Traitor Liz Cheney

Representative Liz Cheney
US House of Representatives
416 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515

Rep. Cheney:

I do not often write to Congressional members other than those representing my home state. You are an exception.

The Wyoming Republican Party threw you out. Obviously, you did not get the message. I suspect it will become clear soon and you will be out of Congress. It could not happen sooner.

I have been a Republican from the time I could first vote over 6 decades ago. I have been fooled several times in voting for traitors, crooks, and corrupt politicians. One of those times was for George W Bush and his comrade, Dick Cheney. You clearly want to follow in their footsteps. Won’t happen. The people ultimately will not allow that.  

You have no idea how angry folks in fly-over country are getting. They have had enough. The Biden administration must go, but not to be replaced by your wing of the GOP. That would be worse.

It may take some more time. I just hope the country will survive in the meanwhile. We must get rid of you and those of your ilk as well as traitorous Democrats. Frankly, I am a bit surprised that the citizens of Wyoming, whom you have betrayed, have not dragged you out of Congress via impeachment. But you will be out.

You should resign. You have done enough damage to our country.

America First.


Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.

On the Brink

Our country and the life we once lived has descended into twisting and turning darkness and chaos. No matter your values, beliefs, or political leanings; this is something universally agreed upon. Worldwide pandemic restrictions and consequences, corruption in all institutions we once relied upon to govern our world, runaway inflation, supply chain nightmares including baby formula shortages, federal agencies weaponizing surveillance powers, explosion of social media an cancel culture nightmares, the breakthrough discoveries of quantum physics, and technologies advancing at warp speed are just a few of the forces that impinge upon our psyches daily.

Our collective planetary nervous system has awakened — begun communicating and expressing itself. Yet some things remain largely intact. The birth of this nation and with it the unique concept people could live and flourish in individual freedom and self-governance lives on. To date, we are struggling but have not fallen.

Interestingly, massive changes in science, technology, and belief systems have placed in the hands of the common person one of the most powerful inventions to date: hand-held devices and the networks over which they transmit. Worldwide communities have sprung up connecting people by interests they share.

Our planet is immersed in a collective dark night of the soul. The outcome remains undetermined but there are a few variables we can count on.

First, we each have free will. The choices we make will create our personal future and greatly influence our collective fate. Second, with choice comes responsibility. As individuals, we must arm ourselves with awareness, knowledge, and formulate a belief system by which to guide our choices. We are born into this world alone, we are responsible for the read we crate through this world, and we will leave this world as we entered it: alone.

For myself, I choose to look to those who have come before for hope and guidance.

Chief Seattle 1854

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.”

John 3:2

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it.”

[This was written by Marcia Blacklidge as a part of submission of her art creation for the Artists Alley in Kokomo, Indiana]

Women of the Year

The Gannett Company, a major US media company whose newspaper flagship is USA Today, has announced its choices for “Women of the Year”. There is only one issue. One of the “women” is a man, Dr. Rachael Levine. Dr. Levine is a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and serves as the Assistant Secretary for Health under President Joe Biden.

Rachael Levine was born on October 28, 1957, as Richard Levine. He was married to Martha Peaslee Levine in 1988 and divorced in 2013. Together, they had two children, the offspring of a man and a woman. This leaves no doubt that Richard, now Rachael, is male, not female.

In 2011, he decided to “transition” to a she. Biologically, this is not possible. A short lesson in biology is in order.

In human beings, there are only two genders: male and female. The genetics are fixed and do not lie. Our DNA make up is determined at one point in time, conception, and cannot be changed. This happens only once in a lifetime; at the instant of beginning.

DNA is packaged in each of us in structures called chromosomes. We each have 46 chromosomes, 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. The chromosomes that determine our gender, male or female, are named the “X” and “Y”. Female children have two “X” chromosomes and male children have one “X” and one “Y” chromosome. That’s it.

And, yes, there are genetic abnormalities where there are extra chromosomes, DNA deletions, and more. And the CDC reports that about 2/3rds of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion due to genetic abnormalities and other problems.

The point of all of this is there is no such thing as a transgender male or female. The term itself is an oxymoron. Biology is fixed at conception. One can claim to be a woman or man at will, but this does not change biology.

A prime example is what we now see in women’s athletics. So-called transgender women have different bone and muscle structure than biological women. This has resulted in transgenders being dominate in athletics requiring strength and endurance. Why true women have not gone ballistic over transgender participation in traditional womens’ sports is a mystery.

Biological men or women can identify with, dress like, groom like, romance like, and behave like those of the opposite sex; but they can never biologically become the opposite sex. This is regardless of hormone treatments and/or surgical changes. Will not happen. Time to quit fooling ourselves. A man should not be among the “Women of the Year”. This is an insult to women.

The Malheur Enterprise Newspaper

[There is a small newspaper in Vale, Oregon that has caught my eye. It is the Malheur Enterprise. Malheur County is of about 33,000 people. I believe the Enterprise is the way newspapers and honest journalism will survive and grow in our time of propaganda major media. There is a similar paper, The Carroll County Comet, in Flora, IN, in a county of about 20,000 people that follows a very closely similar path.]

