If you are still wearing a mask for Covid 19 protection, you might want to think again. I have seen many wearing a mask while outdoors walking somewhere or in their own car alone while driving somewhere. These may be the worst cases of ridiculous and even potentially harmful mask use, but there is more.
There is a report in the Epoch Times that parents in Gainesville, Florida, were concerned about their children wearing face masks all day at school. One parent, the mother of three sons, reported her sons broke out in rashes from prolonged mask-wearing.
She and other parents decided to find out what was going on. They gathered six masks (three surgical, two cotton, and a poly) that had been worn by students and sent the masks to the University of Florida’s Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center for analysis. The results were astonishing and scary.
Eleven dangerous pathogens (disease causing) that included bacteria that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis were found. Various other parasites and fungi were included. One mask was found to contain a virus that can cause a fatal systemic disease in cattle and deer. Other less harmful pathogens that can cause ulcers, acne, and strep throat were also detected.
We have all of this along with knowing the naked C-19 virus particle is so small that it will pass through masks.
Still the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that kids should continue to wear masks and socially distance until they are vaccinated.
Do your own research. There are many and serious questions with more seemingly emerging every week about both masks and the vaccines.
Illegal Immigrants in Indiana
At the direction of President Joseph Biden, the federal government is flooding the United States with illegal immigrants (a.k.a. illegal aliens). Reports are illegal immigrants are being transported to all over the interior of our country.
I became curious about how this might be impacting Indiana, so I called the Governor’s office with questions. I talked directly with one of Governor Holcomb’s assistants. The result: a stone wall. All she would say was “they (the feds) don’t have to ask and they don’t have to tell” when I asked if any illegal immigrants were being placed in Indiana. I asked again and received the same words. She would not say more.
This was disturbing since any illegal immigrants being brought into Indiana would impact schools, medical care facilities, social services, safety, and ultimately the economy of the state including taxes. Given that, I believe the citizens of Indiana not only deserve to know what is going on, but have the right to know.
It appears the Governor wants to keep Indiana citizens in the dark. It is unclear why. If the Governor does not know if illegal immigrants are coming into the state, he needs to revamp his intelligence system. He ought to damned well know.
If he does know, it is time for him to tell all. Indiana citizens have the right to know who is coming into the state and where they are being placed. Period.
Elections and US Military
[A post from one of our favorite alternative media sites]
The top of the US Military brass was previously provided the US Intelligence Report about the US elections. They were made aware that Trump had clearly won the US Presidential Election.
That being said, the US Military is obligated to get their orders from the legitimate Commander in Chief which would be Trump. The Uniform Code of Military Justice would have to be adhered to. President Trump can command and order the Military brass to arrest all those who are complicit and have them stand in front of military tribunals.
Trump will need to contact the US Joint Chiefs of Staff directly and have this carried out. Trump does not need to wait for the Generals to act solely by themselves. He can invoke the UCMJ provision supported by the Intel Report and the military’s own election investigation.
If any of the brass disobeys a lawful order then, they will be held accountable under this UCMJ provision and appropriate military charges would be determined and carried out forthwith.
Signed…. A Former MP Officer
Election Incompetence
Indiana is fortunate to be a solidly red state. In November 2020, the vote for President Donald Trump was overwhelming. Down ballot, the vote for Congressional offices, state offices, and local offices went to Republican candidates with few exceptions.
But I wonder. I wonder how aggressively Indiana state voter rolls are examined and ineligible “voters” removed? Other states have been in the news with descriptions of all sorts of issues. Judicial Watch has sued several states to require purging of ineligible names. What “voters” have been found?
Illegal aliens
Dead people
People who moved out of state
People listing non-habitable addresses
People under voting age
And then there are the huge issues with people voting in more than one state, ballots counted multiple times, phony ballots, and finally, interference from afar with the electronic voting and tabulating machines.
We in Indiana may think we are absent these issues, but are we? Have we looked?
Then there is a question of competency in the conducting of the elections on the county level. Howard County is a case in point. Before the beginning of early voting, there was a “training” session for Judges and Inspectors, the people responsible for enforcing the rules at polling places. The training session was woefully inadequate. The county clerk talked for something over 2 hours while flipping through pages of her 3” binder. The binder was filled with official forms and instructions for Judges and Inspectors.
