Now we learn that ole Joe has it within the power of the Presidency to confer a blanket pardon to all illegal aliens, which is in effect amnesty. This would mean no criminal charges could be levied against any who had crossed the US border illegally. What it does not mean, though, is citizenship. But what becomes very fuzzy is the question of deportation of any illegal border crossers. I think, though, such an act would mean suicide for the Democrat Party. But one never knows what ole demented Joe will do.
Now, too, we have the insanity possibly coming out of the US Senate. Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Mitch McConnell have unveiled a 370 page “Border” bill in the Senate. It is expected to be brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote on Wednesday, 2/7. This bill is a $118 billion package that “overhauls” the asylum system at the border and at the same time gives massive military aid to Israel and Ukraine. It would send $60 billion to Ukraine and $14 billion to Israel. Oh… and more….. It would provide millions to the US defense industry, $5 billion to Asia-Pacific allies, and humanitarian aid to civilians in Ukraine and Gaza. What else could be thrown in? Maybe a new house for Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell! So, we shall see what Republicans vote in favor of this monstrosity of a bill. Of course, old Joe is urging Congress to pass this bill immediately. No surprise.
Fortunately, the indication from the House of Representatives is the Senate Bill is “dead upon arrival”. This message has come from House Speaker Mike Johnson and the House Majority Leader Steve Scalise. The expectation is the Senate Bill will not even be brought to the House floor for a vote. The House will vote on a separate aid package of $17.6 billion of military aid for Israel.
The truth: the USA is broke. The racking up of national debt continues unabated. This is not sustainable. The USA needs to entrench at home. Both the southern and northern borders need to be secured against any illegal immigration. There should be no allowance for amnesty for a time. The only immigration allowed should be legal and only for skills that benefit this country. Otherwise, close the borders.
We are in the fight for survival both internally and externally. Time to become “fortress America”.
“…..Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
I am wondering if we are coming close to a time again talked about in the Declaration of Independence? Our federal government is failing us. Many courts are corrupt and are political tools of the Democrats/Socialists/Communists. The residents of Washington DC vote something like 90% Democrat. They are the entrenched bureaucrats — the deep state — that have interest in larger and larger government to protect their own jobs. The Congress is mixed with many patriots, but just as many or more that want to feather their own nests and are corrupt. This includes about all Democrats and many RINOs including Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell. And I often have wondered how millionaires are made on Congressional salaries. And now we have a President who blatantly is corrupt along with his extended family. They are in fact openly criminals, but nothing has been or likely will be done about holding any to account under Department of Justice leadership. Even the move to impeach the President seems anemic.
The other elephant in the room issue threatening to sink the county is that of the illegal alien invasion of the United States. It is now up to an estimated 12-15 million illegal aliens now inside the country. Even major cities like New York and Chicago, who were openly “sanctuary cities”, are crying for more federal money and help. I say, too damned bad. You made your beds, now lay in them. In the end, if we are to survive as a country, there must be mass deportation of illegal aliens back to their countries of origin. No questions. No sympathy. Illegal border crossing = out.
Our country is failing. If patriots do not act soon, it may be too late. I have my doubts about waiting for the 2024 election. I think we are on the verge of a need to “alter or abolish” what we see before us now every day. I don’t like to think about armed action by citizens of the United States of America, but it may come to that. Hope that it does not have to.
Who has Testicles?
Isn’t this the damned truth!
In Indiana Congressional District 5, we have one tough woman, Victoria Spartz. Spartz in an immigrant to the United States in 2000 from Ukraine. She is a full US citizen, a business woman, and a very strong conservative in the Republican Caucus. We are extremely lucky to have her as our Representative. She is currently with the few who are trying to change the House of Representatives back to a routine that would require voting on separate funding bills rather than on one big bill to fund the entire US government. That is the way it used to be…. it put people on the record and allowed for close examination of what is being funded. Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House has turned traitor and liar. He must go. Spartz is with those who believe new Congressional leadership is required. She is one of the few strong now.
He is coming for all traitors of the United States of America Constitution. This includes ole Joe Biden and his fellow travelers, the corrupt judges and DAs in courts, the top of the alphabet agencies of government, the RINOs, and many more. The political bloodbath will begin on inauguration day 2025.
The people have had enough.
Just Thinking!
[Thoughts from the Internet. Author unknown.]
Why is it when archaeologists find human remains, they always determine that they are either male or female and none of the other hundreds of genders?
Why is it that so may are more outraged that Brittney Griner was stuck in Russia than they were about Americans being stranded in Afghanistan?
How is it that the government can’t control gasoline prices… but the weather is something they can fix?
We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work. — Mike Rowe
If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank goodness nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery. — Bill Maher
Why were we told to lower our AC usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the electric grid while simultaneously being told to trade in our gas cars for electric vehicles?
Why is canceling student debt a good idea? Does it make sense to reward people who do not honor their financial commitment by taxing the people who do?
Does it make sense to cut off oil from an ally and buy it from an enemy who calls for your death?
Are we living in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended?
Is this a great description of America: Andy has left town and Barney is in charge?
Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults… but talking about sexuality to children K-3 at school considered education?
Who else had a “Ministry of Truth” ….Hitler … Goebbels …Stalin
Eliminating the production of 500,000 American barrels of oil a day to buy 500,000 barrels a day from Russia is simply …. Well … Stupid.
I saw a movie where only the police and military had guns; it was called Schindler’s List.
