US AG & Poisons

We have heard frequently the complaint from President Donald Trump that other countries will not buy or permit in U.S. agriculture products. I think there is a darned good reason why they will not.

Generally speaking, our agriculture products are tainted with poisons (pesticides) of all kinds. These poisons follow the products into human food supplies. The best example of this is the use of glyphosate (RoundUp) on corn and soy beans and on other crops that have been genetically engineered to tolerate that poison. There is strong evidence glyphosate causes cancer.

But that is not all. Weeds are now showing adaptation to glyphosate, so higher and higher doses of it are applied to crops to kill weeds. And Dicamba is being added as well; a more toxic and dangerous poison. The cycle continues with more toxic chemicals added all the time. This is just one example of many.

The only way for the consumer to avoid the pesticides in their food is to purchase only “Organic” products. Yes, they are more expensive, but is one’s health worth it in the long run?

We have a chance now to clean things up. Robert F Kennedy Jr will become the next Secretary of Human and Health Services. He is a strong advocate for getting harmful chemicals out of our food supply. He will tackle big Pharma, big Agriculture, and big Food. Hopefully, he will have cooperation from the new Director of the EPA, Lee Zeldin, and the new Secretary of Agriculture, Brooke Rollins, to clean up the food supply.

Things must change. We are the sickest society on the planet…and getting sicker… and spend the most money on health care than any of the developed nations.

President Trump needs to get the message. He can complain all he wants about other countries keeping our agriculture products out, but until we take serious and significant action to clean up our own act, that will continue to be the case. To date, we have capitulated to Big Agriculture and Big Food. That must end. The era of poisons must end.

As long ago as 1962, Rachael Carson in her book, “Silent Spring”, tried to warn us. That was 63 years ago! It is long past time to wake up.