We have heard frequently the complaint from President Donald Trump that other countries will not buy or permit in U.S. agriculture products. I think there is a darned good reason why they will not.
Generally speaking, our agriculture products are tainted with poisons (pesticides) of all kinds. These poisons follow the products into human food supplies. The best example of this is the use of glyphosate (RoundUp) on corn and soy beans and on other crops that have been genetically engineered to tolerate that poison. There is strong evidence glyphosate causes cancer.
But that is not all. Weeds are now showing adaptation to glyphosate, so higher and higher doses of it are applied to crops to kill weeds. And Dicamba is being added as well; a more toxic and dangerous poison. The cycle continues with more toxic chemicals added all the time. This is just one example of many.
The only way for the consumer to avoid the pesticides in their food is to purchase only “Organic” products. Yes, they are more expensive, but is one’s health worth it in the long run?
We have a chance now to clean things up. Robert F Kennedy Jr will become the next Secretary of Human and Health Services. He is a strong advocate for getting harmful chemicals out of our food supply. He will tackle big Pharma, big Agriculture, and big Food. Hopefully, he will have cooperation from the new Director of the EPA, Lee Zeldin, and the new Secretary of Agriculture, Brooke Rollins, to clean up the food supply.
Things must change. We are the sickest society on the planet…and getting sicker… and spend the most money on health care than any of the developed nations.
President Trump needs to get the message. He can complain all he wants about other countries keeping our agriculture products out, but until we take serious and significant action to clean up our own act, that will continue to be the case. To date, we have capitulated to Big Agriculture and Big Food. That must end. The era of poisons must end.
As long ago as 1962, Rachael Carson in her book, “Silent Spring”, tried to warn us. That was 63 years ago! It is long past time to wake up.
DEI Out!
Let me see, the Kokomo Tribune editorial of February 1st advocates the filling of Indiana State agency jobs based upon color, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. (the hallmarks of DEI) rather than on selecting the best person for the job based upon merit qualifications; that is, job requirements
As I recall, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for a color blind (and by implication, DEI blindness) society based upon merit and achievement. Reverend King said, “I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”.
Every job has qualifications for the performance of certain work. The qualifications have nothing to do with DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion). They are objective requirements that must be completed for optimal job performance. They do not depend upon one’s color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Applicants must be evaluated based upon the ability to complete the job requirements. Period. The person best fitted to completing job requirements should be the one obtaining the job.
This is vitally important for jobs funded by Indiana taxpayers; state agency jobs. It is the responsibility of state government to see so. There can be no DEI consideration, no political favoring, no nepotism, or anything else except measuring an applicant’s perceived ability to do a job against the requirements for a job.
Seems pretty straight forward to me and in the best interest of taxpayers. In short, the KT editorial position is way off base.
Hanson and Illegal Aliens
[Article by Victor Davis Hanson, Classicist and Historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University for the Daily Signal]
I want to talk about illegal immigration. You know, this is the point in our history that we’ve never been before. We have not a porous border, but no border at all. We’ve had somewhere between 10 to 12 million illegal entrants since the Biden administration began.
There is no real corpus of immigration law. It’s been destroyed. We’re at a historical period in our country, where 55 million people, never such a large number of people born ourside the United States, that are residing here. In terms of percentages, almost 16% of the population was not born in the United States.
That’s an enormous task of assimilation, integration, and civic education, and we just haven’t been doing any of that. So, what are we going to do? Well, this first thing is : We need to stop “catch and release”. We need to make entrants, legal entrants, go back to their country if they’re applying for refugee status. You cannot come here, and then say you’re a refugee. You must ascertain that and prove that at the consulate overseas.
We’ve got to finish the walls. It’s a 2,000-mile border, and we’ve never quite been able to continue. We’ve got a wall of fence or somehow obstruct the entire 2,000-mile border. That will save manpower. It will save time and cost, and it will have an enormous deterrent effect.
The next couple of things are a little bit tricker. I think that whatever your status is, if you are sending money back to a foreign country from the United States that is singled out as a source of illegal immigration — Mexico, Latin America, for example — then the United States government should put a 10% to 20% tax on all the remittances. That would earn us up to maybe somewhere around $20 billion (per year). And that would also deter Mexico, to take one example, that depends on remittances as its largest source of foreign exchange — greater than tourism, greater than its oil revenues. And yet, so often the American taxpayer — state, local, and federal — through generous subsidies, free up the cash so that the illegal resident can send it back for social necessities that the Mexican government itself is responsible for, so we’re subsidizing everybody but ourselves.
