Is Tren De Aragua Coming

If the words, Tren De Aragua, are meaningless to you, you need to pay attention. Tren De Aragua is a transnational criminal empire of Venezuelans that has, since 2021, infiltrated the United States of America. Aurora, Colorado, is the most recent city affected that has hit national news.

Tren De Aragua took advantage of the large-scale migration of Venezuelans across South America to evolve from a notorious prison gang into a transnational criminal empire establishing its presence abroad from about 2018. They, reportedly, did not exist in the United States until about 2021 and that came due primarily to the open US southern border.

Now it is reported this gang has spread to 15 US states including Indiana. Indianapolis is one of the cities now to have Tren De Aragua activity. Given what has happened to Aurora, Colorado; all communities in North Central Indiana must be on alert.

What prompted the formation of Tren De Aragua in the first place was the collapse of the Venezuelan economy followed by the fleeing of over 3 million Venezuelans out of the country from 2017 to 2018. The gang went into the people smuggling business. They began offering package deals to people escaping which provided transportation, accommodation, and food for whatever the entire journey was to be. Early on this was to be to Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

With the wide open southern US border, the gang has expanded into human and sex trafficking and drug smuggling into the USA. In our country, other cases have involved crimes like burglary or robbery. In Aurora, CO, the forceful take over of real estate developments marked another of the criminal enterprises of Tren De Aragua.

Most recently, we have learned Tren De Aragua is a state sponsored terrorist organization of the Venezuelan government against the United States of America. The goal is to destabilize our country via what is called “asymmetrical” warfare. So, alert we all must be.

Any suspicious criminal activity must be reported as early as possible to law enforcement. Tren De Aragua must not be allowed to take root in our communities. Indianapolis is not that far away.


We are told that now we have something between 10 million and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States, a part of whom are criminals. Donald Trump, if elected President again, has promised a mass deportation effort will take place. The numbers are breath taking. He frequently talks about the criminal element being rounded up and deported, but does not say much about others, the majority.

The others need to be talked about. There are ways to encourage self deportation back to home countries for people who have come into the United States illegally and, therefore, are criminals by definition under US immigration law.

What can be done? First, stop any monthly stipends being handed out. And, no more rent vouchers, subsidized housing eligibility, and no more eligibility for mortgages. And on we go — no welfare payments, no Medicare or Medicaid, no eligibility for Social Security, and no eligibility for any US tax payer supported benefits.

No more free medical services except for true emergencies. Our hospitals and health care systems are being highly stressed. Just one recent example came from Logansport. Dozens of cases of Tuberculosis have been reported. This emphasizes the fact diseases not significant in the US are being brought in my illegal aliens given no health screening.

And one highly important step is to require all employers use E-Verify to determine if a person is legally eligible to work in the United States. The claim by a huge percentage of illegal aliens, when asked, is they came looking for employment. Non-citizens without a Green Card or certain Visas are not eligible for employment in the United States. The responsibility for determining eligibility for work falls on the employer given the large cash economy in our country. Employers who circumvent work eligibility requirements for workers must be severely held accountable.

Taking all of these steps will result in significant self deportation of illegal aliens. It will reduce stress on all social services including schools, health care, housing, and more.

Other steps that should be taken. Local law enforcement agencies should be required to cooperate and support efforts by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency). So-called “Sanctuary Cities” must be ended. To his credit, our Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita, is already taking steps to end these in Indiana…. and there were at least three publicly known about.

We must take our country back. People who want to come into the United States to work and live must come in legally. The United States has always welcomed legal immigrants who will benefit the country and not be or become a burden on it. The United States has always welcomed people who will pledge allegiance to the United States Constitution and live under established law. Just running across a border of the United States is not acceptable.

Our borders must once again become impenetrable allowing only legal immigration.

A Vote for Trump

A Substack writer, Kevin Sorbo, posted what follows when asked why he is voting for Trump. He says he is not voting just for Trump, but for……..

I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I’m voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back on the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world — to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country. I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not look after the needs of the American citizens.
I’m voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this country to give the American people their freedoms.
I’m voting for the unborn babies that have the right to live.
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I’m voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I’m not just voting for one person. I’m voting for the future of my Country.
I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.”

I say…… AMEN! and add…..

I’m voting for keeping men out of women’s sports.
I’m voting for ending the transgender fiasco. Can’t biologically happen.
I’m voting for the return of all illegal aliens to their countries of origin.

Kamala’s Katrina

The stories and pictures coming out of the southeastern part of the United States are horrific and terrifying. Hurricane Helene was more than catastrophic, but what is even more is the incredible lack of immediate response to human need and suffering by the United States government.

