Christianity & Islam

Time for Western nations to wake up. There is a war again between nations predominantly Christian and those predominantly Muslim. This is against a backdrop of over 2000 years. In short, Christianity and Islam are incompatible. Islam today is dominated by violent aggressors wanting to take over the world. The goal is to overtake any nation or peoples that are Christian or Jewish. It cannot be allowed to happen.

All western European nations have their roots in Christianity. Hundreds of years ago, they had to beat back Islamic aggressors. With the hordes of Muslim illegal immigrants that have flooded into Europe, they may have to do it again.

The United States of America was founded by Christians. Those that wrote the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were not Muslims, nor Buddhists, nor Hindus, nor any other religion found around the world. They were Christians. The USA is a Christian based country. Yes, there are minorities of a variety of religions now in the USA, but none except Islam followers seem to be aggressive and wanting to take over the “West”. It cannot be allowed to happen.

Our southern border is being flooded with illegal aliens. The DHS reports there are hundreds of potential terrorists among those who have crossed the US border. And who are these terrorists: followers of Islam.

It is time to slam the US borders shut to all illegal aliens with particular attention to Islamists. It is time to export all illegal aliens, again with particular attention to Islamists. And it is time to keep a very close eye on all Islam communities existing already in our country. I heard even this week that New York City has proposals for there to be more mosques and public loud speakers that call for Islam prayers during the day. This, too, must be stopped.

Christians must be prepared to defend the country and the Christian faith. The Judeo-Christian roots must be made stronger. Otherwise, the country is in peril.

Good Ole Los Angeles

LA Times report….

One state….open your eyes….

  1. 40% of all workers in LA County, 10.2 million people, are working for cash and not paying taxes. They are predominately illegal immigrants working without a green card. Donald Trump was right.
  2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens
  3. 75% of people on the Most Wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens
  4. Over 2/3rds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal where births were paid for by taxpayers
  5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals. There are here illegally
  6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages
  7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border
  8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal
  9. 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking
  10. In LA County, 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish. By the way there are 10.2 people in the LA County.

All ten of these facts were published in the Los Angeles Times. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States annual population growth and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York results from immigration. And 29% of inmates in Federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are fools for letting this continue.

This was only one county in one state. Dems want all illegal aliens to become voters.

Illegal Immigrants in Indiana

At the direction of President Joseph Biden, the federal government is flooding the United States with illegal immigrants (a.k.a. illegal aliens). Reports are illegal immigrants are being transported to all over the interior of our country.

I became curious about how this might be impacting Indiana, so I called the Governor’s office with questions. I talked directly with one of Governor Holcomb’s assistants. The result: a stone wall. All she would say was “they (the feds) don’t have to ask and they don’t have to tell” when I asked if any illegal immigrants were being placed in Indiana. I asked again and received the same words. She would not say more.

This was disturbing since any illegal immigrants being brought into Indiana would impact schools, medical care facilities, social services, safety, and ultimately the economy of the state including taxes. Given that, I believe the citizens of Indiana not only deserve to know what is going on, but have the right to know.

It appears the Governor wants to keep Indiana citizens in the dark. It is unclear why. If the Governor does not know if illegal immigrants are coming into the state, he needs to revamp his intelligence system. He ought to damned well know.

If he does know, it is time for him to tell all. Indiana citizens have the right to know who is coming into the state and where they are being placed. Period.

Senators Braun and Young on Immigration

How about this idea? The two of you lead the way and introduce legislation in the Senate that addresses all of the immigration law flaws. The laws need to end chain migration, anchor babies, visa lottery, Visa over-stays, and the endless legal maneuvering that allows any catch & release. We need to go to a merit based immigration system and limited numbers annually. The H1B-visa system needs overhaul if not elimination.

You could be heroes to many of us in Indiana. We are fed up with the lack of any action in Congress including the Senate to solve the immigration issues.

Senators and Representatives need to be on record. The only way to do that is to push legislation that solves problems and get it voted on.

I am pleased that as far as I know, Indiana does not have any sanctuary cities. I would hope, too, you would support legislation that slams the door on any taxpayer funds that go to cities and/or states that harbor illegal aliens.

We have plenty of illegal aliens already in Indiana, I am positive. I am most familiar with the area around North Central Indiana. Not good.

