
To the NEVER TRUMPERS… Those who hate him will always hate him, no matter what. In his stead, I certainly couldn’t imagine Hillary or Obama or Biden making anything even close to this gesture. It was not for publicity or for the camera. It was a private moment.

If you cannot understand the meaning of this, I feel sorry for you. Please try to understand the weight of this image. This soldier lost both arms. The feeling of a handshake is now lost to him. Trump realized this, and so touched his face so he can feel the human connection. This is what I see when I think of Trump’s motives. He gave up a billionaire lifestyle to now be insulted, dragged through the mud, and lied about on a daily basis. All to save this country and the people he loves.

God Bless and protect President Donald Trump.

Electoral College Reviewed

In their infinite wisdom, the United States of America Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the States (our Republic is a collection of States) were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation? Here are some statistics about the presidential election of 2016. It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. Let that sink in! There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16. In the 5 counties that encompass New York City (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens), Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. Clinton won 4 of these counties with Trump winning only one, Richmond. Therefore, these 5 counties alone more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles. When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election. Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) do not and should not speak for the rest of our country! Remember, our country is a collection of States in which people live. This country is NOT a direct democracy, it is collection of States, a Representative democracy.

And….. it’s been verified and documented that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation’s problems arise.

There is no way the Electoral College would be abolished. That would take a Constitutional amendment. To amend the Constitution of the United States requires a vote of 2/3rds of both the US Senate and House of Representatives or 2/3rds vote of a National Constitutional Convention called by Congress at the request of the legislatures of at least 2/3rds of the states. Then to become an operative part of the Constitution, an amendment, whether proposed by Congress or a national constitutional convention, must be ratified by either the legislatures of 3/4ths of the states or state ratifying conventions in 3/4ths of the states. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

There is no way less populated states are going to cede political power to the more populated states. The Founders saw to that. Those calling for abolishment of the Electoral College are barking at the moon…. much like many or most proposals by Democrats.

Vital Times

In this time of turmoil, it is sometimes good to write about something positive….. and simple. I have found that subject on the shelf of Kroger’s grocery store in a carton of eggs. Inside the carton with the eggs was a little piece of paper that looks like a miniature newspaper called, “Vital Times”. The headline says, “Friends to Farmers, Help to Hens”.

The article that followed describes Vital Farms. It is a collection of farmers having chickens that produce eggs for market, but with a difference. Rather than stacks of cages and chickens as bioreactors that never see a natural environment, these farmers “give every girl a health, happy outdoor lifestyle and deliver perfectly pasture-raised eggs”.

Vital Times has a farmer support team that meets regularly with their farmers. They check on the ‘girls’ and make sure high standards are being met. They connect with farmers to gather advice and information to help others keep flocks and farms healthy and thriving. In short, they care about animal welfare.

The Mission of Vital Farms is stated as, “Our Mission is to bring ethically produced food to the table by coordinating a collection of family farms to operate with a well-defined set of agriculture practices that accentuates the humane treatment of farm animals as the central tenent.”

Look for the black box with all the writing on it at the store. You will love the eggs, but there is more. They, too, bring butter to the market. Look for it as well. You will not regret it. Feel good about what you eat.


As I passed the end of my 82nd year of living, I came to a realization. For my biological offspring, I am no more than a sperm donor rather than the father that loved, nourished, protected, and provided for them. This dawned on me when spending time with family history. I have piles of records about my ancestors (and theirs) and personal possessions handed down that I deeply treasure.

In reality, my branch of the “Blacklidge” family tree really ended with me. One offspring earlier returned both a book about family genealogy and the beautiful roll top desk of his great grandfather — the book now is in the public library and the desk is now treasured by his uncle. Another created issues in a business partnership with me. All have made the choice of non-acceptance of my choice of divorce from their mother over 40 years ago in 1979. Two of them later chose divorce for themselves; one multiple times. My decision 40 years ago was to live my life with a partner I love and for whom I am thankful and feel blessed every day.

All chose to blame me and their step-mother for “family” disruption. For the two that have been through divorce, I doubt they placed total responsibility upon themselves. It was always the “other”. None lived the marital relationship between their mother and me which began when I was only 19 — hardly a mature adult. All have chosen to side solely with their mother and her stories.

A blended, loving family — that is what my wife of now over 34 years wanted. We wanted to include all if all behaved as respectful, mature, caring, loving adults. Chosen sides were set in concrete, never to change over time with walls always up and relationships severed.

