barack “Berry” Obama, the Democratic National Committee, and numerous others in the deep state. None have been held to account to date.

Ever since the Democrats gained the majority in the House of Representatives in 2018, the Congress has been deadlocked over anything of substance. Representatives Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff have continued to pursue witch hunts even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent tens of millions trying to find something criminal around Donald Trump. He found nothing, much to the chagrin of Democrats.

Now we know the Mueller probe was run by Andrew Weissmann, the most dishonest and despicable attorney anywhere. He was responsible for the unjust demise of one of the most prestigious national accounting firms, Arthur Anderson Company, that put thousands of people out of work. The conviction of the Anderson Company was overturned by the Supreme Court by a vote of 9-0; but that was too late. Weissmann is well known for prosecutorial misconduct.

The event that triggered the latest cries for impeachment of President Trump was a phone call between Trump and the president of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, who was recently elected by the people of Ukraine. The claim by a so-called whistle blower (who does not qualify as a “whistle blower” under the law), who knows nothing firsthand about any call, is that President Trump was doing or saying something illegal. The fact is it is nobody’s business what the content of the call was. The President should and needs to be able to talk privately to anyone he wants about anything he wants. Nobody ever questioned Barack Obama about his calls or promise to be “more flexible after the election” to Russia. It is absolutely not the job of the intelligence community to monitor the President. That would be illegal in itself.

But, let’s assume that one subject of the call was ex-Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has openly admitted he coerced Ukrainian officials with the threat of withholding over a billion dollars in aid into firing a prosecutor who was on the trail of Biden’s son for corruption. Biden and son, Hunter, then went on to China for more bribes. In short, Joe Biden and his son are crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

We know, too, that Ukraine under different leadership did meddle in the 2016 US Presidential election. With a new Ukrainian President, our President Trump had every right and even duty to try to determine the extent of the corruption involving Biden and the extent of Ukraine meddling in our election.

Now, a very dangerous precedent has been set with the release of the transcript of President Trump’s phone call as he defends himself and the Presidency against rabid Democrats. Will any world leader now be comfortable talking in confidence with a US President? Oh, I know, this was partially offset by President Trump getting consent from President Zelensky before releasing the content of the call.

Democrats are damaging our country and playing with more fire than they know. Loyal, staunch Trump supporters will only put up with so much. Never say I didn’t tell you so.

Butt Edge Edge

[Open letter to Mayor Pete Buttigieg]

Mayor Buttigieg:

If all that is being told about you is true – or even a portion of it – I find you to be a total embarrassment to the citizens of Indiana. I have no idea how those of South Bend ever elected you to be Mayor. Now you want them and millions of others to elect you as President of the United States. This is one sick joke.

You don’t seem to be able to run South Bend. The reported crime rate in South Bend is 60 per one thousand residents – one of the highest crime rates in America. Chicago is reported as 44 per one thousand residents. South Bend gets the prize. And I understand the African-American former police chief is suing the city. You don’t seem to be able to get along with the black community at all – sit at a table and take notes.

Here are a few other “facts” about you that I find offensive, if true:

  1. You are the son of a communist father and mother; like parents, like son or call it socialism
  2. You favor the “Green New Deal”
  3. You want to abolish the Electoral College
  4. You favor packing the Supreme Court
  5. You want to repeal the Trump tax cuts
  6. You favor sanctuary cities and states
  7. You favor quick paths to citizenship for DACA designees & illegal aliens
  8. You favor late term abortions
  9. You favor Draconian 2nd Amendment restrictions

South Bend was ranked as one of the worst places to live in the country in 2018. Nice work.

But I must say that the one that got me the most was your comments about late term abortion. You attempted to use the Bible as justification saying something about life begins with the first breath after being born. And you claim to be a devout Episcopalian. That is total BS.

I am from a family of Episcopalians. My grandmother was an immigrant from England. I, too, am an Episcopalian. You really should be shunned by the church and driven out. The Episcopal Church talks about a three-legged stool: the Bible, Tradition, and Reason. You have attempted to bastardize teachings of your claimed church. Shame on you.

In short, you should pack it up and return to South Bend with your tail between your legs; back to your husband. And stay there.

