I read something recently that caught my eye. It said people really do not have a strong intuitive sense of how much bigger 1 Billion is than 1 Million. Or for that matter how much 1 Trillion is.
Let’s put this in terms of seconds. If you do the math for 1 Million seconds, then convert this number to days, it comes to about 5.5 days. Then for 1 Billion seconds, the answer is 31.7 YEARS. If we go on to 1 Trillion seconds, the answer is 3,171 YEARS!
Got it. And we just had a $1.7 TRILLION Omnibus bill passed by Congress with one of our lovely Indiana Senators, Todd Young, voting for it along with 17 other Republican Senators. To pay that back at the rate of $1 per second, it would take 5,391 YEARS.
Personally, I think Young and other RINO Republicans don’t give a damn about the common folks in the country. That’s my opinion.
Adolph Biden
August 2, 2022
Adolph Biden
U.S. President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500
Dear Adolph Biden:
The setting used by you for your speech last evening and the message you preached closely resembled something I would have expected from Adolph Hitler in the days of Nazi Germany. How dare you.
You and your crooked family and comrades are the enemies of this country. I pray to God that the MAGA/America First movement will overtake you this November. It will unless you and the Democrat machine are successful at fraud as you were in November 2020.
You have no idea how angry Americans are at you and your ilk. You have no idea how angry Americans are at the FBI/DOJ raid of Mar-A-Largo….. and the lying claims made by you and Garland early on while Wray vacationed in the Adirondacks. The stench from the rot of Washington DC grows.
The last straw was the speech you made. In short, it was a rally cry for the MAGA/America First movement of which you are clearly terrified. It is coming.
Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.
Bye-Bye Liz
Rep. Liz Cheney
416 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515
Dear Ms. Cheney:
As a lifelong Republican now 83 years old, I am delighted to be able to say to you, “Bye-Bye”.
You, your father, George Bush I & II were really traitors to our country. Oh, I have to add John McCain.
I hope you have a pleasant retirement in Wyoming where they have no use for you. The results of the primary should make that crystal clear.
Kent H Blacklidge
November 2022 – Open Letter to SOS Indiana
Secretary Holli Sullivan
Office of the Indiana Secretary of State
200 W Washington St
Room 201
Indianapolis IN 46204
Secretary Sullivan:
I write concerning the election to be held this November. Although Indiana is a strongly Republican state, I am convinced that significant fraud occurred in the 2020 election. It does not appear in Indiana that fraud was to the level results were affected, but I have not looked at all the down ballot races. My concern is that I think Indiana will continue to use electronic machines in the coming election that are vulnerable to fraud.
I believe it to be in the best interest of honest elections to take lessons from the past. Indiana did not have extended periods of early voting. It allowed absentee voting in real need cases. It required voters to vote in their home precinct. It required actual written signatures on poll books. It required voter identification. And the results were tabulated at the precinct level; then forwarded to central county offices.
The reason I know this is I was in management of The Kokomo Tribune for over 20 years. When Election Day came, the newsroom of the newspaper became “Election Central”. Candidates from both parties would gather in the newsroom to await results. Representatives of other media like local radio stations were set up in the newsroom. At the precinct level, two copies of results were generated. One copy was brought by courier to the newspaper office and the other taken to the Clerk’s office for totaling.
There were NO electronic machines used. The voting was either done on paper ballots or with mechanical machines. There was no chance fraud could be introduced. The elections were honest.
Fraud came with electronic machines. Signatures on little electronic signature pads are a joke. The transmission of results over the Internet is ripe for fraud. And even allowing voters to vote anywhere over even weeks is ripe for fraud. And for sure, mail in ballots are the worst.
I realize the General Assembly took some action to tighten elections, but until we return to paper ballots, voter id, home precinct voting, election one day voting except in genuine need cases for absentee ballots, signature verification, and precinct tally of votes; I believe we are asking for continuing fraud. It must stop.
The problem is nationwide.
Thanks for listening.
Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.
Traitor Liz Cheney
Representative Liz Cheney
US House of Representatives
416 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515
Rep. Cheney:
I do not often write to Congressional members other than those representing my home state. You are an exception.
The Wyoming Republican Party threw you out. Obviously, you did not get the message. I suspect it will become clear soon and you will be out of Congress. It could not happen sooner.