As a result, the loss and sorrow has been great. It is not only tragic to lose connection with one’s own bio offspring, but even worse to not be a part of sharing the lives of grandchildren. The grandchildren will never know the loss, not of their choosing, they have suffered. Family ties were irreparably severed. It is like a death.

For those who are facing a divorce, particularly for any offspring, I offer some thoughts. Consider carefully before taking one side or another. Consider that you, with certainty, do not know the extent and details of a marital relationship between any two other people. Consider that stories told may well be tainted, untrue, fabricated, self-serving or incomplete. Consider that you have not walked in the shoes of another….. ever. Consider that every truth may yet to be told.

A thought comes to me: “Judge not, lest ye be judged”.

Merry Christmas…..

To Barr, Wray, and Durham


William Barr
Attorney General USA
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20530

AJ Barr:

In case you have not noticed, there are many folks in Fly-Over Country that are mad as Hell. We don’t see a damned thing coming out of the Department of Justice going all the way back to the Hillary Clinton erasing 30K+ emails. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Now we have statements from you that you don’t see massive fraud in the election on November 3rd. What country do you live in or are you one of the so-called “Deep State” and maybe on the take. Seems a possibility.

I have included with this letter a few 4×6 cards. One is for you to keep. Two others are for Christopher Wray and John Durham. I would have sent one for Gena Haskell, but I don’t think she will be needing one. I sent one extra for someone you think might deserve one. They fit.

Donald Trump won the election for President by huge numbers. Over 73,000,000 voted for him. The fight is on. The Kraken will win.

Up Butt

Criminally Fraudulent Election

The United States of American election of November 2020 will be prove to be the most fraudulent in the history of the country; maybe in the history of the world. Criminals have almost gotten away with it. The only reason they were caught was that the turn out and response in support of President Donald J Trump for a second term in office was gigantic; over 73,000,000 in favor at the ballot box.

The criminals were not counting on this response. Their vote counting Dimension machines and the network that controlled them was not prepared to handle such a difference between the vote for Trump and the vote for Biden. It was prepared for a closer vote count that could be manipulated with machine vote switching and fraudulent mail in ballots without people having suspicion of vote fraud. They appear to have gotten away with this in many elections of the past including the 2016 election which resulted in the Republican losing the majority in the House of Representatives. But no more.

The results were coming in. The vote was overwhelming for President Trump. Over 10 million people voted for Trump in 2020 than did in 2016 against Crooked Hillary Clinton. The criminal counting system went on tilt. The cheat was not enough to assure Joe Biden the vote.

What happened. The counting of ballots in about seven swing states stopped in the middle of the night. At 4:00 AM some 65,000 ballots were “found” in Wisconsin; all for Biden. At 4:00 AM in Michigan, the number approached 140,000 for Biden. In Arizona earlier, poll workers told voters to use Sharpies to mark their ballots for Trump which voided the ballot.

In Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and maybe more; the vote FAIRY arrived over night. The count began again in the middle of the night when Republican watchers were either sent home or were put in positions not being able to see the details on a ballot. The criminal cheating continued.

The United States Constitution gives the power to choose delegates to the Electoral College directly to the legislatures of each state. Every one of the states considered ‘swing’ states have Republican legislatures. The criminal cheating by the Democrats is so blatant, the legislatures must act. For those who choose to ignor what has happened and turn a blind eye to the fraud, they become complicit to voter fraud which is a federal criminal offense. Every damned one of the legislators who fail to do their duty should be arrested and charged with a crime. The same is true for the Governors and Secretaries of State who aid and abet criminal fraud in voting.

The end is yet to come. There are many legal actions under way that will likely wind up at the United States Supreme Court. The deadline is December 14 when the Electoral College must meet to vote for the next President of the United States of American.

It has been reported that US Special Forces have seized the computer hosts in Germany at a Central Intelligence Agency site that were involved in vote manipulation. It has been reported that Gena Haskell, CIA Director, was there at the time on the attack. It has been reported that 5 of the Special Forces team were killed when the body guard for Haskell opened fire on them. It has been reported that Haskell was wounded. If all of this is true, Haskell, as a traitor, should never again see the light of day. Neither should any of the CIA agents involved. The deep state is deep. The swamp is treacherous.

And where has been William Barr, Attorney General, and Christopher Wray, FBI Director? Are they criminals as well? Time will tell.

Minks and the Virus

Denmark was the world’s largest supplier of farmed mink. Most was sold to China. It is estimated last year the business generated about $760 million with China being the largest buyer for fur pelts. Now Denmark’s mink industry has been eradicated completely. All mink, up to 17 million of them, have been killed.

