No Truth Told

The citizens of this country have been lied to or misled by Presidents and Congress for at least the past 24 years. These years include the presidencies of William Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama. It includes times when Democrats had total control of Congress and when Republicans did. It includes times when Congressional control was split between political parties. All are to blame. All lied or mislead to one degree or another.
The USA is in a mess. Now we have an “outsider” President who is trying to deal with the mess left from 24 years of lousy and many times completely incompetent or self serving governing. Too many in the “swamp” of Washington, DC, have been there to feather their own nests and those of their corporate or donor friends. We have a country that is nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt and growing by millions every minute. We have a country inundated with over 11 million illegal aliens with over 90 million of our own citizens out of the work force because they can not find jobs. We have millions that are underemployed.
We have a military expected to protect us from foreign threats using equipment and planes from as old as the 1960’s. At Grissom Air Force Base there is a shop where parts for air force tankers are hand fabricated because conventional repair parts are no longer available. We have 3 out of 58 brigades of warriors in combat readiness at a time when worldly threats abound. We have air planes that will not fly until parts are scavenged from air “grave yards” and museums.
Wages for the middle class have been stagnant for nearly two decades for those that can even find work. The “Elite” have taken care of themselves. Company workers at all levels that are older, experienced, and experts at what they do have been forced out, laid off or dumped in favor of younger, lower wage/salaried workers; many from such as the H1-B Visa immigrant crowd; not even US citizens.
We have lost 60,000 or more factories to foreign countries.
We have a health care system that is failing and will implode in the near future if not fixed or replaced.
We have been telling everyone they need to be college educated, then saddle graduates with unmanageable debt for those who can even find jobs in chosen fields.
We allow illegal aliens to drive on our highways; most without insurance. Some states like California grant drivers licenses. We allow illegal aliens to utilize tax supported social services such as food stamps and Medicaid and subsidized housing. We allow illegal aliens to drain food bank resources when we have US citizens who are hungry every day. We allow illegal aliens to hold jobs at low wages and take jobs away from citizens. We even allow illegal aliens to vote in some states. And, we flood the skilled job market with H1-B visa immigrants and require job displaced US citizens train their immigrant replacements whether those immigrants are to be residents or return to foreign countries taking the jobs with them. We ship jobs overseas to such as India, Pakistan, South Korea, and even China to find “cheaper” labor. For the same reasons, we build factories and ship jobs to Mexico.
We have been the ultimate suckers that build foreign nations at our own expense. It has been like a blood letting. Guess what; the patient is dying. The USA is on an unsustainable path. We have been the most giving, most welcoming, and generous people on the planet. We have allowed politicians and the main stream media to turn these virtues into self destruction. And anyone who dares to speak out that we are headed in the wrong, self destructive direction is labeled xenophobic, deplorable, racist, or worse.
What in the hell is wrong with us. The only way out of the MESS is for Americans to roll up our sleeves, come together, and get to work to create solutions that promote and protect OUR country, the United States of America. We must drop “Democrat” and “Republican” and “Liberal” and “Conservative”. We are all in the same boat. If we do not row together, we will sink together.
Nobody has told us the truth.