I think it’s very important that we start looking at the countries that are the source of illegal immigration in terms of security. A Sudan, a Syria, terrorist countries that support, countries that support terrorism like Venezuela, the Middle East, especially Iran, Russia, as well.
Why would we let them send people here that we have no background checks, have not adjudicated their status? So, we should have a travel ban, an immediate deportation, and immediate consequences for the mother country that knowingly sends these people here. And that, too, would be a deterrent.
We’ve got to also look at anchor babies.
The 14th Amendment didn’t really ever say, as sometimes is alleged, that if you’re born in the United States, then you’re an automatic citizen. It says if you’re born in the United States, and not subject to the laws of another country. All the people coming, in some sense, are subject to the laws of another country. So, we have to redefine that, either through legislation or renewed attempt in the courts.
Europe, the Left always looks for guidance — 17 European countries don’t even allow it. And the other 13 or 14 have restrictions that qualify it. So, we’re the only country in the world that gives unqualified citizenship to people who happen to be born here and then anchor the entire family.
Why not also put a 10-20 year ban on people who have been detained here illegally and stop them from applying for a green card or legal readmissions for 20 years? That would be a powerful deterrent.
In other words, we would announce sometime in February and say, “We want all of you to know, all 12 million who came here during the Biden administration, to take the first iteration of cohort, you have 30 days to go back. If you do not go back to your country, and you are detained, arrested here in the United States, you will be deported, but you will not be given any chance to get a green card for 10 to 20 years,” depending on how the courts or legislation adjudicates it.
And finally, I think it’s time to look at how we deport people. The first 500,000 who have committed a crime, it will be no problem. There’s unanimous consent. They should be deported immediately. They’re wreaking havoc on the American population.
The next iteration, the 1.5 to 1.7 million people who have already gone through the system, they’ve been adjudicated, they fail to show up for the court hearings. Or they left detention when they were facing deportation. Those would be the next group that would face deportation.
The third group of people, as I said earlier, from terrorist countries or terrorist-supporting countries; no one is going to sympathize with their residents here.
The fourth group is a little tricker, but I think we could pretty easily find hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of able-bodied residents who are on public assistance and who have not been here five years. If you haven’t bee here five years, you came during the Biden open-borders era. You were on welfare of some sort, and you’re able to work. You should go back home.
That would leave a large group of people who have been here five years. They’ve never committed a crime. They’re not on public assistance. And they want to get a green card, not citizenship, a green card.
I think if we had won public opinion and support by deporting the most egregious offenders, say 10-12 million, then I think in a bipartisan fashion, we could work out a system for the law-abiding, the productive, and the long-residing American residents and allow them to pay a fine to recapture legality and stay in the United States.
It’s going to be a tough road to restore border security, because the prior administration didn’t believe in it. But I think now that the White House, the Senate, and the House are in Republican hands, it’s absolutely possible. It can be done rather quickly.
Thank you very much. I’m Victor Hanson for the Daily Signal.
Exit Day
Exit day is coming soon for all uninvited “guests” to the United States, also known as illegal aliens. As of now, the estimate is illegal aliens number something between 15 and 20 million persons; it could be more. Tom Homan will be the newly appointed Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency under President Donald J. Trump. His work is cut out for him.
The southern and northern borders of the United States are to be closed to illegal crossing the day Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America. Trump has promised existing immigration laws will be followed. Illegal aliens will be deported back to their country of origin. The United States cannot afford the hugely negative economic and social impact of the millions. Only legal immigration will be permitted.
In Indiana, our state Attorney General, Todd Rokita, deserves credit for steps he has taken involving illegal aliens. Rokita identified Indiana’s “Sanctuary Cities” and has held them to account with threatened legal action. In case you did not know what cities chose to be “Sanctuary” cities, they were Gary/Hammond, South Bend (Notre Dame), West Lafayette (Purdue), and Bloomington (Indiana University). Who would have guessed? Those would be good places for ICE to look.
There are others, though, that would be illegal alien hot spots. Those include Logansport, Delphi, and Frankfort. Logansport, for example, has said the population of that city has increased by about 30% in the past three years. The result has been a strain on schools, the hospital, housing, and various social services. And Logansport is not known for being an economic growth city. What it does have, though, are two meat processing plants: Tyson and Indiana Packers. In years past, there were already claims at Indiana Packers that illegal aliens were employed there causing wages to be kept down.