So, please get the motivation to act. Get legislation introduced that deals with the problems. Support the President.

There are many times when I believe President Trump is about the only one in the Federal government that cares about our country. The Congress has not demonstrated that it does.

Putin to the Russian Parliament

“In Russia, live like Russians… Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and wish to live the life of Muslims, then we now clearly advise them to go and live in those places where that’s the state law.

Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’!

We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture.

We had better learn from the suicides of so-called democracies — America, England, France, Germany, and Holland — if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries, BUT they will NOT take over Russia!

Our Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.

When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest FIRST, observing that the Muslim minorities ARE NOT Russian.”

[The politicians gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.]

Comment: Maybe we can learn something from the Russians after all. The United States of America was founded based upon Judeo-Christian ethics and beliefs. And it was founded upon English to be the common language. If we expect our Republic to endure as a melting pot — i.e. assimilated peoples — we need to strongly and vigorously protect those ethics, beliefs, common language, and the letter of the laws set out under the Constitution or we ultimately fail. All we need do is look at Europe.


Turncoats. The twelve Republican Senators that voted in favor of the Democrat resolution to overturn President Trump’s declaration of national emergency at the United States – Mexico border are turncoats. They have betrayed our country and deserve to be defeated when next they face the ballot box.

President Trump, surrounded by all manner of law enforcement agents and Angel Moms, VETOED the resolution about as fast as he could get a pen in hand.

The excuse the now infamous 12 Republicans give for their vote is they had “Constitutional issues” with President Trump declaring a national emergency.They say they believe this is a case of presidential over-reach. Interesting they had no problem with President Barack Hussein Obama’s 12 National Emergencies, 10 of which remain active. President Bush Jr declared 13 and President Clinton 17. No problem.

The power to declare a national emergency was codified into law by Congress in 1976 as the National Emergencies Act. Some 59 national emergencies have been declare, more than 30 of which remain in effect. It is crystal clear under the law President Trump has the power to declare a national emergency to protect our southern border.

We are seeing hypocrisy at its worst. This country is being threatened with mass migration from Mexico, Central & South America, and many other countries. Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are flooding our country. Listen to those who defend the border: the Border Patrol and ICE. They are clear about the need for a border wall, more technology, more boots-on-the-ground and the need for immigration law reform. Congress does not listen nor act. Congress is allowing an almost open flow of illegal aliens including criminals, human traffickers, and terrorists. They are allowing a flood of illegal and dangerous drugs into the United States. And how about the diseases. Border officials are seeing such as malaria, dengue, hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV, leprosy, and parasites.

Who are the turncoat twelve? They are Senators Susan Collins (ME), Rob Portman (OH), Lamar Alexander (TN), Roy Blunt (MO), Mike Lee (UT), Jerry Moran (KS), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Rand Paul (KY), Mitt Romney (UT), Marco Rubio (FL), Patrick Toomey (PA) and Roger Wicker (MS).

It is undeniable that great profits flow from illegal activity at our southern border. It is suspected politicians are among those profiting. If you will remember, El Chapo, the Mexican drug king now under federal trial, blurted out the names of several politicians guilty of corruption before he was silenced. This possibility is not surprising given the shocking level of corruption we have seen in the FBI and Department of Justice. Careful scrutiny is called for. In addition, it is estimated over $50 billion are sent out of the United States each year back to illegal alien countries of origin.

Collins along with Murkowski have frequently been unclear as to whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Rand Paul is Rand Paul. Romney is a “NEVER-Trumper” and creepy. The other Utah Senator, Lee, makes it 100% out-of-step for Utah. Trump’s nickname for Rubio is a well deserved “lightweight choker”. Several of the others are of the RINOs or “NEVER-Trumpers”. Susan Collins is up for election in 2020. We wish her “bye-bye” and happy retirement.

Congressional leaders from both parties are pathetic. They are putting the country at incredible risk. Our immigration laws need to be changed to eliminate anchor babies, chain migration and lottery migration. They need to be changed to institute e-Verify, end VISA overstays, and promote immigration based upon merit. They need to be changed to allow the immediate deportation of illegals; not permit endless legal maneuvering.

