The Kokomo Tribune July 27th page one headline: “Brainstorming ways to boost population”. I read that and thought, “Why?”.
The article said we are in for tough days ahead if our population does not grow. It said we are making less babies and then not keeping them. It said more people mean more income going to local retailers and services, and more tax revenue to fund local government. More… more… more!
I am wondering if anyone or any group has taken a step back to think about what an optimum population size for Kokomo and Howard County is? Or is the goal to grow population, housing, concrete, roads, sewers, schools, shopping centers, restaurants and more without any upper limit? Do we want Kokomo and Howard County to eventually be wall-to-wall people, concrete, and bricks and mortar? Has anyone thought about this?
I, for one, think Kokomo is just fine at its present number of people. I don’t want there to be more and more and more. I don’t want there to be loss of more and more of the richest farmland on the planet. I don’t want there to be loss of open space and country side. I don’t want there to be more and more traffic on roads.
What I do want is for Kokomo and Howard County to concentrate on improving the quality of life for people who do live here. I want higher paying jobs and education opportunities for Kokomo residents. I do want parks and open spaces and recreation opportunities and all the perks of life that are icing on the cake. I want no one to go hungry or be without a home. I want all our people to have access to good health care.
So, there are many worthwhile goals for our community without never ending population growth being one of them. Think about it.