The Enterprise has a few points to make:

Why Pay for News: Newsrooms across the country have cut back in recent years. Reporting the news is costly. We won’t last as a business by giving away that work. Here are the benefits of paying for our work.

Be a better citizen: Our award-winning journalists help you stay informed by covering your community — schools, elections, businesses — every day.

Get 24/7 coverage: Every subscriber gets our newsletter and breaking news alerts so you never miss the latest.

Your government watchdog: Our reporting holds powerful officials accountable for how they use their power — and your money.

Trustworthy journalism: We’re open and honest about how we conduct ourselves as journalists.

Clutter-free website: Easily get caught up on news — on computer, phone, or tablet — without the popups or auto play video.


And How We Work as Journalists: We want to be open and clear with you, our reader, about the standards that guide our work every day. We strive to meet every one of these. We never intentionally disregard these principles. When we fail, bad information, speed, or inadequate experience is to blame.

Accuracy: We strive to be certain that every fact — every number, every date, every name, every quote — is true. We will never knowingly publish false or inaccurate information. We will honestly and quickly correct any factual error.

Clarity: We want our reporting to be understandable, free of jargon and vagueness. You can expect us to gather the necessary information and develop sufficient expertise to produce stories clear about issues, agencies, and people.

Fairness: Our stories will honestly represent views and issues, never mis-characterizing or distorting facts and developments. We want those we write about to feel they were fairly treated.

Fact Checking: We follow our own customized fact-checking protocol to guard against error. That includes a requirement to reach out to subjects of stories as possible to verify the accuracy of our intended reporting.

Bias: We know full well that readers now come to news reports suspicious that they might encounter a deliberate tilt by the news organization. Our intent is that you never detect a political, economic, or social bent in the stories we serve to you.

Facts Over Fancy: Our primary job is to gather the news. We devote every dollar we can to reporting. That means we don’t divert time and money into making our stories glitzy or stunning in design. We are certain you would prefer accurate news over flashy presentations.

Professionalism: We can get better, and we will. We will always — always — work to sharpen our journalistic skills. We will become better interviewers, data analysts and writers. Our professionals are intent on getting as good as they can, not for awards but to better serve your needs.

Citizenship: We don’t consider ourselves distant observers. We take pride in the community — its people, institutions, and traditions. We engage in issues that matter. We identify problems, but we will always seek solutions as well. Like you, we want our community to improve, to be welcoming and safe, to be economically vibrant.

Without Fear: Our reporting can and will put us at odds with people who hold power or those who can and do abuse the public in some fashion. We will pursue difficult stories because they are important stories. We will not be scared off of or intimidated from doing any necessary story — ever.

Without Favor: We owe allegiance only to you, our reader. Our work is not done in service to any special interest. We are beholden to no party, no business, no individual, and seek no special treatment from any. We are beholden only to the truth.

Trust: The most valuable possession of our team is your trust. We know we can’t exist without it, that we will not otherwise succeed as a business and as a news organization. We are relentless in earning and keeping that trust.

Kokomo Tribune on Censorship

On October 10, 1968, The Tribune’s front page stories appeared with several paragraphs missing and its editorial page was blank except for one editorial which listed a government agency’s suggestions concerning fires in homes.

Sections of page one stories dealing with an Apollo space flight, the Vietnam w    ar, Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey were lifted, leaving large white holes in the accounts. Except for the one editorial, the editorial page was blank, carrying only the headlines of columnists and items normally appearing on the page.

In a front page editorial The Tribune stated, “So that we at The Tribune and Tribune readers everywhere might gain a better appreciation of the value of freedom of the press, today’s front page and editorial page have been censored according to standards practiced in many repressed nations of the world.”

The editorial also said, “As you read the news accounts on The Tribune front page, you will, of course, note how incomplete they are in terms of what Americans are provided in the way of information in a free society. The Tribune will not reprint any of these stories in full. What is lost in this ‘censored’ edition is lost forever. We, the American people, can live with the loss of news for a day. But could this nation survive in freedom if we had to live with censorship every day?”

[This message could not be more loudly needed than today. Too many of the major news media — print and electronic — have become political tools with objective, unbiased reporting becoming more and more difficult to find.]

Thanksgiving 2021

It was time for all to pause to think about our blessings. Our country and the world is in such turmoil now that one wonders if it will end somehow. We all live on a blessed, sacred planet floating in space. Yet we seem to want to do terrible things to each other and have throughout human history. We live in the greatest country the world has ever known, yet there are forces that want to destroy it. We must not let that happen.

Marcia and I have a wonderful home and are blessed beyond measure by our relationship. What one would usually call “family” decided some years ago that she and I did not fit into their family. Both of us do have extended family through our brothers and Marcia’s sister but they live rather far away. Getting together for Thanksgiving was not possible due to both distance and China Virus restrictions.

