Tone Deaf

To know Democrats, many newspaper columnists, and many electronic media talking heads are tone deaf or maybe worse — daft, all one had to do was read the Opinion page of the Kokomo Tribune on April 23rd. In particular, the column by John Krull, clearly a “never Trumper”, is filled with vitriol toward President Trump. Turn on your TV to most stations and you will hear much the same.

The Mueller Report states there was NO collusion with the Russians (not a crime even if so) by President Donald Trump or any in the Trump Campaign to influence the election of 2016. It took 200 pages to say that. NO COLLUSION!

President Obama knew well before the 2016 presidential election the Russians were at work. Did he warn the Trump campaign this was going on. NO. He, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC aided and abetted Russian influence by weaponizing the FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, and other intelligence agencies against the Trump campaign. He and Clinton wanted Trump defeated. He did not get that done, but crimes were committed not by the Trump campaign but by Obama, Clinton, and many in the FBI, CIA, and more. And before he left office, Obama made permanent employees of what were political appointed positions in an attempt to preserve the “deep state”.

Mueller, Weissman, and the henchmen tried to skate on the last 200 pages of the Mueller report. That half dealt with the charge of obstruction of justice. Interesting there can be no obstruction of justice when there is no underlying “crime”. Too, to be obstruction of anything, there must be action, not simply voicing anger or displeasure. Mueller wanted to muddy the waters to give Democrats in Congress the excuse for endless investigations and perhaps even the impeachment of President Trump. We are now left with the crazies in Congress: Nadler, Schiff, Cummings, Waters, Castro, Swalwell. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib. Those who are chairs of committees plan endless hand wringing, wailing, and harassment. It will not work.

Rather ironically, the reason Mueller had anything to say about obstruction of justice was that President Trump was totally transparent in his approach to Mueller. Millions of pages of documents and unlimited access to White House and campaign personnel, even to Trump’s personal attorney, were provided. No executive privilege was exercised; this was completely unprecedented.

President Donald Trump brought our country back from the brink of disaster. The economy is booming and predicted to continue to do so. Unemployment is at historic lows. More people working than ever in the history of the United States. Manufacturing jobs have returned. Wages are continuing to rise, particularly among the middle and lower classes. Stifling regulations have been rolled back. The USA is again respected on the world stage.

Thankfully, unlike Obama’s “wingman” AG Eric Holder, we now have an Attorney General in William P. Barr who will not be deterred in pursuing justice for the crimes committed by the Clinton side of the 2016 election Special Counsel Mueller willfully ignored. Barr will indict those who committed crimes against our country. It will take time, but Lady Justice will prevail.

The 2020 election will be more consequential than the last. It will be a continuing shining light on the hill with President Trump or economic collapse with all the freebies promised by the Democrats. That will be the choice.


You wonder why our country is struggling to survive. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is one giant reason why. In plain terms, she is as crooked as a dog’s hind legs. She tells all in a press conference last year. Here is what she said…

“We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it. And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made”

She needs to go back to the 12th District of California and stay there.

The Truth Wizard

We have a new wizard in town. His name is William P. Barr. He is our country’s Attorney General.

I have watched this man testify before Congress. In his somewhat gentle way, he directly addresses questions and challenges. He is precise and will not be bullied by the Democrat Socialists on any Congressional committee.

Barr was born in New York City in 1950, the son of Columbia University faculty members Mary Margaret and Donald Barr. He was raised Catholic. Barr graduated from Columbia University with a degree in government and Chinese studies, then went on to George Washington University Law School for his J.D. degree (summa cum laude).

He has worked in the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Justice in various capacities. He was US Deputy Attorney General from 1990 to 1991 and then Attorney General from 1991 to 1993. In his confirmation process, he was approved unanimously by the Senate Judiciary Committee and then by voice vote by the full Senate. He was sworn in as Attorney General in November 1991. He returned to private practice upon leaving that post.

Barr’s current appointment as Attorney General was not so easy. The Democrat Socialists objected. The vote out of the Senate Judiciary Committee was 12-10 along a party-line vote. All Republicans “Yes” and all Democrat Socialists “No”. The vote in the full Senate went nearly the same way with only three Democrats voting to confirm, one Republican not voting and only Rand Paul voting no.

