The Kokomo Dispatch — Pledged but to Truth, To Liberty and Law, No Favor Sways Us and No Fear Shall Awe: Poynter/Kautz/Blacklidge
Author: Kent
Past Publsher/CEO of the old Kokomo Tribune and Kokomo Dispatch. As one of a newspaper family who owned a 34,000 daily newspaper in the heart of the Midwest for 85 years, I have a deep belief in a strong “Fourth Estate”, the press. Without a diligent, truthful, and assertive free press, the power would be taken from the people. People have the absolute right to know. After earning a degree in Industrial Management from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue, I spent over 20 years in newspaper management with several as publisher. I also hold three graduate science degrees including a Ph.D.. I have a passionate interest in science, the environment, government, and politics. I have very little tolerance for ignorance and stupidity.
Wrong decision! Howard County Circuit Court Judge Lynn Murray either cannot read plain English language or someone got to her when she approved the ENGIE Emerald Green Solar project for eastern Howard County. This project will take 1,800 acres of prime agriculture land — some of the best and richest in the world — and put it under solar panels for decades.
Murray’s decision flies in the face of crystal clear language in the county zoning ordinance itself. Under the Agriculture (AG) District section, the Board of Zoning Appeals is directly addressed. The language states , “Board of Zoning Appeals: allow a special exception use (which specifically includes “power generation facility”) only when it is clearly a benefit to the adjacent properties”. How is that in this instance?
Further, under 7.08 Special Exception language states, “…. will not permanently injure other property or uses in the same district and vicinity….”.
How Murray concluded all of this language, which is very clear, can be violated is seriously in question. A grade school student would understand what is meant by “clearly benefit” and “will not permanently injure”; words in the zoning ordinance.
It is obvious to me that someone got to the Board of Zoning Appeals when they approved the ENGIE Emerald project in the first place. Even Board membership was manipulated. Their approval, too, was in direct contradiction of zoning ordinance language. Did someone get to them, too? I think so. Money talks.
No reasonable person could conclude that adjacent properties will “benefit” and that they will not suffer permanent injury. But, Judge Murray did exactly that. She and the Board of Zoning Appeals should be ashamed of themselves.
It is my hope that the property owners who took this case to court will continue on to the Court of Appeals. Maybe there they will find judges who can read. If Murray’s ruling stands, it becomes even worse given there is another solar project of 1,700 acres right behind it. Again, hundreds of acres of prime agriculture land will be taken out of production for decades and, frankly, probably ruined for much longer.
We have a problem that must be fixed and fixed quickly. In 2010, the question asking whether a person is a United States of America citizen was removed from the decennial census questionnaire. The result has been that all people — citizen and non-citizen — have been counted. This has resulted in a distortion of representation under the U.S. Constitution for Congress and for the Electoral College that selects our President and Vice President.
The Equal Representation Act (S. 3659/H.R. 7109), introduced by Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) and Reps. Chuck Edwards (R-N.C.) and Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), requires the Census Bureau to include a citizenship question on all future decennial censuses and subsequently prohibits all non-citizens from being counted toward congressional district and Electoral College apportionment. The bill also requires that the Census Bureau publicly report on citizenship status data obtained from the census questionnaire. This bill has passed in the House of Representatives. It is on to the Senate.
A central purpose of the Census is to provide an accurate and fair count of the U.S. population – including the number of citizens and non-citizens. But the Census should not be used to take resources and representation away from American citizens in favor of illegal immigrants. Because the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives is a fixed 435, districts that have a large population not legally allowed to vote allots a disproportionate weight to the legal voters in those districts. Counting non-citizens rewards states with extra congressional districts – and representation in Congress – they do not deserve. Similarly, it unfairly skews presidential elections because electoral votes are allocated based on the number of congressional representatives in each state.
Congress must address the influence of a growing non-citizen population that is unfairly altering representation in the House, Electoral College votes, and billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to blue states with sanctuary cities. These allocations should be based solely on the needs of American citizens. In fact, Thomas Jefferson understood this more than 200 years ago when acknowledging a complete Census – with a citizenship question – was critical to preserving America’s representative democracy.