No doubt, there are other state hot spots for illegal aliens. Likely, Indianapolis is yet another good bet. As far as I know, there has not been any reporting of an estimate of illegal aliens transported to Indiana by the federal government under Biden’s policies.
We do know, too, that at one point our military Camp Atterbury housed more than 7,000 Afghan refugees; most of whom have left Indiana for guess where: California. There is another population of refugees in Indiana most of us know little or nothing about. Indiana is home to the largest Burmese refugee population in the United States with the majority, about 30,000, living in Indianapolis. Refugees are, by law and under International Treaty, residents in the US legally. However, refugees are not U.S. citizens, do get government financial assistance when arriving, and are a continuing drain on social services.
So, all policies involving immigration and/or refugees must be carefully analyzed and revised. This can only happen if we have US Senators and Congressional Representatives willing to do so. The United States cannot continue to be the destination of all around the world who want to come in. There are enough problems with our own homeless citizens, veterans, and destitute others that deserve U.S. resources over non-US citizens.
Lastly, maybe all foreign aid should end until we get our own country back on the right track. We are financially broke now and must face the fact.
Indiana Losers
This one is not going to be long. I am totally outraged at what just came out of the US Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision against President Trump. Its decision allowed Judge Juan Merchan and Alvin Bragg to pin the label of a “convicted felon” on President Trump. Trump is making the best of it in saying his case will be appealed to the New York Supreme Court, and, if needed, eventually to the US Supreme Court again.
The US Supreme Court should have taken the courageous step of throwing out the entire “Hush Money” case against Trump, but it did not. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett made the difference. Had they voted with the other conservative Justices, the vote would have been 6-3 in favor of Trump. The three liberal/Democrat Justices are lost causes on anything having to do with justice. They are woke.
The US Supreme Court was being asked to halt sentencing at least until higher courts hear his appeals claiming his conviction violates a legal doctrine, newly established by the US Supreme Court’s recent immunity ruling in favor of Trump.
So, the difference boils down to Justice Amy Coney Barrett and a weak Chief Justice John Roberts who blows in the wind. The one who should ashamed of herself is Barrett. But, I guess this should be of no surprise given she came from an academic background at Notre Dame in one of Indiana’s former Sanctuary cities, South Bend.
Come to think about it. Indiana has produced at least four total losers politically in the somewhat recent past. They are Pete Buttigieg (also from South Bend/Notre Dame country), VP Dan Quayle (Huntington), VP Mike Pence, and now Justice Amy Coney Barrett. There must be something in the water to produce these defects.
Trump is publicly upbeat, it seems. He believes he will win his case in the end. I hope and pray he is correct. As far as I am concerned, Bragg and Merchan et.al. should all be in jail. They have put our country at risk for their own petty political gain. And, maybe, Barrett should step down from the Supreme Court.
Who’s on First
The letter in the Kokomo Tribune on January 6th by residents concerning the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) and the Kokomo electric vehicle battery plants, StarPlus, points out several issues. The primary one may be the functioning of the IEDC in Indiana. This “Corporation” is a child of the Indiana General Assembly. The President of the Corporation is Indiana’s governor, now Governor Mike Braun. All of the board members are appointed by the governor alone.
This “quasi-private government” entity has a lot of power and can operate quietly with millions of dollars. That is, make decisions that seriously affect communities without full and open knowledge of all citizens therein well ahead of time. The Stellantis-Samsung StarPlus electric vehicle battery plants and the Jaewon plant in Kokomo are prime examples.
Now, late in the process, citizens are asking questions. There are questions about the available water supply, surface and underground, and what a draw of about 2.5 million gallons per day per battery plant might mean. The water needs of the Jaewon plant are not presently clear. There are claims the most recently released water shed study by the State of Indiana showing plenty of water is available is flawed.
There are questions about how waste water will be transported and handled and what chemicals such waste water will contain. A report is water used for cooling will be recycled. Water for industrial processes will be containerized and sent off site for treatment and not to the local waste water treatment plant. Water used for human waste will go to the local waste water treatment plant. Storm water off of buildings and parking lots will go to holding ponds, but there is a question as to whether the ponds will be lined to prevent leakage to ground water. Given the above, one must wonder why over 2 million gallons per day of utility provided water will be consumed.
