
We are told that now we have something between 10 million and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States, a part of whom are criminals. Donald Trump, if elected President again, has promised a mass deportation effort will take place. The numbers are breath taking. He frequently talks about the criminal element being rounded up and deported, but does not say much about others, the majority.

The others need to be talked about. There are ways to encourage self deportation back to home countries for people who have come into the United States illegally and, therefore, are criminals by definition under US immigration law.

What can be done? First, stop any monthly stipends being handed out. And, no more rent vouchers, subsidized housing eligibility, and no more eligibility for mortgages. And on we go — no welfare payments, no Medicare or Medicaid, no eligibility for Social Security, and no eligibility for any US tax payer supported benefits.

No more free medical services except for true emergencies. Our hospitals and health care systems are being highly stressed. Just one recent example came from Logansport. Dozens of cases of Tuberculosis have been reported. This emphasizes the fact diseases not significant in the US are being brought in my illegal aliens given no health screening.

And one highly important step is to require all employers use E-Verify to determine if a person is legally eligible to work in the United States. The claim by a huge percentage of illegal aliens, when asked, is they came looking for employment. Non-citizens without a Green Card or certain Visas are not eligible for employment in the United States. The responsibility for determining eligibility for work falls on the employer given the large cash economy in our country. Employers who circumvent work eligibility requirements for workers must be severely held accountable.

Taking all of these steps will result in significant self deportation of illegal aliens. It will reduce stress on all social services including schools, health care, housing, and more.

Other steps that should be taken. Local law enforcement agencies should be required to cooperate and support efforts by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency). So-called “Sanctuary Cities” must be ended. To his credit, our Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita, is already taking steps to end these in Indiana…. and there were at least three publicly known about.

We must take our country back. People who want to come into the United States to work and live must come in legally. The United States has always welcomed legal immigrants who will benefit the country and not be or become a burden on it. The United States has always welcomed people who will pledge allegiance to the United States Constitution and live under established law. Just running across a border of the United States is not acceptable.

Our borders must once again become impenetrable allowing only legal immigration.