We do not need more un-educated, non-English speaking, un-skilled immigrants that arrive in the country expecting to be supported with money, social services, free medical care, education, and more. Any resources available need to be for US citizens, not illegal aliens who have decided it is their right to storm our borders.

The infamous 12 should be ashamed of themselves. Let the flood of illegal immigrants reside with them in their gated communities. Let them take responsibilities they are so eager to shove off on American citizens. And for the Democrats – House and Senate – no words are adequate to describe their treachery. Maybe it will take a terrorist attack by illegal aliens or the release of some biological disease to get Congresses attention.

President Trump is the one taking care of the United States of America.

Schumer, the Hypocrite

New York Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer is the worst kind of hypocrite. The illegal alien situation has not changed in decades. It has gotten worse. The United States of America has millions of illegal aliens hiding out all over the country. Many do not return to home countries at the end of VISA terms. They just stay in the shadows. Many crossed our nation’s borders — mostly the southern border with Mexico — illegally and now are also hiding in the shadows.

There is a huge argument about the building of a WALL or BARRIER at our southern border. On the one side are those who favor abiding by the laws of the United States of America. On the other are those who toss law to the wind for their own political gain.

On the one side are those who favor immigration reform to include ending anchor babies, stopping chain migration, instituting e-Verify and stopping immigration by lottery. Most favor immigration based upon merit to allow those in who will be assets to our country. Many favor a reduction of all immigration.

On the other side are those who want open borders, mass inflow of uneducated, unskilled, even diseased people who will end up on welfare, Medicare, be drains on schools and hospitals and more. They would allow criminals in along with drugs and human/child trafficking. OK with them.

At Georgetown Law School in 2009 Senator Schumer gave a talk. He said…

“We must create a system that coverts the current flow of primarily low skilled illegal immigrants into the United States into a more manageable and controlled flow of legal immigrants who can be absorbed by our economy. Let me elaborate.

The first of these seven principles is that illegal immigration is wrong — plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration — plain and simple and unavoidable.

When you use phrases like “undocumented workers”, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration which the American people overwhelmingly oppose. If you don’t think its illegal, you are not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong. We have to change it.

Above all else, the American people want their government to be serious about protecting the public, enforcing the rule of law, and creating a rational system of legal immigration that will pro-actively fit our needs rather than reactively responding to future waves of illegal immigration.

People enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the US legally.

To the advocates for strong, fair, effective, comprehensive immigration reform — and I am certainly one — I say to you that the American people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe that their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration. And any successful comprehensive immigration reform bill must recognize this fact.”

You get the hypocrisy. He and his fellow travelers have no regard for US law. They care only about obstruction and power. Period.

For now, the USA is a sovereign nation and the light of the world. If we want to stay that way, the flow of illegal aliens must be stopped.They cannot be allowed to overwhelm our society in service of their own selfish wants. Look at Europe.

Finally, the people of this country must come to some consensus about what to do about the millions of illegal aliens living in our midst. But now…


Go Canada: Pork on Your Fork

[Attributed to the Mayor of Dorval, Quebec, Canada]

Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why. The note said…..

“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, and its way of life, because that’s where they chose to immigrate.

Muslims must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who, so generously, welcomed them.

Muslims must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic. Canada accepted many immigrants before Muslims showed up (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).

Just like other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity or their culture. And, if Canada is a land of welcome, it’s not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian- Quebecois people as a whole.

Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain.

The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.

For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Sharia.

If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere. We will not let you drag Canada down to the level of those 57 countries.

Ask yourself this question — just once: Why is it better here in Canada than where you came from?

A canteen with pork on the menu is part of the answer.

If you came to Canada with the idea that you will displace us with your prolific propaganda and eventually take over the country, you should pack up and go back to the country you came from. We have no room here for you and your ideology.

[ To this I add an “AMEN!”; the same for the United States of America.]

Krull’s Folly

It is crystal clear: Dr. John Krull, Director of Franklin College’s Pulliam School of Journalism and author of the Statehouse File column in the January 10th issue of the Kokomo Tribune, lives on a different planet that the rest of us. He used his column to blast President Donald Trump for his position on a border wall claiming Trump proposes a solution to a problem that does not exist. The problem: Krull is dead wrong.