And, as an aside, non-citizens must not be allowed to vote in any election, local/state/or national. This privilege is for citizens only. Proof of citizenship and voter ID are a must in all future elections.
[Below is a speech by Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a Dutch national, at CPAC Hungary. She clearly tells what has and is happening in Europe as a result of illegal mass migration. There are parallels and differences for us, the United States of America. We are a country of LEGAL immigrants with the largest numbers coming in the 1800s to the early 1900s. From the beginning, we were a mix of Native Americans (the Original People), Europeans, Africans, Hispanics, and others. We managed somehow to get through some pretty difficult cultural times, but we did it with a devotion and loyalty to liberty and freedom and respect for all citizens… and with guidance from the US Constitution. Times are different now. The USA cannot tolerate the hordes of ILLEGAL immigration. Legal, yes. Illegal, no. We have enough problems to solve to take care of US citizens. As in Europe, mass illegal migration into the USA must end and all illegal immigrants returned to the countries from which they came.]
Hello Hungary…. Hello Budapest…. Fellow Europeans and American friends! Thank you so much for having me.
Allow me to skip formalities for a moment and dive right into subjects not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss.
Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe. This week in Stockholm, three elderly women in their 70s were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, 4 people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours. In Paris, hundreds of African migrants took to the street to riot. And in Brigamot, France, yet another church was burned down to the ground. That —ladies and gentlemen— is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent. But we all know that these “incidents” are not “incidents” anymore.
If there is one thing that is for sure, it is that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime.
In the Dutch city of Dorda, something interesting happened the other day. They announced — and this is a small city in the Netherlands — that a new asylum center will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said we are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of the center 1000 Euros to take extra safety measures.
Our reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shooting and even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing: this did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem.
Samual D Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, “In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities, tribal wars, and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations”.
Well, boy was he right. And the worst part is that we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When an other white boy or white girl dies at the hands of an immigrant, we might shake our head… we might let out a sigh… we might even get angry for a minute or two. And then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes.
Ladies and gentlemen, what does that say about us? This is the response of a society that has already given up. A society that has already accepted its defeat. But, is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us?
And know one thing for sure. That is that if nothing changes…. If we don’t start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries; then this time that we live in will go down in history as the time which Western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered. This time will go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by a corrupt elite. And not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it, too.
Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native white Christian European population is being replaced at an ever accelerating rate. Let me back this up for you with some statistics from my home country. Let’s take Amsterdam, the Capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56% migrants. The Hague, 58% migrants. Rotterdam, almost 60% migrants. And, of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-Western, African and Middle East countries. Conclusion: the Dutch population is already out numbered in the majority of our cities. But let’s look onwards.
London, 54% migrants. Again, conclusion: native population outnumbered. Brussels, — color me shocked — 70% migrants. Conclusion: native population majorly outnumbered. And other Europeans will follow suit soon, if they have not already.
So, I am going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory. It is reality. And what is interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or, when they admit to it, they say it is a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent.
Such national disgrace and dubbed “Climate Pope” Frans Timmermans already stated in 2015 that diversity is humanities destiny. And that Europe will be diverse. And, of course, by now I think we all know what they mean by “diversity”. It means less white people. Less of you.
Imagine this in an Asian or African country. Imagine their leaders rejoicing in the fact that their people will soon no longer be a majority in their own country. Absolutely, unthinkable. Unimaginable. So, what in the world is wrong with our leaders?
The underlying sentiment is always they same. Our establishment claims that white people are evil and that our history is somehow fundamentally different from that of others. Consciously or unconsciously, they have sucked up the lies of anti-white dogmas of the Neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory. That why the totalitarians in Brussels are trying to force you, the Hungarian people — a sovereign nation, to accept immigrants despite the fact that the population has said “no” and so has the government. But make no mistake, the majority of the Dutch people have not asked for this either.