Barr’s presence is calming. He is physically a big man, kind of like a bear. He does not seem to get ruffled easily. He speaks softly, but directly. Already, he has put the Democrat Socialists in a panic by stating the Trump campaign was spied upon by elements of the government. He intends to pursue those who violated the law and bring violators to justice. Big Panic! Interesting that William Barr and Robert Muller, the Special Counsel, have been good friends since the 1980s. This, too, should put the Democrat Socialists in a tizzy.

As a personal aside, William “Bill” Barr loves the bagpipe. He has played competitively in Scotland. He and his wife, Christine, have been married 46 years.

William Barr is the new wizard in town. He reminds me of some character in the Harry Potter family. His new name should be “The Truth Wizard”. That it shall be.

“The Truth Wizard”!

D. Bruce Roberts Ph.D. Response

I feel compelled to respond to the Sound Off letter by D.Bruce Roberts Ph.D. that appeared in the Tribune on April 4th. He wrote in response to my earlier column about the Democrat party becoming the Democrat Socialist party. Dr. Roberts is all in on Democrat Socialism. This is understandable when doing some research on Dr. Roberts’ background. He is a professor emeritus (retired professor) from a Christian Seminary. His expertise is in religious education and development.

Frankly, he is of a mind that those of us who favor capitalism and free enterprise warn about. He was in a position in a college to influence young minds toward the goals of socialism. Those goals are skillfully masked goals similar to those of communism. It is crystal clear that neither works to benefit citizens. I don’t believe Dr. Roberts could name a single country on the globe where socialism or communism have in the long term worked.

Further, given his background, I doubt Dr. Roberts has had any experience or exposure to private enterprise where new ideas and services are created and payrolls have to be met. A significant motivation in private enterprise is the profit motive. He is a creature of academia which is supported financially by taxpayers, grants, and student tuition; not profits.

In what Dr. Roberts wrote, I see claim democracy and socialism go together. What he may not realize is that the United State of America is not a democracy. It is a republic as defined in the US Constitution. God help us if everything is run by pure democratic vote. We elect representatives to our state legislative bodies and the US Senate and House of Representatives. They make the decisions and promulgate law and direction.

He talks about worker-owned cooperatives and publicly owned enterprises. Nothing in our current system prevents these from existing now, but they must compete with private enterprise. He complains about big corporate bureaucracies controlling our society. We do have some level of agreement in that I do not favor unbridled capitalism. Reasonable regulation is required. That is what our legislative bodies are responsible for doing without killing motivation.

He claims corporate executives answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders. I guess he has not yet heard of such as 401(K)’s. Millions of citizens participate in these and other forms of investment across the country. And now under our current system, we have the lowest unemployment ever for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans. More people are employed in our economy now than ever in history. Times are good.

I did not read in what Dr. Roberts wrote any correction of fact of what I had written. None. The Democrat party is on a spiral downward. They have offered no creative policies or plans. They only engage in destruction politics with endless “investigation”.

Dr. Roberts says we have rule by the wealthy. I wonder who he thinks the smelly Walmart folks and the deplorables are? They are the ones who elected President Donald Trump, a strong capitalist. They are the meat and grit of this country. They are the ones who are ruling this country.

Deep State Collusion of Unparalleled Magnitude…Connect the Dots!

[Anonymous Author]

Let’s follow the trail…… Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important…… Here’s what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together. It smells like conspiracy and treason.

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”. Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out. Guess who took over this investigation in 2002? Bet you can’t guess. None other than James Comey. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? Your friend and mine, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

It gets better, well not really, but this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?

Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005? No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein. Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, but it was Robert Mueller.

What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation. Now that’s just a coincidence, right? Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.

Let’s fast forward to 2009…… James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server, by the way. The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of Hillary. Like all good public servants do, you know – looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians. Now, you would think that this is a fairly straight-up deal, except that it wasn’t: The People got absolutely nothing out of it. However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech, then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. Ok, no big deal right?

Well, not so fast: the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme. Guess who was the FBI Director during this time? Yep, Robert Mueller. He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.

Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland? No other than, Rod Rosenstein. Guess what happened to the informant? The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it. How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole, providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?

Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved? ~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal. Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? No other than, Lois Lerner. Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences. Nothing to see here, right?

