Traitor Liz Cheney

Representative Liz Cheney
US House of Representatives
416 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515

Rep. Cheney:

I do not often write to Congressional members other than those representing my home state. You are an exception.

The Wyoming Republican Party threw you out. Obviously, you did not get the message. I suspect it will become clear soon and you will be out of Congress. It could not happen sooner.

I have been a Republican from the time I could first vote over 6 decades ago. I have been fooled several times in voting for traitors, crooks, and corrupt politicians. One of those times was for George W Bush and his comrade, Dick Cheney. You clearly want to follow in their footsteps. Won’t happen. The people ultimately will not allow that.  

You have no idea how angry folks in fly-over country are getting. They have had enough. The Biden administration must go, but not to be replaced by your wing of the GOP. That would be worse.

It may take some more time. I just hope the country will survive in the meanwhile. We must get rid of you and those of your ilk as well as traitorous Democrats. Frankly, I am a bit surprised that the citizens of Wyoming, whom you have betrayed, have not dragged you out of Congress via impeachment. But you will be out.

You should resign. You have done enough damage to our country.

America First.


Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.