In the midst of the Biden created chaos and failures, there is an issue that seems to have mostly dropped off of the radar. The issue is that of biological males wanting to compete in womens sports. This becomes particularly critical in competitive sports that demand physical strength and speed and are at the higher performance levels.
The most recent example is of a transgender male breaking records in swimming competition at the University of Pennsylvania. The transgender UPenn swimmer has shattered swimming records held by women swimmers in multiple events. He, now she, was not a top swimmer when competing in men’s sports.
There are other sports, too, where transgender males have come to dominate competition. The truth: the whole idea of “transgender” is a genetic misnomer. Males cannot become women any more than females can become men.
There are only two genders in humans: male and female. Whether one is male or female is determined at the moment of conception and is carried throughout one’s life regardless of belief, attitudes, or behaviors.
It appears we need a basic lesson in biology. From conception, our DNA — you know, the genetic material that from one cell creates our entire body — is packaged in 46 structures called chromosomes. These come in 23 pairs; one from our mother and one from our father in each pair. The chromosomes that determine gender are named the X-chromosome and the Y-chromosome.
A female has an XX pair of chromosomes. A male has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. So, female or woman is XX and male or man is XY. That is it. This pairing occurs in every cell of our body. It is fixed in time and space and cannot be changed.
So, what is going on with the transgender movement. The most common seems to be biological males who want to be considered female. Letting hair grow long, using make-up, getting hormone treatments, wearing typically female style clothing, and even undergoing body altering surgery does not change the fact a XY male underlays it all.
Being genetically XY or male brings with it fundamental body differences in strength, bone structure, quickness of reflex and more from than of an XX female. These differences give huge undue advantage to such a person competing in womens athletics. XY equals male qualification for male sports only. Pretty easy to understand.
Anything that allows biological males to compete in female sports is victimizing biological females. There have been stories of female high school athletes losing scholarships because of having to compete with genetic males. And now we see instances of biological males being allowed in women/girls restrooms and locker rooms because of claimed gender identity. Abuse of this has been seen.
If transgender males continue to be allowed in women’s sports, we are just beginning to see the demise of women’s sports. I hope both women and men demand an end to this unfair situation. Maybe the answer is to create a whole new category of competition for transgender only individuals whether male or female.