If your electric car runs out of power on the Interstate, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity?
Why are we running out of money for Social Security and Medicare and not for welfare, illegals, and free college?
I just got a full tank of gas for $22. Granted it was for my lawn mower, but I’m trying to stay positive.
There is a coin shortage. American is officially out of common sense.
If an 18 year old isn’t mature enough to own a firearm, then maybe five year olds aren’t mature enough to change their gender.
Nobody called it “Toxic Masculinity” when we were saving the world.
Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free. Just like socialism.
The most powerful governments on earth can’t stop a virus from spreading… but they say they can change the earth’s temperature if you pay more taxes.
Want to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s how gun control and COVID lockdowns work.
If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem, perhaps you should give your legs to a veteran who lost his. That way a real man can stand in your place.
If socialism is so good and capitalism is so bad… then why aren’t the caravans heading to Venezuela?
History is not there for us to like or dislike. It is there for us to learn from. And if it offends you, even better… because then you are less likely to repeat it. It is not anyone’s to erase… it belongs to all of us.
This explains why the United States is not the country that I grew up in!
Biden Persecution of Trump
Yes, President Donald J Trump has been indicted on espionage charges in the handling of documents he took possession of when leaving the office of the Presidency. The bottom line is this indictment is a blatant case of political persecution.
As President, Donald Trump had the total and absolute authority to declassify any and all documents he wished. No one else in government had that authority. And he did not have to make some formal declaration about classification when possessing documents. By taking documents with him to Mar-a-Lago, all documents were automatically declassified by implication. And what did he do with those personal Presidential papers? He reportedly secured them in a locked area that was patrolled by assigned Secret Service agents.
The content of any documents the then departing President matters not. They were declassified and declared personal. The claim by President Trump is they were and are his.
There is disagreement about what are personal papers and what are not. This seems to be the lynch pin to any legal issues. One cannot question the authority to declassify. That is the President’s only. The claim is that President Trump violated the Presidential Records Act. That is in debate, but even if true there is no criminal penalty and Trump was communicating and working with the National Archives and Records Administration concerning what papers are personal and what should be possessed by the NARA. Then the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the FBI took place without notice. Even Trump’s on site lawyers were frozen out of the property while the FBI agents searched through the property even reportedly to the point of searching Melania Trump’s dresser drawers.
Now since there is no criminal action possible under the National Records Act, the Biden Administration has decided to charge Trump with espionage, a criminal charge. My prediction is this will eventually go nowhere even if it has to get to the Supreme Court before being thrown out.
Political pundits now say that what the Biden administration has done virtually assures that Donald J Trump will be the Republican nominee for President for the 2024 election. This is the opposite of what they hoped for. In truth, Democrats are scared to death that Trump will become President again in January 2025. If he does, the political bloodbath then will begin. The excising of the corrupt and criminal and deep state will be quick.
One has to say something about President Joe Biden. When Vice President and a Senator, Biden had no authority to declassify anything yet he took all sorts of official classified and government papers according to reports. Reports are many were stored openly in a car garage and many more in a library at the University of Pennsylvania. Has the Justice Department, the FBI, and the National Archives and Records Administration done a damned thing about Biden’s violations. Of course not. Or how about Sec. Hillary Clinton violations of classified materials. Nothing there either.
Americans see through all of this and more and more are angry about the injustice being perpetrated. The 2024 election cannot come soon enough.
Says It ALL
This photo of President Trump says it all!
The United States of America is in real trouble. Under the criminal Joe Biden regime we are in an undeclared war in Ukraine against Russia; a war that could get out of control and easily escalate into WWIII. We have millions of illegal aliens already in our country with more to follow bringing in drugs, disease, criminals, child traffic, terrorists, and others from all over the world including Communist Chinese. Look at the pictures. The majority flooding in appear to be military age men; not refugees.
We have inflation out of control. We have energy dependence on countries not our friends. We have economic dependency for essential goods and materials from Communist China; a country that wants to dominate the world. And we have elections filled with fraud.
The country is headed for collapse unless change comes soon. There is much talk, talk, talk about all the criminal behavior of our government highest agencies like the FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department, Intelligence Agencies and more; the “Deep State”. Talk and no consequences…. no convictions, no jail time. We have a court system that is either too timid (cowardly) to take on illegal activity and behavior or are corrupt itself.
The worst criminal occupies the highest office in the USA; the Presidency. Biden and his family should be in jail. That would be a start.
Our only hope is to hold out until Donald J. Trump can once again become the President of the United States of America. We pray.
I pass this home in Howard County, Indiana, pretty frequently. Seems to represent my sentiments exactly.
Sham Debate
[Marcia Blacklidge wrote and posted on Gettr:]
More about that sham debate (supposed to be between McDaniel, Dhillon, and Lindell) — the purpose of a political debate is 4 candidates — not their surrogates — to show why they deserve to be elected. We all know this! And Bannon and Fredericks have rightly & often criticized the Dems 4 avoiding debates. Yesterday, Fredericks had the nerve to pretend in that sham a real debate was taking place! Can you see how the thirst 4 power has corrupted the ethics of Bannon, Fredericks and Harmeet? Wren (the surrogate for Dhillon) even suggested we beat the Dems at cheating until WE can win and change things. People clapped 4 that. Only Mike said, “No, that’s not the way, you’ll never get there doing that.” I call on Kent, Lake & all others who have endorsed Harmeet to withdraw their support now! Winning cannot be so dear we sell r souls 4 it!