January 6th in D.C.

I read with disgust the column by Brian Howey concerning the events at the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021. I read distortion, fiction, and omission of key information.

Let’s start at the top. The Democrats are calling what happened at the Capitol an “insurrection”. There were literally tens of thousands of folks in Washington to support President Trump over a stolen, fraudulent election. If those folks wanted to institute an “insurrection”, there was grossly inadequate security at the Capitol to stop them. Speaker Nancy Pelosi saw to that. She stopped any proper security preparation fully knowing ahead there were some to be there to cause trouble.

President Trump admonished the tens of thousands of supporters to go to the Capitol and peacefully protest any acceptance of the Electoral College results given the wide spread indication of fraud in state after state. Vice President Mike Pence had the opportunity to delay any acceptance by the Congress for a couple of weeks. There was precedent. He cowardly chose not to do that.

Then we have Officer Daniel Hodges calling those who “breached” the US Capitol “terrorists”. If there were terrorists, it will come out they were not Trump supporters but likely rather of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter or other fascist supporting group. When he was asked why police didn’t use guns, he said there were, “thousands of terrorists…. Only hundreds of us”. What he did not say was that there were never any….. repeat, any….. guns found on anyone at the Capitol. The only gun used was to kill unarmed Ashli Babbit by a Capitol policeman.

There are reports that the Capitol police escorted some into the buildings; invited them in. What was that all about….. “Insurrection”. I don’t think so. At this point we do not know many details because the hundreds of hours of surveillance video tapes have not been released to the public. I wonder why.

And then we have Representative Jim Banks and Representative Jim Jordan thrown off of the Congressional Committee by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Committee is supposed to find answers about January 6th. The motive to dump Banks and Jordan is blatantly obvious. She does not want any on the Committee that will ask tough questions. The Republicans that remain are RINOs Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Who would guess?

Finally and most egregiously, we have hundreds of political prisoners being held without bail in Washington jails. They are there for now over 6 months without court appearances, adequate access to attorneys, or visitors. Even members of Congress have been barred from seeing into these prisons to check on conditions or talk with any who are being held. This is itself Constitutional violation and the work of the Biden administration.

It is time to release all video tapes of events of January 6th. It is time to hear the stories of those being held as political prisoners. It is time to know all of the truth about both events on November 3rd and on January 6th….. that is unless we are now under a dictatorship.

Covid 19 Jabawoky

Do you hear that knock at your door? It might be the Jabawoky Police. President Biden is putting together a push to get everyone in the USA vaccinated for Covid-19 by a door-to-door campaign that will ask you if you have been vaccinated. If not, the pressure will be on. Roll up your sleeve.

Do you wonder about the Covid-19 vaccines? I did and do.

It goes like this. Traditional vaccines involve introducing to the body a degraded version of the disease causing antigen (virus or germ). The degraded version is enough to trigger our immune system to construct antibodies which attach to the disease particle identifying it as disease. Warrior cells take over and wipe out the disease particle(s). There are memory cells that are on alert for future infections. First sign … full alert and the disease is stopped in its tracks. The immune system was ready for the enemy.

Now along comes Covid-19, Science uses a completely different approach to getting the human immune system on alert and ready to fight. It does not use a degraded or debilitated virus particle to alert our immune system. Rather science has found a way to get our own cells to manufacture a particle (protein) like one found in the C-19 virus. The presence of that particle is enough to trigger an immune response. The cells that create antibodies are triggered into action to create the antibodies needed. The rest of the immune system action is as usual for an immune response. Hopefully, memory cells will maintain alert status but the length of that “memory” is currently unknown.

So, the experimental vaccines are making our own cells create particles identified as disease particles which causes, then, our immune system to crank up to destroy a disease particle made by our own cells. Got it!

