Criminally Fraudulent Election

The United States of American election of November 2020 will be prove to be the most fraudulent in the history of the country; maybe in the history of the world. Criminals have almost gotten away with it. The only reason they were caught was that the turn out and response in support of President Donald J Trump for a second term in office was gigantic; over 73,000,000 in favor at the ballot box.

The criminals were not counting on this response. Their vote counting Dimension machines and the network that controlled them was not prepared to handle such a difference between the vote for Trump and the vote for Biden. It was prepared for a closer vote count that could be manipulated with machine vote switching and fraudulent mail in ballots without people having suspicion of vote fraud. They appear to have gotten away with this in many elections of the past including the 2016 election which resulted in the Republican losing the majority in the House of Representatives. But no more.

The results were coming in. The vote was overwhelming for President Trump. Over 10 million people voted for Trump in 2020 than did in 2016 against Crooked Hillary Clinton. The criminal counting system went on tilt. The cheat was not enough to assure Joe Biden the vote.

What happened. The counting of ballots in about seven swing states stopped in the middle of the night. At 4:00 AM some 65,000 ballots were “found” in Wisconsin; all for Biden. At 4:00 AM in Michigan, the number approached 140,000 for Biden. In Arizona earlier, poll workers told voters to use Sharpies to mark their ballots for Trump which voided the ballot.

In Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and maybe more; the vote FAIRY arrived over night. The count began again in the middle of the night when Republican watchers were either sent home or were put in positions not being able to see the details on a ballot. The criminal cheating continued.

The United States Constitution gives the power to choose delegates to the Electoral College directly to the legislatures of each state. Every one of the states considered ‘swing’ states have Republican legislatures. The criminal cheating by the Democrats is so blatant, the legislatures must act. For those who choose to ignor what has happened and turn a blind eye to the fraud, they become complicit to voter fraud which is a federal criminal offense. Every damned one of the legislators who fail to do their duty should be arrested and charged with a crime. The same is true for the Governors and Secretaries of State who aid and abet criminal fraud in voting.

The end is yet to come. There are many legal actions under way that will likely wind up at the United States Supreme Court. The deadline is December 14 when the Electoral College must meet to vote for the next President of the United States of American.

It has been reported that US Special Forces have seized the computer hosts in Germany at a Central Intelligence Agency site that were involved in vote manipulation. It has been reported that Gena Haskell, CIA Director, was there at the time on the attack. It has been reported that 5 of the Special Forces team were killed when the body guard for Haskell opened fire on them. It has been reported that Haskell was wounded. If all of this is true, Haskell, as a traitor, should never again see the light of day. Neither should any of the CIA agents involved. The deep state is deep. The swamp is treacherous.

And where has been William Barr, Attorney General, and Christopher Wray, FBI Director? Are they criminals as well? Time will tell.

Life at Risk

The United Nations has just issued a damning report about the decline of Earth’s natural life-support systems. It states human society is in jeopardy from the accelerating decline in the biological systems upon which the planet depends. This includes human life.

Many years ago in 1978, Dr. Robert van den Bosch wrote a Prologue for his book, The Pesticide Conspiracy. I have re-printed it below. This may be the future of mankind.

“On this day in a future time, spring has returned and the sun-washed Mississippi Delta is breathtakingly beautiful under a brilliant blue sky and a mantle of lush greenery. It is a glorious season of warm days and soft nights, when the land, as it has for countless centuries, pluses with renewed life. There are the sounds of spring too: the rustling of leaves in a zephyr, the faint rumble of distant thunder, the whisper of water in a slowly flowing stream, the chitchat of small birds, the chirring of cicadas, the crackling flight of grasshoppers, the low hum of foraging bees.

But these are the voices of Nature, and they form a muted chorus compared to the crescendo of sound once heard in this vibrant season. Something is missing from this spring-time symphony; that something is the sound of man. Man is gone, and nowhere to be heard is the clatter of a tractor, the moaning power surge of a spray plane, the grinding throb of a diesel locomotive, the roar of a truck-trailer rig, the squawk of a transistor radio, the whooping voices across a field.

