Trump EPA Nominee

[Open letter to Senators Joe Donnelly and Todd Young]
Senator Joe Donnelly &
Senator Todd Young
I believe President-Elect Donald Trump has made many good choices for nominees for the Cabinet to come. However, I find I have at this point some concern over the choice of Mr. Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.
The EPA appears to have become bloated and overreaching over the decades and probably needs to be trimmed back to conform to its role as defined by law. However, we must have clean air, clean water, and healthy soil; so, the EPA must be strong and independent as it carries out its responsibilities. Without a healthy and clean environment, nothing else will really matter in the long run.
So, it is my hope that you will carefully examine Scott Pruitt to see if he really is the best choice to lead the EPA into the future.
I hold the health of the environment in a special place. I believe concern and care for the environment should not and must not be political. Decisions need to be grounded in science and fact, not political nonsense and ignorance. We have a long way to go in this regard.
Thank you for your consideration.

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