I have been a Republican from the time I could first vote over 6 decades ago. I have been fooled several times in voting for traitors, crooks, and corrupt politicians. One of those times was for George W Bush and his comrade, Dick Cheney. You clearly want to follow in their footsteps. Won’t happen. The people ultimately will not allow that.
You have no idea how angry folks in fly-over country are getting. They have had enough. The Biden administration must go, but not to be replaced by your wing of the GOP. That would be worse.
It may take some more time. I just hope the country will survive in the meanwhile. We must get rid of you and those of your ilk as well as traitorous Democrats. Frankly, I am a bit surprised that the citizens of Wyoming, whom you have betrayed, have not dragged you out of Congress via impeachment. But you will be out.
You should resign. You have done enough damage to our country.
America First.
Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.
Women of the Year
The Gannett Company, a major US media company whose newspaper flagship is USA Today, has announced its choices for “Women of the Year”. There is only one issue. One of the “women” is a man, Dr. Rachael Levine. Dr. Levine is a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and serves as the Assistant Secretary for Health under President Joe Biden.
Rachael Levine was born on October 28, 1957, as Richard Levine. He was married to Martha Peaslee Levine in 1988 and divorced in 2013. Together, they had two children, the offspring of a man and a woman. This leaves no doubt that Richard, now Rachael, is male, not female.
In 2011, he decided to “transition” to a she. Biologically, this is not possible. A short lesson in biology is in order.
In human beings, there are only two genders: male and female. The genetics are fixed and do not lie. Our DNA make up is determined at one point in time, conception, and cannot be changed. This happens only once in a lifetime; at the instant of beginning.
DNA is packaged in each of us in structures called chromosomes. We each have 46 chromosomes, 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. The chromosomes that determine our gender, male or female, are named the “X” and “Y”. Female children have two “X” chromosomes and male children have one “X” and one “Y” chromosome. That’s it.
And, yes, there are genetic abnormalities where there are extra chromosomes, DNA deletions, and more. And the CDC reports that about 2/3rds of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion due to genetic abnormalities and other problems.
The point of all of this is there is no such thing as a transgender male or female. The term itself is an oxymoron. Biology is fixed at conception. One can claim to be a woman or man at will, but this does not change biology.
A prime example is what we now see in women’s athletics. So-called transgender women have different bone and muscle structure than biological women. This has resulted in transgenders being dominate in athletics requiring strength and endurance. Why true women have not gone ballistic over transgender participation in traditional womens’ sports is a mystery.
Biological men or women can identify with, dress like, groom like, romance like, and behave like those of the opposite sex; but they can never biologically become the opposite sex. This is regardless of hormone treatments and/or surgical changes. Will not happen. Time to quit fooling ourselves. A man should not be among the “Women of the Year”. This is an insult to women.
Froma Harrop – Nut Case
When I read columnist Froma Harrop’s column in the April 25th issue of the Kokomo Tribune, I thought to myself, “this writer is a good fiction writer!”. She wrote she believes we are blessed — or “lucky” — Joe Biden is our wartime president. I wanted to learn more, so off to the Internet.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I would have bet big money Froma was from New York before actually doing a search. I won. She was born, raised, educated, and lives in what many of us in “fly-over” country consider “crazy town”. I thank God she does not represent the now majority of the country. The red wave continues to build. November cannot come too soon, if the USA survives until then. She exemplifies exactly why.
As I wrote, I thought the column was fiction when first reading it. Joe Biden in fact is a total disaster and corrupt. Ironically, Ukraine is very close to the center of the Bidens’ corrupt activities along with China. Has been for many years.
Yes, we all hurt for the innocent people in Ukraine, but the President of the United States has first responsibility for the citizens of this country. Biden has seriously weakened the ability of the US to defend itself. He is greatly depleting our weapons reserves (don’t forget the wonderful exit from Afghanistan) and sending millions of dollars we don’t have. More borrowing and a hit to taxpayers.
Finally, Biden is not only allowing but encouraging the invasion on our southern border where our national defense forces should be directed. Millions of illegal aliens are invading our country coming from all over the world. Maybe Froma should move to Texas, Arizona or New Mexico close to the border. Perhaps her warped thinking would change.
Joe Biden and his administration have done nothing good for this country. The list is a mile long. And, by the way, the 2020 election was filled with fraud. Legal action continues in many states. So, that matter is not yet over. You will see.
There is already talk that if Republicans win the House and Senate in November, President Biden will be subject to impeachment. Whispering Joe needs to be removed from office. Many believe this country cannot survive another three years of his administration.
