Down the Toilet

I picked these up from a post on Substack. They are profound. I disagree only with numbers 9 & 10 regarding population. It is my opinion that the entire world crisis with migration of hordes of people is due to high fertility rates in many countries around the world. This has been going on for decades. Earth can support only so many people in a reasonable standard of living. Now we see those that don’t have migrating to countries with lower populations and that do have. This must stop. Dr. Stephen Emmott, the head of Computational Science at Microsoft Research, believes we have already passed the human population level the Earth can sustain. I totally agree.

The way down the toilet for our country:

  1. Open borders & illegal immigration
  2. Rampant crime and unsafe cities
  3. Mass addiction and Fentanyl
  4. Election insecurity and interference
  5. The educational indoctrination of children
  6. The asymmetrical weaponization of justice
  7. The destruction of private property rights
  8. Inflation and debt
  9. The global depopulation agenda
  10. Record low fertility and birth rates
  11. Unaccountable federal bureaucracies
  12. Toxic food supply
  13. Vaccine and pandemic disinformation
  14. The trans-contamination and sterilization of children
  15. Over prescription of pharmaceuticals
  16. Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights
  17. DEI and the new racism
  18. Moral and societal decay
  19. Financing of endless foreign wars
  20. Sprawling surveillance state
  21. Centralization and consolidation of government power
  22. Destruction of trust in institutions
  23. Censorship industrial complex
  24. State media propaganda
  25. The smearing of those who challenge it

Paul Harvey, a journalist from our past, said, “History promises only this for certain: We will get exactly what we deserve”.