Let’s fast forward to 2015. Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that The Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email. ( Let’s not forget – at least 10 CIA spies in china were killed by the Chinese because of the leaks, and god knows what else occurred ) Sparing you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary. Now this is amazing: guess who became FBI Director in 2013? Guess who secured 17 no-bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer? No other than James Comey. Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh? Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her. Nope…. couldn’t find any crimes there.

Can you guess what happened next? In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy. They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury. Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Comey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 5th of 2016, and exonerates The Hillary from any wrongdoing. Can you see the pattern?

It goes on and on, Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues. FISA Abuse, political espionage…. pick a crime, any crime, chances are…… this group and a few others did it.

All the same players. All compromised and conflicted. All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves. All connected in one way or another to the Clintons. They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch. How many lives have these two destroyed?

As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Let us not forget that Comey’s brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. And see, the person that is the common denominator to all the crimes above and still doing her evil escape legal maneuvers at the top of the 3 Letter USA Agencies? Yep, that would be Hillary R. Clinton!

WHO IS LISA BARSOOMIAN? Let’s learn a little about Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian’s background. Lisa H. Barsoomian, a US Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protege of James Comey and Robert Mueller. Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998. Lawrence also represented: Robert Mueller three times; James Comey five times; Barack Obama 45 times; Kathleen Sebelius 56 times; Bill Clinton 40 times; and Hillary Clinton 17 times. Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times. You may be saying to yourself, OK, who cares? Who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman?

Apparently someone does, because someone out there cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals Court dockets (?). Someone out there cares so much that the internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian. Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. And, although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH gov. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health.This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.

It’s a cover, so big deal, right? I mean what does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter? It deals with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uni-party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month nap with occasional forays into the marijuana legalization mix …. and last but not least Mueller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention? BECAUSE…. She is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE….That’s why!!

Total Corruption!!!!!!

Calling All Democrats

Calling all Democrats! Did you vote for Hillary Clinton in the last Presidential election? Did you vote for Schumer’s Joe Donnelly for US Senate? Maybe the time has come for you to consider where you stand. The Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party of decades ago. It has become today the Democrat Socialist Party.

You have a lot to think about.

Most recently, the leading Democrat candidates for nomination for President for the 2020 election have made the decision to boycott the AIPAC gathering. This is the major annual gathering in our country of those of Jewish faith and those who support Israel. In years past, the leading candidates and Presidents of both parties supported this conference and the State of Israel. Not so the Democrats this year. You have to ask yourself whether this is a clear message the Democrat Party is becoming anti-Semitic and pro-Islam. If you listen to Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, you have your conclusion. Do you support this?

The Special Counsel Mueller report was just released. The findings: NO collusion, NO obstruction of justice, NO treason, NO additional indictments. The President and all those involved with his campaign and election are cleared of any wrong doing. The Special Counsel issued some 34 total indictments. Twenty six of those were for Russian nationals who will never show up at any court in the United States. The remaining 8 were for individuals for behaviors having nothing to do with the Trump campaign efforts and were for time well before Donald J. Trump declared candidacy for the Presidency. Now Nutty Jerry Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, plans to continue “investigation”. And Crazy Adam Schiff, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, plans the same. Are these with whom you want to be identified?

And how about the voting age? Several leaders in the now Democrat Socialist Party propose lowering the voting age to 16. Do any of you have 16 year olds? Do you believe they are ready to take on the responsibility of voting? Most are barely dry behind the ears and if you know anything about our education system, most are barely able to read and write intelligently. A high percentage of those who enter college must take remedial math and English courses and this is mostly at age 18. Do you want to be identified with the vote at age 16 proposal?

Immigration. This is a huge elephant in the room. We as a nation are in crisis mode at our southern border. Many Democrat Socialist Party leaders say this is a “manufactured crisis”, yet the border patrol and ICE tell us they are overwhelmed. Hundreds upon hundreds of illegal aliens are being released into our country never to be seen again. They go into the underground but surface enough to obtain financial benefits, food stamps, medical care, and education resources. For the most part, illegal aliens are unskilled, uneducated, and cannot speak English. Many are sick and carry diseases, some not treatable, we do not want in our country. Thousands upon thousands more are headed our way. The border patrol and ICE are crying for a border WALL, more personnel, and more technology to stop illegal crossings. They are begging for Congress to stop chain migration, lottery migration, anchor babies, Visa over-stays, and allowing un-ending legal maneuvering that stops immediate deportation of those crossing the border illegally. Many Democrat Socialist Party leaders even want illegal aliens to have the right to vote and want to tear down the walls/barriers that do exist.