Froma Harrop is so out to lunch, but what would one expect from one totally so deep in liberal, Democrat, woke New York city.
Canadian Truckers
What is happening in Ottawa, Canada, now as I write is criminal. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to be removed from office and perhaps jailed for what he has done and is doing to the people of Canada.
For about three weeks now there has been a massive peaceful protest in Ottawa, the capitol of Canada, by what started out to be the drivers of semi-trailer trucks — the truckers. They are demanding the ending of Covid 19 lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, and face masks. Their demands follow good science. Thousands of truckers and plain citizens have joined the protest.
Trudeau has not talked to or met with the truckers. He has brought out massive police with guns, rubber bullets, and armored vehicles. He has begun arresting people on the street without any justification. He issued an emergency order without authority from the Canadian Parliament which may make it totally illegal.
Trudeau is a tyrant. He became Prime Minister of Canada twice without the majority popular vote. He philosophy is close to if not exactly communist in character. Many people in Canada refer to him as Justin Castro.
We must stand with the truckers. A movement is in the organization stage in the United States. It is to begin in a couple of weeks from California and travel to Washington, D.C., to confront the Criminal Biden administration.
The world is waking up. The tyrants and corrupt/criminal politicians will not win. The people will. Massive protests are occurring all over the world. These were sparked by the Canadian truckers. We owe them support, encouragement, loyalty, and gratitude. We must do what we can from the outside to topple the Trudeau regime. Next is the Biden one.
Senator Kennedy Wisdom
Senator John Kennedy often comes out with some words of wisdom. What follows are some of his most current observations….
“We all know President Biden is in trouble… and, therefore, America is in trouble. Measure it any way you want…
The debacle in Afghanistan which has emboldened Russia and China and Iran
The unbridled inflation
Gas prices
Open borders
A Justice Department that thinks parents are dangerous ‘domestic terrorists’
A Treasury Department that wants access to the checking account of every American that has a job
No wonder the American people are so angry. It’s no wonder that so many Americans think this administration does not care about them or their lives or their future.
Now, I say this with respect… with all the respect I can muster, but my advice to the President is this…
Mr. President, you just got to try harder not to suck ……”
Vaccine Insanity
Biden says all must get the jab or there will be consequences. There could not be a more moronic, maniacal dictate. Biden and his totally incompetent administration are doing their very best to completely destroy our country. The mandatory vaccine jab or be fired is at the top of the list.
Biden’s mandatory vaccine order extends to the military, all federal employees, and all companies that are contracted with the federal government that have more than 100 employees. The mandatory vaccine mandate has been adopted by hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and more. The result: the loss of thousands of experienced, dedicated people and a catastrophic decline in civil safety, health, and education.
We are learning that up to 25% of Navy Seals will be leaving. Thousands of other soldiers, sailors, and marines will the drummed out of the military with purported dishonorable discharges. They all will lose pension and VA health care benefits. All of this because of a completely ignorant — or maybe intentional — dictate by what now appears more to be a dictator than a president. I cannot think of anything more unjust to those who will be dumped out of their dedicated services.
The truth: millions of folks have made the decision to be vaccinated for Covid-19 even though the vaccines are experimental. Millions have chosen not to be vaccinated, but have contracted Covid-19, been sick, and have recovered; many not even knowing they had the virus. Biden insists even those now with a higher degree of immunity than those vaccinated still get the jab. Idiotic. And what is coming next is a dictate for boosters since we now know the current vaccines are not durable and are leaky with break throughs.
Biden’s dictate supported by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Godfather of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus, is in fact doing exactly what is biologically required for selecting even a more virulent, more dangerous, virus. Do you remember Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and now Delta strains with more to come.
The way to manage the Covid virus now is to stop the Biden/Fauci heavy handed tactics and fear mongering; let Covid run its course combined with a dedicated strong focus on therapeutics to help people when they are sick. From the very beginning, drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine, Invermectin, Remdesivir and others have been used effectively along with the administration of Monoclonal Antibody treatment. The Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics lists close to 20 drugs or treatments that are under study for treatment. None have had time for long term studies as Covid therapeutics, but neither have any of the vaccines. Several are drugs used for years for other illnesses safely with the best example being Hydroxychloroquine which for Covid treatment is classified as an off-label use. Now, some pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions by medical doctors for this and other drugs. More insanity.
It is time for people to say enough. It is time for all of us to say, “NO”.