The problem was the binders to hand to attendees were not ready. They would not be until a couple of days before voting began. The attendees never handled one piece of paper. No poll worker was given hands on training with the electronic poll books.
Then came opening day for early voting. The polling sites were set up by volunteers, the County Clerk, and the Democrat member of the County Election Board. Unfortunately, no provisions for disabled voters who could not stand at the voting booth were included in pre-planning. There were many such voters.
Then there were the problems with the devices used. Scanning did not work all the time. Hand typing became then required. The signature pad on the electronic poll book was another problem. Any scribble was fine. How is this anything close to signature matching?
There is more. Machine counts and hand counts did not match. Ballots were stored overnight in a less than secured area. Ballot pick up protocol was violated.
Finally, and maybe the most serious, was in one polling site the wife of the Democrat candidate for Treasurer came into the polling place. She and the Democrat representative on the Election Board conversed while standing inside. This action was blatantly illegal. Conversation with her, the County Clerk, and the Democrat EB representative continued even outside but inside the polling place boundary. This wife even pulled out a poll worker to talk to and give instructions. The Republican member of the county Election Board took no action.
When later several issues were called to the attention of the Republican County Chairwoman, she did nothing but complain about the communications to her. She said this was not her responsibility.
So, this small example in one county in Indiana shows this state is not free of voting problems. There are several months now until the voting in 2022. It is time to tighten down everything. Get rid of the electronic devices, go back to the paper poll books where signatures can be truly compared, require people to vote in the precinct of their residence, and count votes by hand. It worked before and it can work again.
What happened in the 2020 election can never be allowed to happen again in any state including Indiana.
The Relic
When driving by 300 North Union Street in Kokomo, Indiana, one would never know once here was one of the leading medium sized daily newspapers in the world, The Kokomo Tribune. What stands here now is a burned out relic; a building hollow and locked up but with memories of greatness. It is doubtful current owners of this newspaper will ever restore the building following a fire in early January 2021.
Once here was a newspaper that led in the development of production technology and that had visitors from all over the world to see how production was done. Here was a newspaper that had the latest in a new 48-page Goss Metro Offset press built by Rockwell. Here was a newspaper that led in the development of computer technology and photo composition in newspapers.
Here was a newspaper that frequently on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays had to make double runs of the press because the issue that day exceeded the 48 page capacity of the press. Here was a newspaper that had over 200 carriers that delivered the paper to the door step of readers each day.
Here was a newspaper that was determined to be “First in the Nation” in penetration of its metro market by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the gold standard, for 8 of 10 years during one decade; and only second for the two remaining years. Here was a newspaper with a paid circulation of 34,000 daily and an over 95% penetration of its market. Nearly all homes in the market subscribed to and received the paper each day.
Here was a newspaper that people wanted to read and one that was trusted for truth and for comprehensive news of its community. Here was a newspaper that had a reportorial staff of about 35 to cover hard news, sports, and community features. Here was a newspaper that editorially reflected the consensus of the community with a moderately conservative political philosophy on its Editorial page, but one that strove diligently to keep opinion out of objective news reporting. Here was a newspaper that was at the heartbeat of the community.
When the Goss Metro press was first received, the Tribune building had a large wall of glass facing Union Street so people of the town could come by and see the press in operation. It was impressive. Nothing can replace the sights and sounds of a large newspaper press in operation. They loved it.
The management of the Tribune was active and recognized. The then publisher, Richard Blacklidge, was once president of the Hoosier Press Association, The Inland Daily Press Association, and finally, the American Newspaper Publishers Association. The latter was historically dominated by publishers of the large metropolitan papers of the United States. Blacklidge was also the Vice President of FIEJ, the international newspaper association.
The Editor, Dow Richardson, was a leader in the American Association of Newspaper Editors. He led the news and editorial side of the Tribune for over 50 years.
Kent Blacklidge, the son of Richard Blacklidge, was the initial inside driver of the technological changes. He led in the development of one of the first computer typesetting machines in collaboration with engineers at Delco Electronics. He wrote several computer programs for production, circulation, and accounting applications. Kent later became publisher of the Tribune when his father retired. During his years as Associate Publisher and as Publisher, he led the paper in causes that bettered the community and the environment.