Just like Brussels is forcing Hungary to accept hordes of immigrants, they are doing the same now even in the smallest of towns in the Netherlands. No part may remain Dutch in a traditional sense of the word. No part of Europe may remain “European”. And it is not difficult to understand why.
If the old Europe still exists in certain places, then people will be able to compare the new Europe to the old…. And —news flash — they will prefer the old. That is why the bureaucrats hate Hungry so much. And their message is clear. Our way of life, our Christian religion, our Nations…. They have to go, without exception.
Their vision of the future is the neo-liberal, unrecognizable Europe where every city becomes kind of like Brussels: ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion, where the buildings are constantly under construction and they never, ever seem to finish. And, even when they do, the end result is uglier somehow than what they started with. And what are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion, and disorientation.
Ladies and gentlemen….. Welcome to the New World Order!
So what is the antidote? A strong Christian Europe of sovereign nation states. That is why we need to outright reject the lies that nationalism causes wars. It is not nationalism or national sovereignty that causes wars. It is expansionism. And where in Europe do we find that now days? In one place and one place only: Brussels.
Isn’t if funny that the same people who erode our national sovereignty and love to do it … give it all up to the Eurocrats there… that those people are now telling us that we need to spend billions and billions of Euros on the national sovereignty of Ukraine? It’s a joke, honestly. And it is pretty sick and expensive dangerous joke.
During a recent interview, I got ask do you ever think you go too far? Do you ever think that you are too radical? I thought about it for a second: said NO. No, I don’t think I go too far. Truth be told, ladies and gentlemen, I think we in Europe do not go far enough.
I think that if we really think about the organized structural attack on our civilization, that we don’t do enough. Do we do enough to stop the attack on our families, on our Continent, on our countries and on our religion when we hear about another murder, another stabbing of a young innocent child; do we do enough? When we know that our national sovereignty has been given up in less than a century to Brussels; do we do enough? When we hear that Christian kids in Germany are now converting to Islam to ‘fit in’ ; do we do enough? I don’t think so.
The totalitarian institute of the European Union needs to come down. Let me be clear. I don’t believe in reforms. When the foundation of your institution is rotten, and that is the case in Brussels, you can rebuild the house on top of it all you want, but it is still going to crumble. So, the only answer is the Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are the daughters and sons of the greatest nations on Earth. And we ask ourselves, what has happened to us. Where have we come from. And more importantly, where are we going. Our elites have declared a war on us and now it is time for us to put on the full armor of God, fight back, …. And WIN.
[Kristi Noem is the Governor of South Dakota. This article is adapted and edited from testimony delivered before a recent hearing held by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Agriculture.]
I come before you today as the 33rd Governor of South Dakota. My home state is known for the gorgeous Black Hills, rolling plains, and, of course, the historic and iconic Mount Rushmore. If you haven’t visited us yet, consider this a personal invitation.
Agriculture is our number one industry, followed by tourism, so protecting our land is incredibly important to our people.
Today, the focus of this committee hearing is “The Danger China Poses to American Agriculture.” Over the years, I have witnessed this hostile communist country work to systematically take over more of America’s vital food supply chain. Decades ago, I watched China start buying our fertilizer companies and making us more dependent on them for this crop care product. Then, they went after ownership of our chemical companies. I watched our government offer citizenship to members of the CCP in exchange for investment and ownership of our food processing systems. Now, they’re buying up our land.
Flag of China
Between 2010 and 2020, the Chinese Communist Party’s holdings of U.S. agricultural land increased by 5,300%. Reports show China owns about 384,000 acres of U.S. ag land valued at about $2 billion. This should be alarming to all of us. The USDA admits this may not even account for all of the land that has been purchased.
Why? Because the federal government does not monitor and track foreign interests in these large transactions. There is little reporting and very few consequences for allowing countries that hate us to buy up our assets.