Why? Researchers discovered the animals harbored mutations of the novel coronavirus that was now spreading to the human population. Health officials worried about such mutations which could change the gene structure in the virus in ways that could make it less susceptible to vaccines now under development or even cause the virus to become more lethal.

At least 12 Danes are known to be infected with a mutated coronavirus connected to the mink. Health authorities worried that if the problem was not addressed, the mink would build a reservoir of a mutated form that could be passed on to humans; one impervious to a vaccine. This potentially could set off a new wave of infections in Denmark or even the world. The worse-case scenario is that a new pandemic would begin again, starting with Denmark.

Nearby Netherlands has seen coronavirus outbreaks on more than 40 mink farms. The government has caused the culling of 1.5 million animals in that country. The government is bringing forward a ban on mink farming.

The beat goes on. It appears the world has not seen the end of coronavirus infections and death. It may get very worse before better, if ever. The Chinese have unleashed a devil they cannot control. In a larger sense, this is an example of genetic manipulation gone very wrong; or maybe intentionally so.

Washington Examiner Turncoats


Hugo Gurdon
Washington Examiner
1152 15th St NW
Suite 200
Washington DC 20005-1799

Mr. Gurdon:

Ya’all are going to have to eat this one…. “Biden Takes Charge”. The only place he will be taking charge of will be his basement at home in Delaware.

I do not know what the matter is with you and most other news media unless you, too, are on the take. Joe Biden is NOT the President-Elect. No one is as of this date. And guess what….. Joe Biden will never be the President-Elect.

The election fraud is mountainous. The Examiner needs to be reporting on that, not speculating anything about a post-election administration.

As Sydney Powell says….. the Kraken is coming.

Politically Correct Audubon Society

November 15, 2020

Mr. David Yarnold
National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, 7th Floor
New York NY 10014

Mr. Yarnold:

Early this morning, I picked up my copy of the Fall 2020 issue of Aubudon. It did not take long before I became irritated. I have been a supporter of the National Audubon Society off and on for a long time and will continue to do so. However, all of the now “political correctness” is nauseating. The first thing I would suggest is that you move out of New York City to somewhere in the middle of the country where life is a bit different.

So, I began to read, “Revealing the Past to Create the Future”. Your article could well have been written by Black Lives Matter. Prior generations had their faults as do we, but groveling at the feet of who knows who and erasing history, tearing down statues, renaming everything, and more is not the way forward. We must honor the accomplishments of the conservationists and environmentalists of yesteryear while at the same time forgiving them for their faults. They are dead. We move forward with corrections.

Then I came upon the sentence, “He enslaved Black people and wrote critically about emancipation”. And I read two pages later about the capitalization of the work “Black” when referring to people who “belong to the African diaspora”. Using the same reasoning, people from old Europe, Scandinavia, and the British Isles should be referred to as “White” with a capital “W”. Even the current AP Style book goes counter to your capitalization decision. Again, it is the political correctness that is nauseating. And, I think from now on I will be calling myself, “European American” or “Scandinavian American”.

So, ya’all need to get a life. Quit all the kowtowing, get on with fixing what needs to be fixed, and stand tall with your purpose for existing.

As you will see from my signature block, I have a varied and wide background. I was fortunate enough to have as a college professor, Dr Durward Allen, one of the giants of conservation in my opinion. I regard him as one of my mentors. He always taught conservation means the “greatest use of a resource for the greatest number of people for the longest time”….. the longest time being forever. Clearly, this means balancing between many values.

The one factor that he did not address and I believe NO environmental or conservation organization is honest about or will publically take a position on is the simple fact that planet Earth cannot and will not sustain a human population in the direction it is going. Every environmental crisis I can think of is rooted in that.

Finally, please get on with the role of the Audubon Society. Don’t get caught up in politics and political correctness.

YouTube Cockroaches

Here is a list of some of the independent sites that have been taken down temporarily or permanently by the Cockroaches at YouTube:

Tish Dixon
Trump Rocks
Trump TV Network
Truth and Art TV
Truth and Art TV2
X22Report Spotlight
Charles Ward
Amazing Polly
American Patriot
David Harris Jr
IPOT — In Pursuit of Truth
Joe Alan
Joe M
Just Informed Talk
Lori Colley
Mark Taylor Official

Surely there are more. Censorship is what they do. This cannot stand. It is time the Feds breakup these monopolies like they did MaBell decades ago.