With his skills, knowledge, and spirit, Richard Isham was brought on as operations manager early in the technological change period. He, with his management team, brought newspaper production to perfection. Every 24 hours a new, fresh, and full of news newspaper was pushed out the end of the press and finally to Tribune readers.
The glory days are gone. The real Tribune family of those days has scattered, retired, or died. The Kokomo Tribune is almost gone. Even before the fire, it was a skeleton of what it once was. Both circulation and content have plummeted. Now even the physical building has been shuttered and locked. The loss to the community is immeasurable.
Newspapers once numbered about 1800 family owned and independent in this country. They were the “Fourth Estate” with power and influence to provide checks and balances on government. No more. The country is worse off for it.
The Pack of Traitors
The election cycle of 2022 will be around soon enough. The Republican House of Representative members who voted to impeach President Trump should all be primaried out of office. There appears to be only one vulnerable Senator: Lisa Murkowski. She needs to go, too.
Here is the list of GOP traitors. The first are the House of Representative members that voted with all of the Socialist Democrats to impeach President Trump:
Liz Cheney – Wyoming
Anthony Gonzales – Ohio
Jamie Herra-Beutler – Washington
John Katko – New York
Adam Kinzinger- Illinois
Peter Meijer – Michigan
Dan Newhouse – Washington
Tom Rice – South Carolina
Fred Upton – Michigan
David Valadao – California
Get them out of the House!!
And here are the GOP Senators that voted with all of the Socialist Democrat Senators to convict President Trump:
Richard Burr – North Carolina
Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Bill Cassidy – Louisiana
Susan Collins – Maine
Mitt Romney – Utah
Ben Sasse – Nebraska
Patrick Toomey – Pennsysvania
Unfortunately, only Murkowski is up for re-election on 2022.
MAGA loyalists must not let up. They must continue to oppose the destructive policies proposed by the Socialist Democrats and the actions of Criminal Joe Biden and Commie Kamala Harris. They all know they won the November election through fraud and a whole host of criminal actions with massive help from countries outside of the USA. It must stop.
Thank you, President Trump
[From an anonymous heartfelt author; speaks for many]
My days on earth are numbered, but before I fade away, there is something important I need to say. It may not be important to anyone else; but it’s important to me.
Win or lose, President Trump, I just want to say thank you for the last four years. Thank you for making it cool to be an American again.
Thank you for showing us that we don’t need to be under China’s thumb economically anymore or any other way.
Thank you for one of the strongest economies we’ve ever experienced in my lifetime.
Thank you for all you have done for the minority communities and the outstanding decrease in the unemployment rate for all Americans.
Thank you for the record employment for Americans regardless of race or gender.
Thank you for making us feel good to love our country and to be a patriot again.
Thank you for supporting our Nation’s flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag.
Thank you for supporting our nation’s law enforcement organizations, and understanding how difficult their job really is.
Thank you for quelling the flood of illegal immigration and bringing to justice the thousands of criminals that flood brought upon us.
Thank you for giving corporations a reason to come back to America to make our own products and put Americans back to work.
Thank you for bringing our troops home from endless deployments that presented us with little more than body bags and for your commitment to strengthen our military.
Thank you for Operation Warp Speed and keeping your promise to bring the Covid 19 vaccine to us in less than a year.
Thank you for your never-ending attempts at bringing peace to the Middle East and your support for Israel.
Thank you for your Tax relief and for our energy independence. Most of all though…..
Thank you for taking a damn rotten job that you never had to take!
Thank you for caring enough for this country to want to try and make a difference.
Thank you for showing America how little Career Politicians actually work for their constituents.
Thank you for showing us how much those politicians despise you for showing America how easy it is to build a great nation, rather than rape her to line their own pockets and stock portfolios.
Thank you for allowing us to experience a President that wasn’t a life long politician, but a life long American.
Any Doubt?
Is there doubt in anyone’s mind that there was massive fraud and criminality involved in the Presidential election? No?
The Dominion voting machines were in place. Foreign countries were ready to act. But the plans for the massive voter fraud in the Presidential election were capped off by the unconstitutional, illegal actions of the governors and secretaries of state in swing states when they changed voting procedures without direction or approval by their respective state legislatures which all had Republican majorities. The US Constitution gives only state legislatures the power over voting procedures.
