France is dying. It is a piecemeal death. One business district at a time. One neighborhood at a time. A restaurant, a business, a theater, a hotel here and there. Each death so sad but survivable. But as the piecemeal deaths mount, they become an aggregate, and now France is dying.
Jean Raspail, a French writer, warned the French in clear language in 1973 that the open borders acceptance of immigrant-invaders meant the death of France.
Enoch Powell, a British politician and writer, warned the British. It proved to be impossible to warn the indifferent populations imbued with racist guilt from decades of propagandistic indoctrination. Enoch Powell was denounced and Jean Raspail ignored. Marine Le Pen, the only politician in France who stands for the French people, may be headed to prison for standing up for French ethnics against the immigrant-invaders.
The same destruction of nation is happening all over Europe, especially in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the UK, countries in which the ethnic female population has no protection against gang rape by immigrant invaders. Women are discouraged from reporting their gang rapes, because it is considered racist against immigrants.
This is Europe today. A cultural dead zone or a rising new culture based on immigrant, largely Muslim mores.
European and English friends friends say: “Don’t come back. It will break your heart. It is not like you remember it.” But still the tourists go. They are shown around the still safe areas and kept from seeing the encroaching barbarity. It is like a sponsored trip to Israel. You are not shown the bad stuff, only the good stuff.
Trump is right. Europe is a basket case. Why are Americans supporting an alien culture in Europe to the point of possibly having nuclear war with Russia, a Christian nation that protects its citizens even though under a dictatorship? The United States should no longer align with the decadent and declining countries. None in Europe are any longer ethnic nations.
European governments, who refuse to protect their citizens from immigrant-invaders, appear to want war with Russia. Any war won’t last long. Europe is dead just like the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico, or is it the Gulf of America, where the Mississippi River dumps chemical fertilizer runoff from commercial agribusiness and other pollutants killing life.
The United States has the same anti-Western intellectual class as Europe. How can Trump address our vulnerability from our internal enemies, which is where our vulnerability lies? With an estimated 20 million illegal aliens (foreign invaders) in the United States, the potential for very negative social and cultural change is here.
The United States of America is a melting pot with tradition, history, common values and loyalty to the Constitution. It must not allow the changes seen in Europe to infect this country. All illegal immigrants (aliens) must be sent home. For any chance of resurrection, Europe should do the same.
[Revised and Edited from the Internet]