Now we hear the Democrat Socialist Party leaders want to pack the Supreme Court. They are unhappy with the fact President Donald Trump has been able to appoint 2 court justices and will likely be able to appoint a third when Justice Ruth Beta Ginsburg finally fades away. So, the answer for them is to increase the number of justices so political liberals can be appointed by some nefarious method.

How about let’s bankrupt the country in the process. Let’s have the Green New Deal, free college for all, Social Security for illegal aliens, and Medicare for all. That would be a good start.

I almost forgot. The Democrat Socialist Party is for late term abortions, even to the point of killing a baby who did manage to make it out of the womb alive.

Finally, a big one. The Democrat Socialist Party wants to eliminate the Electoral College. This would move about all political power to California, New York, and the rest of the upper East Coast. Those of us in “fly-over” country would not count at all. The Framers of the Constitution put a stop to such concentration of power which they saw happening even in the original 13 colonies. They structured the vote for the Presidency, the Senate, and the House to balance the power of population centers with that of the individual States. Every State has 2 Senators and one Representative regardless of population and three votes in the Electoral College for the same reason. The House of Representatives is further based upon population with corresponding votes in the Electoral College.

If you want to continue to identify with Bozo Beto, Krazy Kamala, Batty Bernie, or corrupt Uncle Joe and all Democrat Socialists; be my guest. I think you can do better. Think about it.

Women in the 116th Congress

International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 8th. It was a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women world wide. It was celebrated in the USA.

There are more women now in the United States Congress than ever before. There are 131 women in the 116th US Congress. Twenty five women are Senators and 107 are US Representatives. By far, most are intelligent, have good judgment, and really care about their constituency, but some are wacko and/or very self-serving. I am wondering if I can identify the wackos?

Maybe these…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NY
Nancy Pelosi D-CA
Kamala Harris D-CA
Donna Shalala D-FL
Ilhan Omar D-MN
Debbie Stabenow D-MI
Elizabeth Warren D-MA
Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FL
Frederica Wilson D-FL
Barbara Lee D-CA
Dianne Feinstein D-CA
Maxine Waters D-CA
Mazie Hirono D-HI
Rashida Tlaib D-MI
Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX

Do you get a pattern?

There are, additionally, a couple of Republicans, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, that I put in the “I don’t know” category. They do not seem to know with whom to identify. There are indications they are Democrats in sheep’s clothing.

The women in the list seem to garner more TV time than all the others in Congress put together. There are a couple that are just plain dangerous and others that are crooked as a dog’s hind leg. They must follow after “Crooked Hillary”. Others are just stupid or ignorant.

So, we can look forward to show time on television from time to time. Enjoy.

Schumer, the Hypocrite

New York Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer is the worst kind of hypocrite. The illegal alien situation has not changed in decades. It has gotten worse. The United States of America has millions of illegal aliens hiding out all over the country. Many do not return to home countries at the end of VISA terms. They just stay in the shadows. Many crossed our nation’s borders — mostly the southern border with Mexico — illegally and now are also hiding in the shadows.

There is a huge argument about the building of a WALL or BARRIER at our southern border. On the one side are those who favor abiding by the laws of the United States of America. On the other are those who toss law to the wind for their own political gain.

On the one side are those who favor immigration reform to include ending anchor babies, stopping chain migration, instituting e-Verify and stopping immigration by lottery. Most favor immigration based upon merit to allow those in who will be assets to our country. Many favor a reduction of all immigration.

On the other side are those who want open borders, mass inflow of uneducated, unskilled, even diseased people who will end up on welfare, Medicare, be drains on schools and hospitals and more. They would allow criminals in along with drugs and human/child trafficking. OK with them.

At Georgetown Law School in 2009 Senator Schumer gave a talk. He said…

“We must create a system that coverts the current flow of primarily low skilled illegal immigrants into the United States into a more manageable and controlled flow of legal immigrants who can be absorbed by our economy. Let me elaborate.

The first of these seven principles is that illegal immigration is wrong — plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration — plain and simple and unavoidable.

When you use phrases like “undocumented workers”, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration which the American people overwhelmingly oppose. If you don’t think its illegal, you are not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong. We have to change it.