To make matters infinitely worse, no court including the SCOTUS was willing to hear any evidence of fraud. Courts all abdicated responsibility by taking the position no one had “standing”.
Now Indiana voters, in addition, have very serious issues with Indiana’s Congressional delegation. Did our delegation and VP Pence cost President Donald Trump and other Republicans down ballot the election? You decide.
The approval of a Presidential election requires the results of each state — legislature certified results, not governor or secretaries of state certification — be delivered to the President of the US Senate (then VP Mike Pence). The President of the Senate, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, opens all the Certificates, and counts the votes. The person having the greatest number of votes, 270 or more, shall be the President. Indiana had 11 Electoral College votes; one for each Representative and one for each Senator. All went for President Trump.
There is no mention of fraud or criminal acts in the US Constitution regarding an election. However, accepted protocol and federal election law says if one member of the Senate and one of the House find objection to the results reported by any state, the Senate and House will retire to their respective Chambers for a period of up to 2 hours, then vote as to whether to accept the results reported by a given state. In spite of objections, this never happened.
What never happened either was the honoring of the request by several states to delay Electoral College vote counting so certain state results could be verified. A couple of states had even sent two Electoral College delegations to Washington. This was ignored.
There are as many as 7 states that reported results that allegedly were fraudulent. That is determined by evidence of voter fraud, machine manipulation, and interference from countries outside the United States. The evidence is mountainous and yet to be fully explored.
Of our Indiana Congressional representation, only three stood firmly for truth. Only three stood unbending for Indiana voters. Those were Representatives Jim Baird, Jim Banks, and Susan Walorski. Those three objected to reported results. The remaining 6 Representatives did nothing to try to deal with the charges of fraud; 2 Democrats and 4 Republicans.
In the beginning, Senator Mike Braun stood with other Senators that objected, but he later caved and voted to approve the results as presented. Senator Todd Young never did anything. He took the position that Congress was just there to rubber stamp reported results. Braun and Young are both Republicans. The Senators that never wavered were Senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Tommy Tuberville, Roger Marshall, John Kennedy, and and Cindy Hyde-Smith. Too bad our two Senators did not have the backbone to stand with the courageous ones.
We have 2022 elections coming up. It is so important for Indiana voters to look at each of our candidates for Congress in 2022 and get rid of any that will not stand for truth. Senator Braun’s term does not end until 2024. The biggest one for us in 2022 is whether we can any longer trust Senator Todd Young.
We already know that then VP Mike Pence betrayed Indiana voters. He could have called for a pause in the count and the establishment of a Commission of members of the House, Senate, and SCOTUS to review results. He did not. There was historical precedence for this. Ultimately, Electoral College first reported results were simply rammed through; fraud and all. Pence, Young, Braun, and 6 of our 9 Representatives failed the voters of Indiana.
The Presidency and Congress were handed to the Socialist Democrats.
To the NEVER TRUMPERS… Those who hate him will always hate him, no matter what. In his stead, I certainly couldn’t imagine Hillary or Obama or Biden making anything even close to this gesture. It was not for publicity or for the camera. It was a private moment.
If you cannot understand the meaning of this, I feel sorry for you. Please try to understand the weight of this image. This soldier lost both arms. The feeling of a handshake is now lost to him. Trump realized this, and so touched his face so he can feel the human connection. This is what I see when I think of Trump’s motives. He gave up a billionaire lifestyle to now be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis. All to save this country and the people he loves.
God Bless and protect President Donald Trump.

To Barr, Wray, and Durham
William Barr
Attorney General USA
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20530
AJ Barr:
In case you have not noticed, there are many folks in Fly-Over Country that are mad as Hell. We don’t see a damned thing coming out of the Department of Justice going all the way back to the Hillary Clinton erasing 30K+ emails. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.
Now we have statements from you that you don’t see massive fraud in the election on November 3rd. What country do you live in or are you one of the so-called “Deep State” and maybe on the take. Seems a possibility.
I have included with this letter a few 4×6 cards. One is for you to keep. Two others are for Christopher Wray and John Durham. I would have sent one for Gena Haskell, but I don’t think she will be needing one. I sent one extra for someone you think might deserve one. They fit.
Donald Trump won the election for President by huge numbers. Over 73,000,000 voted for him. The fight is on. The Kraken will win.