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was supposed to be ready to aid at a moment’s notice. It was not and is not. FEMA is the responsibility of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. After Hurricane Helene hit the United States, Biden spent days on the breach and Kamala was busy raising money for her campaign. FEMA was no where to be found. Given the condition of Biden who appears can barely fully function, the bulk of the responsibility rests right in the lap of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Now we hear stories that private citizens who did respond are being prevented from helping. We are hearing stories that the National Guard and US Army troop and resources are being hampered or have not been given proper orders to move ahead. What is happening is at the least totally incompetent but bordering on criminal.

We hear now that FEMA has a lack of money. The story is that FEMA does not have enough funds to be able to respond to another hurricane or natural disaster. We know now that billions of dollars allocated to FEMA have been used up to provide for illegal aliens. They have gotten transportation, cash, cell phones, and housing. Funds have been depleted to the point of not having enough to help our own citizens.

Kamala comes in and offers $750 in aid to people who have lost everything. And people have to sign up to even get that paltry amount of aid. The problem is there is little way for people to even sign up.

We hear of all communications systems being destroyed. No cell phones and no Internet available. Power and lines down. Response came from action by President Donald Trump and Elon Musk with Starlink. But, now we hear that the government is taking Starlink down. Trump, as a private citizen, came quickly with aid and has given $25 million of his own money. He and Samaritan’s Purse under the leadership of Franklin Graham are and have been there with help.

Biden, Harris, Mayorkas (Homeland Security Secretary), and FEMA Adminstrator Deanne Criswell must go. They are all either totally incompetent or guilty of criminal neglect. Given the areas most affected by Hurricane Helene, one has to wonder if politics comes into the picture. Many of the areas most affected are heavy Republican politically.

In this time of huge domestic need for citizens of our country, we are reminded as well of the billions of dollars that have been diverted to Ukraine by the Biden administration. Dollars that are needed at home.

We are reminded as well of the response by the Bush administration to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Bush had Michael Brown at the head of FEMA. Brown had been the Judges and Stewards Commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association for 12 years before joining FEMA where he was promoted to FEMA Administrator in 2003. He resigned 18 days after Katrina hit New Orleans. Maybe it is time for Criswell and Mayorkas to do the same.

United States citizens are hurting and crying out for help. US government should have been ready and was not. Those responsible must go.

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

The New York Times has once again shown itself in a recent column by writer Jennifer Szalai. One cannot read the original column in the NYT without paying for it. This is something I sure will not do given the history of the NYT. Up front, I am depending upon an in depth review of the Szalai column by others.

It seems Szalai believes the US Constitution is a danger to the country and a threat to democracy. Even that kind of thinking shows her stupidity. So, I did a bit of research. I learned Szalai was educated in Canada and Great Britain. This should tell you a lot already. Then I read she is a reviewer of non-fiction books. Maybe she should stick to that.

If she is going to be critical of the US Constitution, maybe she should bone up on some US history. The Founders of our country never intended it to be a “Democracy”. It was structured as a Republic. There are major differences built in. The Founders intended for the Federal Government to be limited in scope and the country never to be governed by a simple majority of the population. This is clearly evidenced by the creation of Congress in two parts: the House of Representatives that reflects population and the Senate that represents equally the states and not population. The Electoral College that selects the President reflects a combination of the number of Representatives and of Senators. It stops rule by the masses and gives significant political power to States equally….. The United States of America. How incredibly wise and cleaver.

This will not change. It is built into the Constitution. Any change would have to come by amendment to the Constitution; a process that is detailed and difficult to accomplish. Any amendment must first be passed by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress and then approved by three-fourths of the legislative bodies of all 50 states; that’s 38 states. To make the change from the Electoral College to a simple majority vote for the President of the United States will not happen…… ever. The less populated states have the power to stop any such move and would. The Founders purposefully structured government, a Republic, this way.

Szalai also does not like the Supreme Court structure with President Donald Trump having appointed three of the current Justices. Again, she clearly does not understand United States government. Those three were approved by the US Senate as required by the Constitution. Trump did not have the power to appoint Justices by himself. Szalai, along with so-called Progressives, just does not like some of the current rulings by the Court. Too bad. There were rulings in the past that displeased Democrats and others that displeased Republicans. The structure of the Supreme Court with majority approval by US Senate required to be seated and the appointments to be lifetime do much to prevent manipulation of the Court makeup by one political party or another.

So, it appears the Founders of the Constitution knew a little more about what they intended for this country to be than that of Jennifer Szalai. She needs to return to reviewing books.