Blind Generation

[This article was written by a Millennial college student by the name of Alyssa Ahlgren, who’s in grad school for her MBA. It’s a short article but definitely worth a read.]

“College Student: My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us”

I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it.

Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times. Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.

Our un-appreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

Never saw American prosperity! Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why? The answer is this, my generation has only seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, the Korean War, The Vietnam War or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like to live without the Internet, without cars, without smart phones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.”

Of Color

Don’t you get fed up with the “of color” crap? The Squad touts being “of color” and claims President Donald Trump is afraid of them. Bologna!

And I am just not sure what “of color” means. Does it mean people with a given pigment in their skin? Does it mean those with brown, black, red, olive, etc. skin? If you look at an artist’s pallet, you would see many colors…… including white. Does that mean that everyone can claim to be “of color”? That, now, would seem logical.

What for sure it does not mean is some superior intelligence. The color of one’s skin is not an indicator of brain power.

Tone Deaf

To know Democrats, many newspaper columnists, and many electronic media talking heads are tone deaf or maybe worse — daft, all one had to do was read the Opinion page of the Kokomo Tribune on April 23rd. In particular, the column by John Krull, clearly a “never Trumper”, is filled with vitriol toward President Trump. Turn on your TV to most stations and you will hear much the same.

The Mueller Report states there was NO collusion with the Russians (not a crime even if so) by President Donald Trump or any in the Trump Campaign to influence the election of 2016. It took 200 pages to say that. NO COLLUSION!

President Obama knew well before the 2016 presidential election the Russians were at work. Did he warn the Trump campaign this was going on. NO. He, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC aided and abetted Russian influence by weaponizing the FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, and other intelligence agencies against the Trump campaign. He and Clinton wanted Trump defeated. He did not get that done, but crimes were committed not by the Trump campaign but by Obama, Clinton, and many in the FBI, CIA, and more. And before he left office, Obama made permanent employees of what were political appointed positions in an attempt to preserve the “deep state”.

Mueller, Weissman, and the henchmen tried to skate on the last 200 pages of the Mueller report. That half dealt with the charge of obstruction of justice. Interesting there can be no obstruction of justice when there is no underlying “crime”. Too, to be obstruction of anything, there must be action, not simply voicing anger or displeasure. Mueller wanted to muddy the waters to give Democrats in Congress the excuse for endless investigations and perhaps even the impeachment of President Trump. We are now left with the crazies in Congress: Nadler, Schiff, Cummings, Waters, Castro, Swalwell. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib. Those who are chairs of committees plan endless hand wringing, wailing, and harassment. It will not work.

Rather ironically, the reason Mueller had anything to say about obstruction of justice was that President Trump was totally transparent in his approach to Mueller. Millions of pages of documents and unlimited access to White House and campaign personnel, even to Trump’s personal attorney, were provided. No executive privilege was exercised; this was completely unprecedented.

President Donald Trump brought our country back from the brink of disaster. The economy is booming and predicted to continue to do so. Unemployment is at historic lows. More people working than ever in the history of the United States. Manufacturing jobs have returned. Wages are continuing to rise, particularly among the middle and lower classes. Stifling regulations have been rolled back. The USA is again respected on the world stage.

Thankfully, unlike Obama’s “wingman” AG Eric Holder, we now have an Attorney General in William P. Barr who will not be deterred in pursuing justice for the crimes committed by the Clinton side of the 2016 election Special Counsel Mueller willfully ignored. Barr will indict those who committed crimes against our country. It will take time, but Lady Justice will prevail.

The 2020 election will be more consequential than the last. It will be a continuing shining light on the hill with President Trump or economic collapse with all the freebies promised by the Democrats. That will be the choice.


You wonder why our country is struggling to survive. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is one giant reason why. In plain terms, she is as crooked as a dog’s hind legs. She tells all in a press conference last year. Here is what she said…

“We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it. And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made”

She needs to go back to the 12th District of California and stay there.

The Truth Wizard

We have a new wizard in town. His name is William P. Barr. He is our country’s Attorney General.

I have watched this man testify before Congress. In his somewhat gentle way, he directly addresses questions and challenges. He is precise and will not be bullied by the Democrat Socialists on any Congressional committee.