Our Thanksgiving Table

Marcia encouraged us to celebrate Thanksgiving at home in our own way. She prepared dressing, cranberries, rolls, an apple pie, a jello dish, and more. I did the mashed potatoes. Our turkey was range fed locally. I did manage to carve the turkey. And we had wine: Chablis. We sat down to beautiful table she had set using our family china and crystal. But first, we bowed our heads, held hands, and Marcia said a prayer to thank God for all we have been blessed with and to pray for the healing of our country and world. Then like the first Thanksgiving, we feasted!

Full bellies and our hearts overflowing with love; does it get any better than this?

God bless us one and all.

Tom’s Note Books

There is man from Richmond, Virginia, who has had an enormous but quiet impact on the lives of reporters across the country and, subsequently, on the stories told to readers and viewers everywhere. The man’s name is Tom Edwards.

Tom was the proprietor of a shop called, The Stationers Inc. It was from that shop that Tom manufactured and sold wire bound writing pads called the Reporter’s Note Book. It was 4 inches wide by 8 inches tall; the perfect size to fit into a purse, hip pocket, or jacket pocket. It was in these note books that reporters wrote the information they needed to eventually write their stories.

I have no idea how many note books Tom sold over the years. It had to be thousands. I only know that I have saved in my desk drawer note books from 1995 which is 13 years after I left the Kokomo Tribune behind me for a while. I remember having Tom’s note books with me during the 20 years between 1961 and 1982 while there.

I talked on the phone with Tom in 2015 when I ordered 2 dozen note books. He told me he was the grandson of the original owner. So, only Lord knows how many note books have come from the Stationers, Inc over many, many decades. I ordered 2 dozen to keep some and to hand out to some journalism students at Indiana University Kokomo. They loved them.

I tried to order more a few months ago only to learn that Stationers Inc no longer existed. Tom had died at the age of 66 in December 2020. The store was closed. So, an era has passed.

Tom’s little Reporter Note Books will forever be remembered by hundreds if not thousands of reporters. In his own way, Tom and his family have helped to make freedom of the press in our country real.

God Bless and Rest in Peace, Tom.

Kent H Blacklidge Ph.D.
Past Publisher, The Kokomo Tribune

Senator Kennedy Wisdom

Senator John Kennedy often comes out with some words of wisdom. What follows are some of his most current observations….

“We all know President Biden is in trouble… and, therefore, America is in trouble. Measure it any way you want…

The debacle in Afghanistan which has emboldened Russia and China and Iran
The unbridled inflation
Gas prices
Open borders
A Justice Department that thinks parents are dangerous ‘domestic terrorists’
A Treasury Department that wants access to the checking account of every American that has a job

No wonder the American people are so angry. It’s no wonder that so many Americans think this administration does not care about them or their lives or their future.

Now, I say this with respect… with all the respect I can muster, but my advice to the President is this…

Mr. President, you just got to try harder not to suck ……”

Vaccine Insanity

Biden says all must get the jab or there will be consequences. There could not be a more moronic, maniacal dictate. Biden and his totally incompetent administration are doing their very best to completely destroy our country. The mandatory vaccine jab or be fired is at the top of the list.

Biden’s mandatory vaccine order extends to the military, all federal employees, and all companies that are contracted with the federal government that have more than 100 employees. The mandatory vaccine mandate has been adopted by hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and more. The result: the loss of thousands of experienced, dedicated people and a catastrophic decline in civil safety, health, and education.

We are learning that up to 25% of Navy Seals will be leaving. Thousands of other soldiers, sailors, and marines will the drummed out of the military with purported dishonorable discharges. They all will lose pension and VA health care benefits. All of this because of a completely ignorant — or maybe intentional — dictate by what now appears more to be a dictator than a president. I cannot think of anything more unjust to those who will be dumped out of their dedicated services.

The truth: millions of folks have made the decision to be vaccinated for Covid-19 even though the vaccines are experimental. Millions have chosen not to be vaccinated, but have contracted Covid-19, been sick, and have recovered; many not even knowing they had the virus. Biden insists even those now with a higher degree of immunity than those vaccinated still get the jab. Idiotic. And what is coming next is a dictate for boosters since we now know the current vaccines are not durable and are leaky with break throughs.

Biden’s dictate supported by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Godfather of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus, is in fact doing exactly what is biologically required for selecting even a more virulent, more dangerous, virus. Do you remember Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and now Delta strains with more to come.

The way to manage the Covid virus now is to stop the Biden/Fauci heavy handed tactics and fear mongering; let Covid run its course combined with a dedicated strong focus on therapeutics to help people when they are sick. From the very beginning, drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine, Invermectin, Remdesivir and others have been used effectively along with the administration of Monoclonal Antibody treatment. The Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics lists close to 20 drugs or treatments that are under study for treatment. None have had time for long term studies as Covid therapeutics, but neither have any of the vaccines. Several are drugs used for years for other illnesses safely with the best example being Hydroxychloroquine which for Covid treatment is classified as an off-label use. Now, some pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions by medical doctors for this and other drugs. More insanity.

It is time for people to say enough. It is time for all of us to say, “NO”.

When All Are Gone

When all the trees have been cut down,
When all the animals have been hunted,
When all the waters have been polluted,
When all the air is unsafe to breathe,
Only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
—Cree Prophecy