The question I have is who regulates this system never used before for a vaccine. Once our cells begin cranking out the disease protein associated with the virus, what regulates it and when does it stop? No one knows the answer to this. Will the disease particle production system be incorporated into our DNA? Will it stay active forever cranking out disease particles resulting in a perpetual immune response? What happens when a similar but different variant of a virus comes along? Massive response? Who knows?

Scientists do not know these answers, but from all indications this is a road not traveled before for a vaccine. The vaccines are labeled experimental by the FDA at this point. Long term testing has not been done so long term results, perhaps unintended consequences, are not known.

Sydney Powell, a well known attorney, reported in an interview that there has been over 6,000 deaths by vaccine and over 35,000 people suffering other detrimental health issues caused by a vaccine.

I believe big Pharma prefers vaccine use over effective therapeutics, and there are several. Vaccines are where the money is.

So, get a vaccine or not. You have to make that choice. I will not be.

Kokomo’s LGBTQ+ Pride Day

By declaration, Kokomo Mayor Tyler Moore has designated June 28th annually to be LGBTQ+ Pride Day in Kokomo. Why? Is there going to be a companion Straight Pride Day?

We hear a lot about “Rights” from the folks that identify with the LGBTQ+ labels (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-gender, Queer, and ?). This country is one of laws. There are all sorts of laws that protect the rights of everyone, so I am unclear about what “Rights” are being denied.

And I do not understand why those of the LGBTQ+ community feel a need to flaunt publicly their preferences for romance and sexual pleasures. Seems a bit strange to me.

Maybe we need a brief lesson in biology. There are only two genders for humans; male and female. That is it. Gender is determined for an individual at the moment of conception. On a genetic level, males have an X and a Y chromosome (DNA packages) and females have two X chromosomes; period. These pairs of chromosomes, XY or XX, are present in every cell of one’s body. That cannot be changed or altered. One is either male or female for a lifetime regardless of what outward physical alterations are surgically done or hormone treatments are administered.

Male and female throughout biology exist for the primary purpose of procreation; that is, creating the next generation. In our society, it is most common for a family to be formed consisting of one man and one woman committed to each other romantically and sexually with their children being cared for, loved, and nurtured to adulthood. This is strongly embedded in religious traditions.

All other romantic and sexual preferences are not from gender genetics but have more to do with attitudes and beliefs. Other adult pairings can be loving and nurturing to each other and even to children, but they cannot procreate. Individuals are certainly free to choose whatever they wish romantically and sexually as long as those choices do not infringe on others.

One issue in the forefront presently is that of trans-genders which is most frequently about one who is genetically male (XY) who wants to be considered female (XX); not the other way around. Genetically, not going to happen. And there is no case for genetic males to do anything surgically or hormonally to allow them to compete athletically with genetic females (XX). XY genetics produces different bone and muscle structure than does XX genetics. And there is no case for XY males to share locker rooms or bathrooms with XX females.

And the military. There is no case for taxpayers to pay for trans-gender medical changes. That is a personal choice that should be the financial responsibility of the person, not the military via taxpayers. The job of the military is to recruit, train, and maintain the most lethal fighting force on the planet; not pander to personal romantic and sexual preferences.

So, Kokomo is left with LGBTQ+ Pride Day. What that really means publicly will be seen next June 28th.

Masks and Covid 19

If you are still wearing a mask for Covid 19 protection, you might want to think again. I have seen many wearing a mask while outdoors walking somewhere or in their own car alone while driving somewhere. These may be the worst cases of ridiculous and even potentially harmful mask use, but there is more.

There is a report in the Epoch Times that parents in Gainesville, Florida, were concerned about their children wearing face masks all day at school. One parent, the mother of three sons, reported her sons broke out in rashes from prolonged mask-wearing.

She and other parents decided to find out what was going on. They gathered six masks (three surgical, two cotton, and a poly) that had been worn by students and sent the masks to the University of Florida’s Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center for analysis. The results were astonishing and scary.

