[Below is a letter in response to an article by Peter Wehner, Senior Fellow at the Ethics & Public Policy Center, that appeared in the March 21st issue of Time magazine. Wehner bemoans the state of the Republican Party but states he will not vote for Donald J. Trump under any circumstances. I find that an absurd position and one that if followed by large numbers would guarantee a Clinton presidency. And disaster for the future of the United States of America.]
Peter…. At age 77, I, as well as you, have been around the block a few times. I am a life-long Republican and was the publisher of a Midwest daily newspaper for several years. The paper was owned by members of my family for nearly 100 years. Our editorial stance was that of moderate Republican.
I agree with much of what you wrote but not all. As far as I am concerned, the Republican Party and those elected under that umbrella not only became tone deaf to ordinary Americans, but have lined their own pockets in the process. The Republican dominated Congress has done worse than nothing. They have betrayed the people who put them there. In all, the Republican Party over many years has, in my humble opinion, morphed into a self-serving, egotistical, ideologue dragon to the detriment of common folks and the country. The dragon slayer is on site in the form of Donald J. Trump. It is time for the existing establishment Republican Party to be killed. Nothing less will work… and it is in full panic mode.
What disturbed me most about your article was the statement you will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. You would prefer a President Hillary Clinton. That, with certainty, would mean the demise of the United States of America in short order. We cannot and must not continue the present course if we want to survive. In my opinion, none of the other Republican candidates (Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich) are capable of turning the course. Rubio is a light weight, Cruz is a ideologue and the Pinocchio of the Party, and Kasich was a darling of Lehman Brothers and not trustworthy either. Then we have Uncle Bernie… enough said. And Hillary who is so entangled in emails and the Clinton Foundation and much worse self-serving activity and outright lies she is blatantly disqualified.
Donald Trump is a threat to those in power. Obviously, he threatens you, too. I, for one, am willing to cast my vote for Trump. I see him as the one hope for a better future for the USA. He may not succeed, but I am convinced he will do his damnedest in trying. It is going to take a Trump to offer the Republican Party a chance to remake itself into something again relevant.