At some time in the past, man fashioned a catastrophe and vanished in it. Now all that is left of his brilliant doings are the decaying remnants of the things he created. Ghosted cities and towns crumbling to rubble, automobiles rusted to junk on littered streets, farmhouses and outbuildings rotting to dust, croplands tangled with brush and invaded by forest, graveyards with headstones toppled among the weeds.

Yes, man has vanished, but the insects still abound, and on this lovely day theirs is the prevailing voice an an almost silent spring.”

I am thinking Dr. van den Bosch may be a prophet of times to come. We continue to poison the planet with toxins like glyphosate (typically Roundup) and dicamba, and 2,4,D. We continue to rape the oceans causing once abundant fish stocks to crash and use oceans as waste dump sites. We cut trees and demolish rain forests that are key parts of planet climate controls. We pump the air full of poisonous fumes and products of combustion. We pave over fertile lands with concrete, asphalt, and buildings. And finally, we humans continue to reproduce like there is no tomorrow.

The message is clear. Our Earth planet home cannot sustain what we are doing to it. There is time to reverse course, but is there the wisdom and courage to do so?

Putin to the Russian Parliament

“In Russia, live like Russians… Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and wish to live the life of Muslims, then we now clearly advise them to go and live in those places where that’s the state law.

Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’!

We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture.

We had better learn from the suicides of so-called democracies — America, England, France, Germany, and Holland — if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries, BUT they will NOT take over Russia!

Our Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.

When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest FIRST, observing that the Muslim minorities ARE NOT Russian.”

[The politicians gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.]

Comment: Maybe we can learn something from the Russians after all. The United States of America was founded based upon Judeo-Christian ethics and beliefs. And it was founded upon English to be the common language. If we expect our Republic to endure as a melting pot — i.e. assimilated peoples — we need to strongly and vigorously protect those ethics, beliefs, common language, and the letter of the laws set out under the Constitution or we ultimately fail. All we need do is look at Europe.

Go Canada: Pork on Your Fork

[Attributed to the Mayor of Dorval, Quebec, Canada]

Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why. The note said…..

“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, and its way of life, because that’s where they chose to immigrate.

Muslims must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who, so generously, welcomed them.

Muslims must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic. Canada accepted many immigrants before Muslims showed up (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).

Just like other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity or their culture. And, if Canada is a land of welcome, it’s not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian- Quebecois people as a whole.

Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain.

The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.

For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Sharia.

If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere. We will not let you drag Canada down to the level of those 57 countries.

Ask yourself this question — just once: Why is it better here in Canada than where you came from?

A canteen with pork on the menu is part of the answer.

If you came to Canada with the idea that you will displace us with your prolific propaganda and eventually take over the country, you should pack up and go back to the country you came from. We have no room here for you and your ideology.

[ To this I add an “AMEN!”; the same for the United States of America.]

Oceans in Trouble

Current world human population is 7,600,000,000 and increasing. Of this, more than 1 billion people worldwide depend on seafood as a main source of protein, and about 100 million people rely directly on fishing for their income according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The problem: 93% of ocean fisheries are either fully fished or over fished! It is estimated current catch is 250% of the level that is maximally sustainable. In other words, we are killing off the very resource so many depend upon. One large reason for this is subsidies from governments to industrial size operators for fuel, fishing gear, and vessel construction. The problem is not with the little guy but with those who run out miles of net and/or suck up everything from the ocean via large trawlers. This cannot continue. The piper will be paid.

Over fishing is not only a threat to fish stocks but also to the health of the oceans themselves. Healthy fish stocks are vital to health marine ecosystems and to the food security and livelihoods of billions of people. Healthy fish stocks contribute to the balance needed for the oceans to remain viable as a human resource.

Simply, there are too many boats chasing too few fish. One way to correct this is by curtailing capacity-enhancing subsidies to reduce pressure on fish stocks. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is encouraging members to adopt a binding agreement that will limit or eliminate harmful subsidies that cause over fishing.