Eleven dangerous pathogens (disease causing) that included bacteria that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis were found. Various other parasites and fungi were included. One mask was found to contain a virus that can cause a fatal systemic disease in cattle and deer. Other less harmful pathogens that can cause ulcers, acne, and strep throat were also detected.

We have all of this along with knowing the naked C-19 virus particle is so small that it will pass through masks.

Still the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that kids should continue to wear masks and socially distance until they are vaccinated.

Do your own research. There are many and serious questions with more seemingly emerging every week about both masks and the vaccines.

Illegal Immigrants in Indiana

At the direction of President Joseph Biden, the federal government is flooding the United States with illegal immigrants (a.k.a. illegal aliens). Reports are illegal immigrants are being transported to all over the interior of our country.

I became curious about how this might be impacting Indiana, so I called the Governor’s office with questions. I talked directly with one of Governor Holcomb’s assistants. The result: a stone wall. All she would say was “they (the feds) don’t have to ask and they don’t have to tell” when I asked if any illegal immigrants were being placed in Indiana. I asked again and received the same words. She would not say more.

This was disturbing since any illegal immigrants being brought into Indiana would impact schools, medical care facilities, social services, safety, and ultimately the economy of the state including taxes. Given that, I believe the citizens of Indiana not only deserve to know what is going on, but have the right to know.

It appears the Governor wants to keep Indiana citizens in the dark. It is unclear why. If the Governor does not know if illegal immigrants are coming into the state, he needs to revamp his intelligence system. He ought to damned well know.

If he does know, it is time for him to tell all. Indiana citizens have the right to know who is coming into the state and where they are being placed. Period.

Where does Carbon Dioxide come from?

[From an Internet Posting. Very interesting.]

Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies. He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology.
Born:                           12 February 1946
Residence:                  Australia
Nationality:                Australian
Fields:                         Earth Science , Geology, Mining Engineering
Institutions:                University of New England, University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne, University of Adelaide
Alma mater:                University of New South Wales, Macquarie University
Thesis:                         “The pipe deposits of tungsten-molybdenum-bismuth in eastern Australia” (1976)
Notable awards:          Eureka Prize (1995, 2002), Centenary Medal (2003), Clarke Medal (2004)
Source:                        Wikipedia
Where Does the Carbon Dioxide Really Come From?
Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better!   If you’ve read his book you will agree; this is a good summary.
PLIMER: “Okay, here’s the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet – all of you.
Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress – its that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.
I know… it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs… well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.
The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just four days – yes, FOUR DAYS – by that volcano in Iceland which has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time – EVERY DAY.
I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.
Yes, folks, Mt. Pinatubo was active for over one year – think about it.
Of course, I shouldn’t spoil this ‘touchy-feely tree-hugging’ moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.
And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year. Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you, on the basis of the bogus ‘human-caused’ climate-change scenario.
Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention ‘Global Warming’ anymore, but just ”Climate Change”  – you know why?
It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees  in the past century and these global warming bull**** artists got caught with their pants down.
And, just keep in mind that you might yet be stuck with an Emissions Trading Scheme – that whopping new tax – imposed on you that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer.
It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.
But, hey, relax…give the world a hug and have a nice day!

XY and XX

In case you are wondering, there are only two genders in the human race; male and female. On the DNA level, men and women each have a full complement of genes packaged in chromosomes numbering a total of 46. The chromosomes that indicate a male are one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. In women, there are two X chromosomes and no Y chromosomes. So, men = XY and women = XX. Anything different than this is an abnormality or genetic defect.

And, let’s face it, the primary biological purpose of male and female is to produce the next generation. This is true throughout the biological world where ever males and females are found. Examples are humans, birds, fish, flowers, frogs, and on and on. Male DNA is brought together with female DNA to create what is new life. Got it. Some creatures have chromosomes different than XY and XX to indicate gender, but in humans it is XY Male and XX Female.