Klamath River: Free Flowing Once Again

The Yurok Tribe
190 Klamath Blvd
Klamath CA 95548

Dear Ones:

Miracles do happen, but in the case of the Klamath River and dam removal, it depended upon the years of dedication to river restoration by the Yurok Tribe. I have to tell you that when I read all about what has been accomplished to give life back to all of the fish species, particularly the salmon, whose existence depends upon a free flowing Klamath River, it brought tears to my eyes.

Fish are special to me. My doctorate at Purdue had sturgeon as my focus for research. Before that were catfish and medaka. Fish, indeed, are incredible creatures from our Creator to be treasured and husbanded.

My wife, Marcia, is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Michigan. They have a history of deep relationship with the fish of the Great Lakes, as you may well know. Their work and dedication to preserving the lakes and streams and the fisheries associated with them has been rewarding to see as well.

When I read the mission statement of the Yurok Tribe on line, one can hope that someday all will adopt the philosophy of your Tribe. Earth and all therein are, indeed, sacred.

So, I deeply thank you for what you have accomplished. I wish you all the best for the future.


Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.

Failed Secret Service

The failures of the US Secret Service nearly got President Donald J Trump killed. It was only by the Grace of God that Trump turned his head to just the right angle that the bullet meant to kill him just grazed the side of his head. The failures that day at Butler, PA, were nearly catastrophic.

Later, we learned the Secret Service protective detail for Trump was grossly under staffed and incompetent. We learned many of those assigned to protect Trump that day were not Secret Service protective agents but rather agents from the Department of Homeland Security that had effectively no training as protective agents. The failures were so egregious many now think they were intentional.

Then yesterday, 9/5/224, when listening to the Dan Bongino radio show, I heard more. Dan, in case you do not know, was a Secret Service agent for more than a decade and was even an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academy in Beltsville, MD.. He spent several years assigned to the Presidential Protection Division. SS whistle blowers have the ear of Bongino.

Bongino reported that the day before yesterday the Republican nominee for Vice President, J.D. Vance, had an event where, properly staffed by the Secret Service, there were 35 posts to be manned. The whistle blower reported in fact there were only 4 Secret Service agents there with the remaining 31 posts manned by untrained Department of Homeland Security agents. Yet another scenario asking for disaster. Intentional? Who knows?

Bongino is highly critical of particularly the upper echelon of Secret Service management. He says the agency has been under staffed for a decade or more. He says even if corrective action is taken and new agents hired, it would take up to 2 years to get correction accomplished given the training required. All of this falls under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who has proven to either be totally incompetent or intentionally so. Just look at what has been going on at the southern border under the leadership of Mayorkas.

There are those who want Trump dead. There are those who want Vance dead. The real question is who is responsible for keeping both protected from harm. Are they doing their job or are they intentionally lax? That question needs an answer.

Many of us want Eric Prince, former Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater, a private security firm, years ago to come back. In testimony before the US Congress, Prince said at one point he had 3500 employees that over years provided tens of thousands of protective assignments around the world without one protectee loss or harm. From 1997 to 2010, Blackwater was awarded $2 billion in government security contracts for both unclassified services and classified ones. Clearly the Secret Service could learn from Blackwater experience and from Eric Prince.

Now, given the state of the US Secret Service, about all we as citizens can do is pray for the safety of all political office holders and candidates. Do.

KT & Illegal Immigration

I am not sure why, but the Kokomo Tribune seems to have come down editorially and from a news standpoint on the side of illegal immigration. The recent front page story about a family from Venezuela now in Kokomo and an editorial on August 30th critical of Hoosier citizens in Seymour resisting the creation of a “Welcome Center” for illegal aliens suggests just that — in favor of illegal immigration.

Clearly, the Kokomo Tribune and by reference its parent company, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc, don’t get it. Crossing the border of the United States of America is a crime according to US laws. It does not matter what the conditions are in home countries. There is a legal way into the United States and there are illegal ways. I am all for welcoming people who have come the legal way on the the path to either temporary residency or perhaps ultimately to citizenship. I am totally against illegal immigration.

I repeat, obviously, the KT does not get it. It is now estimated there is something between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens now in this country. For comparison, the population of Indiana total is about 6.8 million. Illegal aliens are taking away from resources sorely needed to care of US citizens. For example…. schools, health care, jobs, housing and even other financial benefits; all from taxpayer money. Even in Kokomo, I see the presence of homeless people that badly need help.

The Indiana Attorney General has recently gone after three “Sanctuary Cities” in our state. One was in the Gary area, one in Lafayette/West Lafayette, and one in Bloomington. At last count, only one remains; the one in Bloomington. The other two have rescinded sanctuary city designation and actions. Indiana should have zero sanctuary cities.