Just this past summer, my Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources was contacted by Chinese nationals wishing to meet, tour, and have conversations about how we process and grow our food. We declined those meetings, and within days, the State Department contacted us to notify us that those individuals were Chinese spies trying to steal our intellectual property and crop genetics.
Make no mistake, the CCP will do anything to control our food supply. The Chinese Communist Party is not our friend. It is not our partner. It is not our ally. The CCP is our enemy – a rapidly expanding national security threat that cannot be ignored.
Let me be clear. China is buying up our entire food supply chain.
When America can’t feed itself and relies on another country to feed us, it becomes a national security issue. The country that feeds us controls us.
Let me remind you of why we do a Farm Bill. In the past, the Farm Bill has always been a bipartisan issue. I had the opportunity to work on two of them as a member of Congress. A Farm Bill is simply a safety net. America decided years ago that our nation’s security needed a safe and affordable food supply that we grow. Every family in this country should be able to afford to go to a grocery store and buy their family’s necessities.
The Farm Bill ensures that. Farmers who get up every day to make sure there are groceries on those shelves can have one good year and pay their bills and look forward to the next planting season, or have one bad year and have drought, hail, or flooding and lose everything. It is a risky business, and I’ve often said some of the biggest gamblers I know are our family farmers.
The Farm Bill should be designed to help farmers, not environmental extremists. Our farmers don’t want President Biden dictating their agriculture practices to fulfill his extreme climate agenda. As a conservationist committed to protecting the abundance of natural resources in my state, so-called “climate-smart” agriculture dictated by the Biden administration does not help farmers who need help developing conservation, natural resource, and wildlife habitat solutions that best meet their needs at the local level.
It is in our nation’s best interests that those farmers exist because we do not want one entity to eliminate their ability to keep prices low for our families. The Farm Bill manages that risk and is their safety net. I implore you to do your jobs and get it done.
Recent media reports show the largest Chinese holder of American ag land is shipping food and medical supplies to China to be stockpiled by the Chinese military. We all saw when China purchased land in North Dakota that they claimed it was for a corn processing plant. But there wasn’t enough corn around to support that kind of a facility. And it was just a few miles from a U.S. Air Force base.
South Dakota is home to Ellsworth Air Force Base, the B-1 bomber, and the MQ-9 Reaper drone. It will soon be home to our next-generation bombers – the B-21s. This platform will protect our nation for the next 50 years. As governor, I refused to let what happened in North Dakota happen in South Dakota.
For almost two years, I worked with our legislature, our ag community, and our business community to stop China and five other evil foreign Governments from buying ag land in our state near our military assets. I’m happy to report that we’ve banned them – and strengthened reporting requirements to identify and stop illegal purchases in the future.
China doesn’t allow American companies to own their land – they don’t even allow their people to own land. Why would we allow them to purchase our most significant asset?
It’s clear President Biden does not have a plan to protect the American people – not against crime in our major cities, not at the southern border, and not against the threat of China. So, today, I’m here urging Congress to stop the CCP and other nations that hate us from infiltrating our country.
In summary, let me remind you that for decades, China has manipulated their currency, stolen our IP, spied on us, mistreated us in trade practices, is purchasing our nation’s debt, controls our nation’s prescription drug supply chain, is poisoning our children with Fentanyl, unleashed a deadly virus on the world, uses Tik-Tok to spy on and control our nation’s population and is willing to put their people through horrific situations to fulfill the plan they have had for thousands of years to be the dominating world power.
The only thing standing in their way is us. America. If we lose this country, where will we go?
The time is now to ensure that every policy we pass and champion puts America First. Our safety depends on it. Our security depends on it. Our American way of life depends on it.
“We Indians know about silence. We are not afraid of it. In fact, for us, silence is more powerful than words. Our elders were trained in the ways of silence, and they handed over this knowledge to us. Observe, listen, and then act, they would tell us. That was the manner of living.
With you, it is just the opposite. You learn by talking. You reward the children that talk the most at school. In your parties, you all try to talk at the same time. In your work, you are always having meetings in which everybody interrupts everybody and all talk five, ten or a hundred times. And you call that ‘solving a problem’.