The Center for Immigration Studies recently reported that each illegal immigrant costs the United States taxpayers an estimated $82,191 over the time residing in this country. This accounts for taxes paid by the illegal immigrant verses the use of social services; this is a net cost. The Center for Immigration Studies estimated illegal immigrants are costing the United States taxpayers about $16.4 Billion annually. They did not count the $59 Billion sent back to home countries.

Then there is the drug issue with the Mexican border. There were close to 70,000 deaths in the US last year from drug overdose on illegal drugs. Over 70% of illegal drugs cross from Mexico into the United States.

And the weapons: example of rifles, assault weapons, knives, and handguns were displayed at the recent meeting with President Trump and the Border Patrol this week. The Border Patrol said the seizure of weapons is a regular event at the Mexican border.

And the make up of persons attempting entry includes criminals, terrorists, transnational criminal organization members, MS-13 and other gang members. And on and on. People we do not want in this country.

Then there is the human trafficking. The sex trade involving both women and children goes on. Children have died as a result of having been pushed into horrendous travel or kidnapped for selling. It is estimated there is a 30% chance of a woman being raped by a coyote or mule during the course of travel.

And disease. We already know that a high percentage of those in the caravans have required medical care. Medical professionals are seeing diseases that are rare or not present in the US population for years. Diseases like unusual strains of TB and Dengue fever and more are showing up.

We have the cost in human lives of US citizens. There have been a total of 127 Border Patrol agents killed in the line of duty. There have been countless lives lost at the hands of illegal aliens that should not have been in the United States in the first place.

The fact: a wall is effective. It is a deterrent to traveling to the border in the first place. The Border Patrol is asking …. maybe even pleading…. for a wall on our southern border. Even the Chief of the Border Patrol under President Barack Obama has gone public recently on the side of constructing a wall. In an unintended way, CNN Anchor Jim Acosta promoted the WALL by showing there was no chaos, no one trying to cross the border, and no hordes along the section of wall from where he reported.


The Wall

Soon-to-be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says building the WALL on our southern border is “immoral”. She says she will never allow funds to go to the building of any wall. Local Tribune columnist and well-known Democrat lawyer and professor at Ivy Tech Community College, Ken Ferries, whines about seeing shoeless kids in diapers “pounding on the gates” at the border. What planet do Nancy and Ken live on? The days of mass migration into the United States of America are and should be long gone.

And take a look at what is lined up at our southern border. It is not a bunch of shoeless kids with or without their mothers. It is mostly masses of young uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking MEN. More are coming our way. One does not have to look any farther than the images on the electronic media to know this. Apparently, Nancy and Ken cannot see.

It is reported that 63% of illegal aliens in the United States are on public assistance and that for non-citizens in the country for 10 years or more, over 70% are on public assistance. “Public Assistance” — nice term for in the pockets of tax payers like you and me. I prefer tax money go to benefit American citizens, not incoming immigrants.

Now the story is a significant number of the caravan members are sick. Diseases that would threaten the health of our citizens, particularly our children, are showing up. Reportedly, well over half of those in the first wave of the caravans have sought medical treatment. Allowing mass crossings would assure an increase in demand for free health services in the USA; another expense we cannot afford.

So, get real. Those supposedly running from hardship, violence, and “economic ruin” in their countries of origin need to turn around and go back to fix their own countries. The United States is not the land of milk and honey for the world. We have our own issues with hunger and poverty and employment to deal with.

Yes, there are thousands of jobs in the US waiting to be filled. But, these are jobs for the educated and skilled, not what we see lined up at the southern border. Our resources should be directed toward education and skill development of American citizens of which there are plenty who do not now qualify for open jobs.

Ferries suggests a possible solution to “processing asylum claims” would be to hire a few hundred more magistrates (that’s lawyers). We already know that something between 80-90% of all claims that come before existing courts are denied and the claimants are sent back to their countries of origin. We already know that there are thousands of cases backed up awaiting adjudication and that many of those thousands have been released into the interior of our country never to show up again. Great system, don’t you think?

When Nancy and Ken and all others wailing against a WALL are willing to sign up for taking personal legal and financial responsibility for aliens, they might be worth listening to. Otherwise, what is immoral is to not fund and build the WALL. Thousands are already in the legal immigration waiting line. They deserve first consideration.