We have already seen the expenditure of millions on the extension of a gas line to serve the battery plants which reportedly is to be paid for by the gas consumers. We have to wonder about what electricity needed and where it is to come from.
There is another company, Jaewon, that is building a plant next to the StarPlus plant. Jaewon is to handle certain chemical waste products from StarPlus. How much water will this operation require and what is to become of whatever products and/or wastes it will generate? Answers are not clear to the public. And now, there are questions about construction quality practices going on in the building of this plant. Reports are that shoddy workmanship has resulted in project shutdown at times by Kokomo Fire Department officials only to be overridden by some State agency. Reports are that complaints will be submitted to OSHA.
Unrelated to the battery plants, there was a proposal for a lithium electric battery plant nearby to store electricity for feeding back to the power grid in high demand times. It was denied so far due to serious safety concerns centered around possible lithium fires.
Cost numbers of all of these projects are in the billions with more to come. What is the cost per job generated? We already know at least a few hundred of the jobs at the battery plants will be held by Koreans, not US citizens. How many US citizens will actually be continually employed when all is done?
There is a residential and commercial development proposed just south of the battery plants and the Jaewon plant. Now, questions about the elevation of ground levels compared to the 100 year flood level were raised by the City Engineer. The development has been put on hold. There is land requested for rezoning to intensive industrial zoning for Jaewon immediately adjacent north to the land with elevation questions. How about the Jaewon land? Is it, too, of insufficient elevation above the 100 year flood height? What restrictions may be the result?
Finally, there is yet another $7 billion in loans either offered or already taken down related to the battery plants. It appears billions and billions of dollars are being risked in the development of all projects related to the EV battery plants. This is at a time when President Trump may well terminate the mandates of the Biden administration regarding electric vehicles.
Our new governor and the Indiana General Assembly need to take a careful look at the IEDC and what it has done here and elsewhere in Indiana.
Let Wind Blow & Sun Shine?
The headline in the article in the Kokomo Tribune on December 14th said, “Facing looming energy shortage, Indiana utilities slowly adopt battery storage”. In October 2024, the Kokomo Planning Board turned down a application from Spearmint Energy to build a battery storage system station on approximately 25 acres of now farm land near the intersection of Lincoln and Goyer Roads. Spearmint Energy said they would reapply in six months.

Citizens objected. The “No” vote was 9-0. The Tribune article said citizen concerns centered around the possibility of one or more of the batteries catching fire posing a safety risk to buildings and residents nearby. This has happened elsewhere. The article pointed out lithium ion battery fires are notoriously difficult to extinguish as the salts in the batteries are self-oxidizing, which means they cannot be “starved out” by traditional fire fighting methods. That and lithium battery fires release toxic gases including hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. These gases can cause severe respiratory distress, skin burns, eye irritation, and even death.
But what is all the push for electric battery storage for in the first place? The reason shouts! The demand for more and more electricity supply is on the increase. And electricity is not something one can store up at home or in an office space or a data center or factory. The demand is instantaneous and the supply must be there then, not later.
On the other hand, electric utilities have been closing down traditional power generating plants, many of which were coal fired. They have been depending more and more upon unpredictable generating like wind mills and solar panels; neither of which can be depended upon continuously. Locally, look at the wind mills in Tipton County and the to-be solar fields in Howard County and Cass County. The answer to lack of instant electricity seems to be build large battery electric storage facilities that can feed electricity back to the power grid when demand is high and instant generating capacity cannot meet the demand. This looks a lot like a huge band aid solution.
We need an updated electric power grid to deliver electricity. We need full time dependable, instantaneous electricity generating capacity to meet demand; not battery storage band aids. We need utility companies to build new or refurbish old generation plants powered by dependable full time energy sources. Does this mean coal and natural gas….or, perhaps, nuclear plants? YES. Those until a better solution emerges. Wind and solar sources will not do.
We need to get off of the fascination with wind and solar farms. Neither are efficient or cost effective. Neither are dependable full time. Both start deterioration from the day they become operational. Time to rethink.
The Rest of the Story
There was a radio newsman long ago, Paul Harvey, that ended his daily broadcast with a saying: “And now you know the Rest of the Story.” The problem in Kokomo is we don’t know the rest of the story.

One has to wonder who thought it a good idea to bring a huge EV battery plant or two to Kokomo. Was it the Indiana General Assembly or the Indiana Economic Development Corporation or Stellantis and Samsung…. Or who? Who was it that brought a large diameter gas pipeline down Highway 35 from the Logansport area and north to Kokomo to serve two EV battery plants? Who was it?