My thought is this will not happen on any enforceable level, but the cost of inaction is high. What can happen is for the United States of America to aggressively enforce sustainable fishing limits in its territorial waters and eliminate any and all taxpayer subsidies to the fishing industry. We can do that. We can manage and allow scientifically calculated harvest of the marine resources in our waters.

There will be some who will vociferously oppose any limits for catch or exposure time. They will say it never has been so and that they are being robbed of their livelihood. But the problem as with about all environmental problems is too many people and too few resources. Hard decisions by government — the only means of control — are required.

Letter from a German Nurse

[A Nurse in Germany sends a message to the world. Read this! President Trump is trying to take care of America.]

Nurse says…

Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at other Munich hospitals is unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals.

Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women are now refusing to go among those migrants! Relations between staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.

Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we in Europe do not know how to treat.

If they receive a prescription to the pharmacy, they suddenly learn they have to pay with cash. This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!” So the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also the large pharmacies.

We ask openly where are all those who welcomed the migrants in front of TV cameras with signs at train stations? Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them.

Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Not it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unemployable. Only a small minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and very needy. If this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I am going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even for double the salary back home. I came to Germany to work, not to Africa or the Middle East!
Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who has cleaned every day for years for 800 Euro’s and then meets crowds of young men in the hallways who just wait with their hands outstretched, wanting everything for free, and when they don’t get it they throw a fit.

I really don’t need this! But I am afraid that if I return home, at some point it will be the same in the Czech Republic. If the Germans, with their systems, cannot handle this, then guaranteed back home will be total chaos…

You — who have not come in contact with these people have absolutely no idea what kind of badly behaved desperadoes these people are, and how Muslims act superior to our staff, regarding their religious accommodation.
For now, the local hospital staff have not come down with the diseases these people brought here, but with so many hundreds of patients every day of this is just a question of time. In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, who they’d dragged across half of Europe for three months. The child died two days later, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany. The pediatric physician had to undergo surgery and the two nurses are recovering in the ICU. Nobody was punished.

The local press is forbidden to write about it, so we can only inform you through email. What would have happened to a German if he had stabbed the doctor and nurses with a knife? Or if he had flung his own syphilis-infected urine into a nurses face and so threatened her with infection? At a minimum he would have gone straight to jail and later to court. With these people so far, nothing has happened.

And so I ask: Where are all those greeters and receivers from the train stations? Sitting pretty at home, enjoying their uncomplicated, safe lives. If it were up to me, I would round up all those greeters and bring them here first to our hospitals emergency ward as attendants! Then in to one of the buildings housing the migrants, so they can really look after them themselves, without armed police and police dogs, who sadly today are in every hospital here in Bavaria.

[Coming our way?????]

At War

In case you have not noticed, we are in a world wide religious war. The Islamic ISIS radicals have vowed to raise the flag of Islam over the White House. They have proven to be barbaric, blood thirsty, and insane; yet claim to be carrying out the will of Allah in a war against infidels. In case you have not noticed, too, Islam is a religion of oppression of one kind or another where ever it dominates a society. The countries of Europe; particularly Germany, France, Spain, and England, have many problems from Islam believing immigrants. It can only get worse.
The United States has been spared so far. Why? Only because 3,000 miles of water separates us from the Eastern Hemisphere and because immigration has been limited. Yet, even in Muslim dominated communities in this country there is oppression of women, particularly. But, wait. The growing cancer will spread more to our hemisphere soon enough. The only hope is for our government and governments of other free countries to take decisive, firm, and aggressive military action against what is happening now in Iraq and Syria. If ISIS is not stopped there, there may be no stopping it.
American boots on the ground may not be needed, but intensive and aggressive air attacks with maned and drone aircraft must happen. We must arm the Kurds with modern ISISKaboomweapons and use the airbase in their territory for our own aircraft. There is no room for being timid or being concerned about offending someone. The Kurds will fight if we arm them with superior weapons and give them as much air support as we can muster. If we don’t, we will eventually have American boots on the ground.
It is time to bring back napalm. This weapon may be one ISIS understands.They will respond to nothing but total destruction.