So, what is LGBTQ all about. One thing it is not about is XY Male and XX Female. That is fixed biology. What is left is culture and attitude, not gender biology. We have some who are XY Male thinking they want to be XX Female. They want to dress female, behave female, and compete in female sports; but they have male biology which gives them physical strength the XX female does not have. The determining factor on where one is allowed to compete in sports should be genetic; XY Male sports and XX female sports. Period.

What about sexual preferences? Here we have a real can of worms. In common terminology, there are lesbians, XX women who prefer to pleasure sexually other XX women and have nothing to do sexually with XY men. There are gays, XY men who prefer to pleasure sexually other XY men and have nothing to do sexually with XX women. Clearly, these preferences never end in the prime original purpose of male and female; production of the next generation. Their preferences are personal, but have nothing to do with biological gender identity and everything to do with sexual attitudes and sensual pleasures.

Then there are bi-sexuals: XY men and XX women who find sexual satisfaction with the opposite or same sex; both. Again, personal preferences that have nothing to do with gender and everything to do with sexual attitudes and sensual pleasures.

And transgenders, individuals who come into the world one gender, either XY or XX, but want to be the other. Again, attitude not biology. Medical science has intervened surgically and hormonally to make gender switching physically somewhat possible. Doctors can redesign the human body to some degree, but they cannot change the biological gender of XY or XX. They can only mimic to some degree the opposite gender from biological gender at birth. Every cell in the human body carries either the XY or XX gene combination. Medical science cannot change that.

Finally, there are “queers” who are really mixed up. Nothing more to say about them.

Interesting to me that there seems to be a lot of noise from the LGBTQ community about “rights”. I fully agree that ones sexual preferences should have nothing to do with one’s job qualifications, or voting rights, or anything else in society unless it infringes on the rights of someone else. When it come to competitive sports, however, genetics does make a difference. And ones sexual preferences, whether straight or otherwise, must not intrude on the work place.

As far as the military is concerned, there may be different criteria to consider when training warriors. The goals are different from general society. Preference should be to creating the most lethal fighting force, not catering to or even considering sexual preferences.

Elections and US Military

[A post from one of our favorite alternative media sites]

The top of the US Military brass was previously provided the US Intelligence Report about the US elections. They were made aware that Trump had clearly won the US Presidential Election.

That being said, the US Military is obligated to get their orders from the legitimate Commander in Chief which would be Trump. The Uniform Code of Military Justice would have to be adhered to. President Trump can command and order the Military brass to arrest all those who are complicit and have them stand in front of military tribunals.

Trump will need to contact the US Joint Chiefs of Staff directly and have this carried out. Trump does not need to wait for the Generals to act solely by themselves. He can invoke the UCMJ provision supported by the Intel Report and the military’s own election investigation.

If any of the brass disobeys a lawful order then, they will be held accountable under this UCMJ provision and appropriate military charges would be determined and carried out forthwith.

Signed…. A Former MP Officer

The Kokomo Dispatch

[An earlier version of this piece was posted in 2016. Points continue.}

The Kokomo Dispatch masthead existed on a print newspaper for decades. It began as a local newspaper in Kokomo, Indiana, as an enterprise and was lastly owned by the Poynter family who went on to bigger things with the St. Petersburg Times in Florida.

The Dispatch was purchased by my great grandfather, John Arthur Kautz from the Poynter family. The Dispatch name was carried as a sub-head in the Kokomo Tribune until the late 1960s when the name was dropped.

The Tribune sold in 1981 to the Thomson Newspaper group. At that point the Tribune had close to two dozen family owners, all descendants of J.A. Kautz. The family was in the situation where the death of one of the older partners would trigger a forced sale just to pay estate tax. The decision was made to sell. The market for newspapers was excellent at the time, but the sale to Thomson was not good for the paper nor for the community. The focus went from serving the community to maximizing profit. Unfortunately, this was the story for hundreds of family owned newspapers across the country.