And who was it that bought up large numbers of private properties at highly elevated prices, many of which were personal residences and most of which were highly fertile agriculture lands? And who was it that benefited financially from these purchases? And where did all the money come from and go?
And who was it that promised as many as 1,400 jobs per battery plant or 2,800 for two plants only to have it turn out that 700 of 1400 or 1400 of 2800 of those jobs would be for imported Koreans who would work for a time, then be recycled back to Korea? The result is the cost per job for US citizens is through the roof.
And who is it that did the planning for the operation of the EV battery plants? What materials would be inputs? Are any toxic and dangerous? What electricity is needed and where is that to come from? And maybe most importantly, what water is needed. It has been reported that over 2.5 million gallons of water per plant will be required. Where is that to come from? The excess availability of both surface and ground water to serve one plant let along two plants appears not to be available. The Indiana American Water Company is already casting about for one or more additional well drilling sites. What effect is to be expected on the water table below us? Has this been analyzed? There are already plumes of contaminated water underground from past industry such as Continental Steel Corp and General Motors operations. EPA remediation is ongoing.
Where is the water for proposed commercial and residential development to come from? We see expansion of all sorts of residential areas, hotels, meeting centers, and stores proposed everywhere around Kokomo.
What products are to be produced from the battery plants? Where are they to be shipped or stored? What waste products will result as well? Are any toxic or poisonous? What is to be come of the 2.5 million gallons of water per day required? Word has it that it is to be processed by our local Waste Water Treatment plant which is primarily designed for treating human waste, not industrial waste water. And how is that water to get from the battery plants to the treatment plant? Word has it that existing sewer lines are not adequate to handle such load on a daily basis. And what toxins or chemicals, if any are in the waste water? How would any be handled?
Why is there proposed a waste recycling plant near the battery plant as a separate company and operation? What waste and what toxic chemicals are to be handled and/or required? What is the final destination of waste? The Kokomo Plan Commission just recommended to the City Council the rezoning of a parcel to high intensity industrial zoning to add to land already zoned that for a waste recycling facility without concern about whether such land was suitable for such use. Word has it that there is exposure to potential ground water contamination from such use of this particular land.
And we know that there recently was turned down a proposed electric battery storage operation to be located east of the Lincoln Road and Goyer Road area due to concerns about safety of such a facility. Word has it the company will be back in six months with a new request.
Finally, a mention of the Engie Emerald Green solar panel farm is called for. The Drainage Board continued a vote for the water drainage plan that was submitted late. More incompetent planning, it seems, for a project that will begin to deteriorate the day it is put into operation. And it turns out Engie revised the proposed grading of 350 acres of fertile top soil to 17 acres after objection from Greg Lake, the county surveyor and stormwater administrator for the Howard County Stormwater District.
Both the approved solar fields and the approved EV battery plants appear to be hysterical moves and totally incompetently planned projects focused around the Biden mandates for so-called passive electricity and electric vehicles. What accompanies both is financial greed and power on the part of the State of Indiana, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, local officials and others. It is likely President Trump will pick a different direction.
The bottom line is we do not know the “Rest of the Story”. That will unfold in days to come. My prediction is that more and more incompetency will be revealed and more and more greed and seeking of power will come to light. Considering all, there is a deep concern our county may become unlivable. That would be the “Rest of the Story”.
The Fourth Estate
In the early 1800’s, the term, “The Fourth Estate”, was coined in reference to a free and unfettered press. The first three “Estates” are the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the government. The Fourth Estate was seen as the last of the four cornerstones that uphold a free and democratic society. The recognition of the vital need to have and guarantee a free press was written into the Constitution by our country’s Founders.

Axiomatic to the exercise of a free press must be the reciprocal element of responsibility to the people. The public’s right to know is to be carried out by that free press. This principle has stood the test of time from the beginning of our Republic until the present day; but not without periods of failure.
In New York City over 100 years ago, the term “Yellow Journalism” came into being as a result of the battle between the New York Journal and the New York World for increased circulation. Critics attacked both newspapers for building circulation based upon sex, violence and crime sprinkled with emotionalism, inaccuracies, and exaggerations.