Barr was born in New York City in 1950, the son of Columbia University faculty members Mary Margaret and Donald Barr. He was raised Catholic. Barr graduated from Columbia University with a degree in government and Chinese studies, then went on to George Washington University Law School for his J.D. degree (summa cum laude).

He has worked in the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Justice in various capacities. He was US Deputy Attorney General from 1990 to 1991 and then Attorney General from 1991 to 1993. In his confirmation process, he was approved unanimously by the Senate Judiciary Committee and then by voice vote by the full Senate. He was sworn in as Attorney General in November 1991. He returned to private practice upon leaving that post.

Barr’s current appointment as Attorney General was not so easy. The Democrat Socialists objected. The vote out of the Senate Judiciary Committee was 12-10 along a party-line vote. All Republicans “Yes” and all Democrat Socialists “No”. The vote in the full Senate went nearly the same way with only three Democrats voting to confirm, one Republican not voting and only Rand Paul voting no.

Barr’s presence is calming. He is physically a big man, kind of like a bear. He does not seem to get ruffled easily. He speaks softly, but directly. Already, he has put the Democrat Socialists in a panic by stating the Trump campaign was spied upon by elements of the government. He intends to pursue those who violated the law and bring violators to justice. Big Panic! Interesting that William Barr and Robert Muller, the Special Counsel, have been good friends since the 1980s. This, too, should put the Democrat Socialists in a tizzy.

As a personal aside, William “Bill” Barr loves the bagpipe. He has played competitively in Scotland. He and his wife, Christine, have been married 46 years.

William Barr is the new wizard in town. He reminds me of some character in the Harry Potter family. His new name should be “The Truth Wizard”. That it shall be.

“The Truth Wizard”!

D. Bruce Roberts Ph.D. Response

I feel compelled to respond to the Sound Off letter by D.Bruce Roberts Ph.D. that appeared in the Tribune on April 4th. He wrote in response to my earlier column about the Democrat party becoming the Democrat Socialist party. Dr. Roberts is all in on Democrat Socialism. This is understandable when doing some research on Dr. Roberts’ background. He is a professor emeritus (retired professor) from a Christian Seminary. His expertise is in religious education and development.

Frankly, he is of a mind that those of us who favor capitalism and free enterprise warn about. He was in a position in a college to influence young minds toward the goals of socialism. Those goals are skillfully masked goals similar to those of communism. It is crystal clear that neither works to benefit citizens. I don’t believe Dr. Roberts could name a single country on the globe where socialism or communism have in the long term worked.

Further, given his background, I doubt Dr. Roberts has had any experience or exposure to private enterprise where new ideas and services are created and payrolls have to be met. A significant motivation in private enterprise is the profit motive. He is a creature of academia which is supported financially by taxpayers, grants, and student tuition; not profits.

In what Dr. Roberts wrote, I see claim democracy and socialism go together. What he may not realize is that the United State of America is not a democracy. It is a republic as defined in the US Constitution. God help us if everything is run by pure democratic vote. We elect representatives to our state legislative bodies and the US Senate and House of Representatives. They make the decisions and promulgate law and direction.

He talks about worker-owned cooperatives and publicly owned enterprises. Nothing in our current system prevents these from existing now, but they must compete with private enterprise. He complains about big corporate bureaucracies controlling our society. We do have some level of agreement in that I do not favor unbridled capitalism. Reasonable regulation is required. That is what our legislative bodies are responsible for doing without killing motivation.

He claims corporate executives answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders. I guess he has not yet heard of such as 401(K)’s. Millions of citizens participate in these and other forms of investment across the country. And now under our current system, we have the lowest unemployment ever for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans. More people are employed in our economy now than ever in history. Times are good.

I did not read in what Dr. Roberts wrote any correction of fact of what I had written. None. The Democrat party is on a spiral downward. They have offered no creative policies or plans. They only engage in destruction politics with endless “investigation”.

Dr. Roberts says we have rule by the wealthy. I wonder who he thinks the smelly Walmart folks and the deplorables are? They are the ones who elected President Donald Trump, a strong capitalist. They are the meat and grit of this country. They are the ones who are ruling this country.