One can feel sorry for folks in other countries that live under seriously adverse conditions. This does not mean the United States must become the destination for all who want to escape where they live for whatever reason…. particularly if it means crossing into the United States illegally. The citizens of our country are already in stress given the state of our economy under the nearly four years of the Biden administration. We don’t need more stress created by the presence of illegal aliens and the additional burdens they bring on.

I hope the Kokomo Tribune will support the immigration laws of the United States. Unless I am missing something, it currently does not.

At It Again

Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is at it again. She has introduced a bill in the US Senate with a price tag of $550 Billion to fund the construction of new housing for low and middle income folks. And where is the money going to come from? Natural, raising taxes. In this case, she wants to re-institute estate (death) taxes including raising them above where they were before.

This is yet another crazy and unjust move by a liberal to penalize those who have accumulated wealth. She does not recognize that the dollars or value in an estate have already been taxed through income tax and sometimes through capital gains taxes. She wants to tax the dead for their success yet again.

What is the result? In the past we have seen families lose farms or have to sell off farmland to pay estate taxes. We have seen families lose businesses that have been built through entrepreneurial efforts because they had to be sold to raise money for estate taxes.

I can offer a first hand experience. I had family members that owned a daily newspaper in our town. It was a very successful newspaper in the day when newspapers were valued and sought after. But we had several elderly owners that did not have significant other assets beyond the value held by their share of ownership in the newspaper. That paper had to be sold to satisfy the payment of estate taxes. The family lost ownership that had been built by a single family member beginning in 1897 and passed down through a couple of generations later. Again, income had been produced by this newspaper through the decades and income taxes paid all along.

What Warren is proposing is about as unfair as it gets. Accumulated wealth and pay taxes along the way through effort and success and then get taxed again when you die and want your family to be able to carry on with benefit from your efforts. Think about it.

Warren has again shown her socialist/communist colors. Fortunately, this bill if approved by the Senate, and a companion bill introduced in the House by Democrat Emanuel Cleaver will never seen the time of day in the US House of Representatives as long as Republicans have a majority.

So, we have one more reason to take back the Senate, increase the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, and take back the White House in the coming election.

Known by Many Names

Vice President Kamala Harris has been known by many names: Crazy Kamala, Cackling Kamala, Senator Kamala, District Attorney Kamala, CA Attorney General Kamala, Border Czar Kamala, and more. But the best one I have heard came from her days in California when she was climbing the political ladder with the help of Willie Brown, her 30 year older lover and political heavy weight. That was “Headboard Harris”.

The other I like the best is “Cackling Kamala”. I swear when she gets into that hysterical laughing, she looks much like the Joker in the Batman series.

So, now we have what appears to be the chosen one, but not elected, Democrat running for President of the United States in the coming 2024 November election. Harris has not yet been crowned with the official nomination of the Democrat Party, but she is headed in that direction with the Democrat Party Convention coming soon. To secure the nomination, she will need to steal the delegates that were pledged to Joe Biden through primary elections in the states. Harris has not a single vote from anyone in any state in an election for the nominee for President. That does not matter though. The Democrat Party bosses will see her through.

Actually, it is not clear if there will be any Democrat Convention physically in Chicago. They have talked about doing the Convention virtually with no one showing up in town. Whatever the case, Kamala Harris for President is a total sham. Joe Biden was sidelined by his own party against his will, clearly. Yes, Joe should not have run for another term, but he should have gracefully bowed out long before he did leaving the nomination field open for others with a nomination to be completed the legitimate and legal way. Did not happen. What has happened is clearly a coup.

The record shows there is no one farther left politically than Kamala Harris. When she was in the US Senate representing California, she was named the most liberal (Socialist/Communist) person in the Senate. Before that, she was a nightmare of a District Attorney in San Francisco and as California Attorney General. Check her record beginning as a D.A. in California through her time in the US Senate and lastly as Vice President. Now it appears there is an ongoing attempt to remake her image into a moderate Democrat, but her record is clear and scary.

In her campaign, Harris has already pulled the race card. She went directly to a traditionally black sorority, Zeta Phi Beta, in Indianapolis at their biennial convention to ask for support from black women. This was her second speaking stop as the Democrat presumptive Presidential candidate. She shunned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the joint session of Congress on the same day. This as Vice President of the United States and President of the US Senate. This was a clear message to Israel who is in a fight for their very existence.

The next months are going to define the course of the United States of America. Get informed and make the right choice. Are you better off now than you were four years ago under President Donald J Trump?