When you are in a room and there is silence, you get nervous. You must fill the space with sounds. So you talk compulsorily, even before you know what you are going to say.
White people love to discuss. They don’t even allow the other person to finish a sentence. They always interrupt. For us Indians, this looks like bad manners or even stupidity. If you start talking, I’m not going to interrupt you. I will listen. Maybe I’ll stop listening if I don’t like what you are saying, but I won’t interrupt you.
When you finish speaking, I’ll make up my mind about what you said, but I will not tell you I don’t agree unless it is important. Otherwise, I’ll just keep quiet and I’ll go away. You have told me all I need to know. There is no more to be said. But this is not enough for the majority of white people.
People should regard their words as seeds. They should sow them, and then allow them to grow in silence. Our elders taught us that the earth is always talking to us, but we should keep silent in order to hear her.
I picked these up from a post on Substack. They are profound. I disagree only with numbers 9 & 10 regarding population. It is my opinion that the entire world crisis with migration of hordes of people is due to high fertility rates in many countries around the world. This has been going on for decades. Earth can support only so many people in a reasonable standard of living. Now we see those that don’t have migrating to countries with lower populations and that do have. This must stop. Dr. Stephen Emmott, the head of Computational Science at Microsoft Research, believes we have already passed the human population level the Earth can sustain. I totally agree.
The way down the toilet for our country:
Open borders & illegal immigration
Rampant crime and unsafe cities
Mass addiction and Fentanyl
Election insecurity and interference
The educational indoctrination of children
The asymmetrical weaponization of justice
The destruction of private property rights
Inflation and debt
The global depopulation agenda
Record low fertility and birth rates
Unaccountable federal bureaucracies
Toxic food supply
Vaccine and pandemic disinformation
The trans-contamination and sterilization of children
Over prescription of pharmaceuticals
Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights
DEI and the new racism
Moral and societal decay
Financing of endless foreign wars
Sprawling surveillance state
Centralization and consolidation of government power
Destruction of trust in institutions
Censorship industrial complex
State media propaganda
The smearing of those who challenge it
Paul Harvey, a journalist from our past, said, “History promises only this for certain: We will get exactly what we deserve”.
We have been warned. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a widely known Belgian virologist, tells of a Covid “Imminent Tsunami of Death” coming. His warning has been pooh-poohed by some, but we will soon see what happens.
Bossche believes there will be massive illness and deaths among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems. He predicts a huge wave will cause collapse of hospitals and cause financial, economic and social chaos.
His prediction is the hyper-acute phase of sickness will begin within a few weeks and likely extend through the 2024 election period. Bossche explains that the gigantic global scale of the medical establishment’s experimental COVID vaccine campaign will make the accelerating illnesses and deaths impossible to cover up.
Bossche’s advice: don’t get reinfected with COVID. Take anti-virals prophylactically; not wait until symptoms appear.
This whole possible scenario goes right back to the creation and use of mRNA experimental vaccines, a vaccine construct never before injected into humans. The COVID mRNA vaccine and its boosters cause the human body systems themselves to create proteins found in COVID itself; the spike protein of the capsid encasing the virus. This protein causes an immune system reaction seemingly without end. The coding in the mRNA vaccine could find its way into the primary body DNA causing disruption and unintended consequences.
Bossche warns the COVID mRNA vaccines result in compromised immune systems in the long term. He warns the next wave of disease will be catastrophic. This to be most felt in highly vaccinated countries.
Believe him or not. Your choice. Your choice to get vaccinated or get boosters. Again, we will soon see what happens. Bossche has put his reputation on the line.
Louisiana is taking a stand….a strong and courageous stand. The Louisiana State Senate has passed a bill with a unanimous vote that shouts state sovereignty. Senate Bill 133 is now in the hands of the Republican-controlled Louisiana House.
This bill was crafted to block the implementation or enforcement of any rules, regulations, taxes, policies, or mandates from the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum. It shouts states’ rights and state power.