Above all else, the American people want their government to be serious about protecting the public, enforcing the rule of law, and creating a rational system of legal immigration that will pro-actively fit our needs rather than reactively responding to future waves of illegal immigration.

People enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the US legally.

To the advocates for strong, fair, effective, comprehensive immigration reform — and I am certainly one — I say to you that the American people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe that their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration. And any successful comprehensive immigration reform bill must recognize this fact.”

You get the hypocrisy. He and his fellow travelers have no regard for US law. They care only about obstruction and power. Period.

For now, the USA is a sovereign nation and the light of the world. If we want to stay that way, the flow of illegal aliens must be stopped.They cannot be allowed to overwhelm our society in service of their own selfish wants. Look at Europe.

Finally, the people of this country must come to some consensus about what to do about the millions of illegal aliens living in our midst. But now…


Disgusting Omar

[Open Letter to Rep. Ilhan Omar]

Rep. Ilhan Omar
US House of Representatives
1517 Longworth HOB
Washington DC 20515

Rep. Omar:

I just watched some of you in a committee hearing. I found your behavior to be both disrespectful of one before the committee and disgusting.

Let me remind you of a few things. First, the United States of America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, not principles of those found in Somalia or Islam.

Secondly, there are all sorts of stories about you marrying your brother and finding your way into the United States as a refugee illegally. That needs to be sorted out. Concerning the claim about marrying your brother, you could put that to rest with a simple DNA test of you and your husband. You either did or did not. The evidence would be indisputable.

Finally, when immigrating to the USA, the idea is to adopt the values and customs of this country, not expect the USA to adopt yours from Somalia or Islam. That is called assimilation.

It seems there are continuing negative stories about the Somali enclave in Minnesota. The one you represent. Something is definitely amiss there.

You already have a gigantically poor beginning as a member of the House of Representatives. Usually, freshmen or women who are intelligent begin by shutting up and sitting down until learning a few things. You don’t seem to be following that pattern.

Both you and Rep. Rashida Tlaib have an opportunity to shine a positive light on your Districts and on Islam. You both have a really poor start. Just saying.

Krull’s Folly

It is crystal clear: Dr. John Krull, Director of Franklin College’s Pulliam School of Journalism and author of the Statehouse File column in the January 10th issue of the Kokomo Tribune, lives on a different planet that the rest of us. He used his column to blast President Donald Trump for his position on a border wall claiming Trump proposes a solution to a problem that does not exist. The problem: Krull is dead wrong.

The Center for Immigration Studies recently reported that each illegal immigrant costs the United States taxpayers an estimated $82,191 over the time residing in this country. This accounts for taxes paid by the illegal immigrant verses the use of social services; this is a net cost. The Center for Immigration Studies estimated illegal immigrants are costing the United States taxpayers about $16.4 Billion annually. They did not count the $59 Billion sent back to home countries.

Then there is the drug issue with the Mexican border. There were close to 70,000 deaths in the US last year from drug overdose on illegal drugs. Over 70% of illegal drugs cross from Mexico into the United States.

And the weapons: example of rifles, assault weapons, knives, and handguns were displayed at the recent meeting with President Trump and the Border Patrol this week. The Border Patrol said the seizure of weapons is a regular event at the Mexican border.

And the make up of persons attempting entry includes criminals, terrorists, transnational criminal organization members, MS-13 and other gang members. And on and on. People we do not want in this country.

Then there is the human trafficking. The sex trade involving both women and children goes on. Children have died as a result of having been pushed into horrendous travel or kidnapped for selling. It is estimated there is a 30% chance of a woman being raped by a coyote or mule during the course of travel.

And disease. We already know that a high percentage of those in the caravans have required medical care. Medical professionals are seeing diseases that are rare or not present in the US population for years. Diseases like unusual strains of TB and Dengue fever and more are showing up.

We have the cost in human lives of US citizens. There have been a total of 127 Border Patrol agents killed in the line of duty. There have been countless lives lost at the hands of illegal aliens that should not have been in the United States in the first place.

The fact: a wall is effective. It is a deterrent to traveling to the border in the first place. The Border Patrol is asking …. maybe even pleading…. for a wall on our southern border. Even the Chief of the Border Patrol under President Barack Obama has gone public recently on the side of constructing a wall. In an unintended way, CNN Anchor Jim Acosta promoted the WALL by showing there was no chaos, no one trying to cross the border, and no hordes along the section of wall from where he reported.