We seem to be in a period of resurgence of yellow journalism. Today’s yellow journalism finds fertile ground in would-be or pseudo journalists whose motives have little to do with social conscience, disclosure of injustice, uncovering wrong doing or giving voice to the voiceless. Rather these journalists-in-name only are self-seekers whose motives involve pride, profit, power and a practice of abusing the standards of journalism. Today’s journalists, particularly those of the electronic media, are becoming entertainers, celebrities and spokespersons for the rich and powerful. In short, they have failed the people.
The firewall that used to exist between news and editorials has either faded or completely broken down. Whatever the medium, what distinguishes the best from the rest is the quality of objectivity and completeness in covering news combined with a clear, sharp line between news and opinion. In television, the distinction has disappeared completely. Advocacy reporting has become the norm. Ratings have become supreme.
The print media, newspapers and magazines, have not faired much better. The consolidation of ownership from many thousands of independently owned publications to fewer and fewer media groups or giants has made the profit motive supreme; not the telling of thoughtful, deep, complete, and accurate stories upon which the public depends.
Too many contemporary journalists, in a rush to be first in print or on air that has to do more with personal prestige than with informing the public, have overlooked two basic journalistic rules: 1) find a second, confirming source, and 2) check, check, and then recheck…. Then give the whole story as objectively as humanly possible to the public. The media owes the public an abiding sense of fairness and responsibility. A free press is only as good, and as durable, as its performance.
We are now in the early years of a new era: that of the Internet dissemination of news. Traditional media have an increasing presence there, but the real ground swell is from thousands who have chosen to communicate with their fellows what their own eyes have seen and ears have heard. They have as well chosen to express their own opinions about what they have seen and heard. We have another chance now to try to get it right. A free society feeds on an informed citizenry, not on talking or blogging heads broadcasting an undifferentiated mix of news and opinion.
Real, professional journalism is the effort to help the reader know the difference between fact and fiction. This requires a pledge to follow established practices of good journalism. This requires a pledge to state as clearly as possible what is believed to be verified fact verses a writer’s opinion or information that cannot be independently confirmed
We know the notion that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; and surely that will continue to be true where information freedom is concerned. The formal press and now the one person who transmits information to others must stand responsible — which is to say professional, conscientious, discreet, fair, and accurate. The health of our nation depends upon an accurately informed public. The right of the people to know must be a sacred pledge.
(The above largely from USFEVA.ORG; an organization no longer existing.)
Election Won
The election is over, but the fight continues…. and will. Yes, Donald Trump trounced Kamala Harris for the Presidency. The Democrats are in melt-down with many now plotting to sabotage the Trump administration whenever possible.
Republicans won the US Senate and US House majorities as well, but we learn now that Democrats and RINOs are maneuvering to block the Trump agenda when they can. The swamp rot did not and will not accept the will of the people.

In the Electoral College, 270 votes are needed for the majority and win. Trump earned 312 votes and Harris earned 226 votes at last count. The message is crystal clear. Even the popular vote was overwhelming won by Trump by the millions.
Now recently, there was an announcement by Democrat governors of states they will not support the deportation of illegal aliens as Trump has promised. They will not allow local or state law enforcement to help identify nor take into custody illegal aliens in direct contradiction to federal law enforcement about immigration. The answer: move as many illegal aliens as possible to those states and shut off any federal funds to them. Then we shall see what happens.
Even in the city of New York there has been change. The Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, has already announced there will be an end to rent vouchers for illegal aliens in his city. This was announced after the election results were clear.
Trump will have enforcement power in the form of who will get funding for what. The immigration laws of the United States of America are clear. Crossing the border of the US illegally is a crime. Those that cross are criminals by definition under the law. And, frankly, I suspect governors who subvert immigration law by direct actions are aiding and abetting criminals.
In Congress, we have learned Republican Majority leader Mitch McConnell is up to his tricks. He has called for a secret election to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 13th, to select the next leader of the Senate. Two of the three candidates he has selected are anti-Trump Republicans. I have to wonder how McConnell can procedurally do anything until the new Senate has been seated with several new Senators coming. McConnell and Trump do not get along. McConnell is a swamp creature that needs to go along with many, many others.
The swamp is and will be fighting back. It will not go peacefully into the sunset. President Biden has announced the transition to the new administration will be a peaceful one, but we have to wonder. The pressure will rise as inauguration day approaches. And, honestly, I have to wonder if Joe Biden really wanted Trump to win the election in the first place given how he was dumped by Democrats.
Democrat crying towels are out and the whaling by the liberal media is sorrowful. No sympathy from here. The fight is on for the saving of the United States of America.