I want to carry on the Kokomo Dispatch name which was not included as a part of the sale to Thomson. I feel it is part of my history and duty. I think the Poynters would be pleased as would J.A. Kautz since the Tribune name was passed on to others.

It is interesting to me to realize how deeply newspapers and journalism are rooted in me. Some of my earliest memories are of times going to the newspaper offices with my father. I was around newsrooms, composing rooms, and the press more times than I can imagine. I can still smell the ink and paper and still hear the rumbling of the press as it printed the thousands of copies of the paper to be delivered to doorsteps. I remember.

After the sale of the Tribune, I changed course. For years I was involved with science and the academic community. I loved that, too. I was able to make a significant contribution in evolutionary biology. I went off, too, later in other directions that hit dead ends. However, I did teach at and was the Vice Chancellor of External Relations at Indiana University Kokomo for a time. For the past 20 years, professionally I have been a certified real estate appraiser in Indiana. This has had its rewards in that I have become very familiar with about all communities in North Central Indiana and have met hundreds of very interesting and good people. My vision as a result has widened.

For years, the voices rooted within me from my decades with the Kokomo Tribune were muted. They have come alive. We are in precarious times for our country. Everyone who can should speak out. I intend to do just that.

Election Incompetence

Indiana is fortunate to be a solidly red state. In November 2020, the vote for President Donald Trump was overwhelming. Down ballot, the vote for Congressional offices, state offices, and local offices went to Republican candidates with few exceptions.

But I wonder. I wonder how aggressively Indiana state voter rolls are examined and ineligible “voters” removed? Other states have been in the news with descriptions of all sorts of issues. Judicial Watch has sued several states to require purging of ineligible names. What “voters” have been found?

Illegal aliens
Dead people
People who moved out of state
People listing non-habitable addresses
People under voting age

And then there are the huge issues with people voting in more than one state, ballots counted multiple times, phony ballots, and finally, interference from afar with the electronic voting and tabulating machines.

We in Indiana may think we are absent these issues, but are we? Have we looked?

Then there is a question of competency in the conducting of the elections on the county level. Howard County is a case in point. Before the beginning of early voting, there was a “training” session for Judges and Inspectors, the people responsible for enforcing the rules at polling places. The training session was woefully inadequate. The county clerk talked for something over 2 hours while flipping through pages of her 3” binder. The binder was filled with official forms and instructions for Judges and Inspectors.

The problem was the binders to hand to attendees were not ready. They would not be until a couple of days before voting began. The attendees never handled one piece of paper. No poll worker was given hands on training with the electronic poll books.

Then came opening day for early voting. The polling sites were set up by volunteers, the County Clerk, and the Democrat member of the County Election Board. Unfortunately, no provisions for disabled voters who could not stand at the voting booth were included in pre-planning. There were many such voters.

Then there were the problems with the devices used. Scanning did not work all the time. Hand typing became then required. The signature pad on the electronic poll book was another problem. Any scribble was fine. How is this anything close to signature matching?

There is more. Machine counts and hand counts did not match. Ballots were stored overnight in a less than secured area. Ballot pick up protocol was violated.

Finally, and maybe the most serious, was in one polling site the wife of the Democrat candidate for Treasurer came into the polling place. She and the Democrat representative on the Election Board conversed while standing inside. This action was blatantly illegal. Conversation with her, the County Clerk, and the Democrat EB representative continued even outside but inside the polling place boundary. This wife even pulled out a poll worker to talk to and give instructions. The Republican member of the county Election Board took no action.

When later several issues were called to the attention of the Republican County Chairwoman, she did nothing but complain about the communications to her. She said this was not her responsibility.

So, this small example in one county in Indiana shows this state is not free of voting problems. There are several months now until the voting in 2022. It is time to tighten down everything. Get rid of the electronic devices, go back to the paper poll books where signatures can be truly compared, require people to vote in the precinct of their residence, and count votes by hand. It worked before and it can work again.

What happened in the 2020 election can never be allowed to happen again in any state including Indiana.