The United States of America is made of States; independent States. The federal government has only limited power over states. Louisiana has in effect, when passed by the House and signed into law, given the double middle finger to the Biden administration and the federal government when it, the state, does not agree with what is being pursued by the federal government.
Senate Bill 133 states “The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the State of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality or any other political entity.”
The folks of Louisiana are making it crystal clear that no one is taking away the power of nor the freedom of Louisiana citizens. This clear message comes as the Biden administration makes noise and moves toward trying to cede decision making and enforcement power to such as the WHO, UN, and WEF. Isn’t going to happen in Louisiana.
It is my hope that other states will follow the lead of Louisiana to protect their own citizens.
United States Supreme Court 1 First Street NE Washington DC 20543
Forgive me for not being polite…. It is time for you to get off of your collective asses and take charge!
The court system under you is failing and you seem to do nothing when you do have the power to address matters. The lawfare against former President Donald Trump stinks to high heaven. You know it and I know it…. and millions of US citizens know it.
Time is wasting. If you do not take bold action there is a chance our Constitutional Republic will not survive. That will be on you.
The trust in the federal government including the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches is fast eroding. I predict if it gets to a point there well may be civil war.
It seems much of the corruption of the judicial system began with January 6th, 2021. Now it is rampant and getting worse by the day. Again, you and I both know there was no terrorist attack or insurrection on January 6th. And hundreds who are in jail are there only due to a corrupt judicial system. Yes, some deserved conviction, but the vast majority did not. Even many in jail are not getting timely due process. You know it and I know it.
You and I both know the court cases against Donald Trump are crap. They are costing taxpayers and Trump millions to pursue. Any baboon can see the Georgia case and New York cases are total farces. They are election interference by a Democrat machine that is attempting to bleed Trump of resources and prevent him from even being in the 2024 election for President.
Again, you have the power to intervene. If you choose not to, the consequences for the country are dire.
There is a chance that solar sanity will ultimately be brought to Howard County. A ruling by Howard County Circuit Judge Lynn Murray for or against the development of a 1,800 acre solar field titled “Emerald” by ENGIE, a French multi-national company, is expected sometime in May.
This comes as a result of several Greentown area residents, who own properties adjacent to the prime agriculture land proposed to be covered with solar panels, taking their case to court. They challenged the legality of the approval of the solar project by the Howard County Board of Zoning Appeals on several grounds.
The ENGIE Emerald project had been denied twice earlier by the BZA. In the interim, one Board member who voted “no” was replaced by a Board member who voted “yes”. This member replacement or maneuver was questionable at the time. The final “yes” vote was a 3-2 yes/no vote; so the Board was split even in its final approval vote. Earlier it had been a 3-2 no/yes vote which denied the project.
The primary case for denial of the special exception for a solar field made by adjacent property residents rests in language found in county zoning ordinance itself. Under the Agriculture (AG) District section the Board of Zoning Appeals is directly addressed. The language states, “Board of Zoning Appeals: allow a special exception use (which specifically includes “power generation facility”) only when it is clearly a benefit to the adjacent properties.”
Further, under 7.08 Special Exception language states, “…. will not permanently injure other property or uses in the same district and vicinity….”
Any reasonable person would readily conclude the presence of a 1,800 acre solar field next door would not be “clearly a benefit” to adjacent properties, but would definitely damage adjacent properties in value and likely in physical ways. Judge Murray, however, need only conclude damage would come in the form of lower value for adjacent properties and not “clearly a benefit”. Who, really, would want to live right next to 1,800 acres of solar panels. The case is really simple as should be the decision by Murray.
Then there is yet another solar field proposal by another company to cover about 1,700 acres more of prime agriculture land. So, the decision by Murray is critical.
And as a former newspaper publisher, there remains a nagging question in my mind. That question is whether any local official or citizen, other than the landowners whose fields would be covered with solar panels, had financial gain from BZA approval of ENGIE: Emerald.