Metastasized Health Care

The Affordable Care Act, “ObamaCare”, is like a metastasized cancer with tentacles everywhere. It is on the way to killing the patient. The cure, if any is possible, is not an easy one as the Republicans in the House of Representatives have just learned.
What most do not know is that ex-President Barack Hussein Obama violated the Constitution in his attempt to prop up this catastrophic monster of Democrat legislation. In short, Obama robbed private investors in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, the two quasi-government corporations that back the mortgage industry. His administration concocted in 2012 a scheme to divert billions — that is BILLIONS — of dollars from Fannie and Freddy to pay essential Obamacare insurance subsidies that Congress had refused to fund. This diversion of funds was known as the “Net Worth Sweep” of 2012.
In Civil Action No. 14-1967 (RMC) in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia under then Judge Rosemary M Collyer, now on the FISA court, the United States House of Representatives as plaintiff filed against Sylvia M. Burwell, Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services The claim by the Congress was that the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and of the Treasury violated Article I, Section 9, cl. 7 of the Constitution when they spent public monies on ObamaCare that were not appropriated by Congress. This was money from the “Sweep” of Fannie and Freddy.
In 2008, when the economy went into recession over the collapse of the subprime mortgage market, Congress passed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, HERA, to save Fannie and Freddie by a federal bailout that placed the two Government Sponsored Entities, GSEs, into government conservatorship. The US Treasury recapitalized Fannie and Freddy by issuing to the GSEs $187.5 billion in senior preferred stock with a 10% dividend designed to repay the U.S. Treasury over time. Recovered funds from Fannie and Freddie were to go toward repaying the United States of America Treasury. They were not authorized to be used in ways to be determined by ex-President Barack Hussein Obama.
The court agreed. In a ruling dated May 12th, 2016, the court granted summary judgment to the House of Representatives and enjoined any further reimbursements until a valid appropriation is in place.
The dispute involved two sections of the Affordable Care Act, Obama Care: Sections 1401 and 1402. Section 1401 provides tax credits to make insurance premiums more affordable. This was funded by Congress. Section 1402 reduces deductibles, co-pays, and other means of “cost sharing” by insurers. This was not funded by Congress. This was Judge Collyer’s conclusion and the basis of her order. She concluded the statutory language was clear. No funds not properly appropriated by Congress were to fund reimbursements due to insurers. Obama had done so in violation of law.
Under the Constitution, Congress passes all federal laws in this country. The powers vested in Congress include sole authority to adopt laws that authorize the expenditure of public monies and laws that appropriate those monies. Apparently, the Constitutional lawyer that ex-President Barack Hussein Obama claimed to be cannot read.

The Sedition House

Place: The Sedition House. Primary Occupants: the threesome of ex-President Barack Hussein Obama, ex-First Lady Michelle Obama, and Valerie Jarrett. Goal: the take down of President Donald J. Trump and his administration. Means: wire-tapping, harassment, intimidation, disruption, agitation, placement of moles in intelligence agencies and Justice Department and other departments, innuendo, delay, lies, and paid “protesters”.
Ex-President Barack Hussein Obama has allies. They include Senate Minority Leader Chuckie Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi along with such as Representatives Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Lewis, Andre Carson, Sheila Jackson Lee,  and Senators “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Debbie Stabenow, and Cory Booker.
Webster Dictionary defines SEDITION as “incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority”. Sound familiar? Ex-President Barrack Hussein Obama, we now know, salted upper level/difficult to fire positions in many federal agencies with his loyalists only days before his term as President ended. Is there any wonder there is a continuous leaking sieve of sensitive and sometimes classified information to the left-wing media and never-Trumpers.
We know, too, that ex-President Barrack Obama from his Sedition House is directing the training of paid “protestors” numbering in the tens of thousands. These agitators/protestors are charged with disrupting any event that is in support of our United States of America President, Donald Trump. Recent events in Berkeley, California, are blatant evidence. People were hurt.
And what about the Congress? From the outside, it appears Minority Leader Senator Chuckie Schumer has more power in the Senate than does the Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. Schumer and his ilk have successfully delayed beyond delay the approval of not only President Trump Cabinet Secretaries, but dozens of those under the Secretaries that must have Senate approval. McConnell appears to be either impotent or incompetent. He is letting the Democrats get away with about everything but murder. Harry Reid, as despicable as he was, ran the Senate with an iron hand. McConnell is some puff ball.
Over in the House of Representatives we have Majority Leader Paul Ryan. Need we say more. The Republican House of Representatives has had a decade to get ready to lead. They have clearly sat on their hands or just run their mouths in criticism of the ex-President Barrack Hussein Obama administration and not done much of a damn thing else. Why were they not ready to lead? Maybe they and their Democrat buddies were just there to pad their own pockets and be a part of the swamp. There sure is no convincing evidence otherwise.
President Donald Trump has a huge fight on his hands. The government and future of the United States of America is at stake. He is being asked to conduct this fight with one hand tied behind his back. It is time for Republican leaders in the Congress to get off their butts, get the confirmations of all needed done, and get on with passing the legislation required to get the country moving again….. And do what is required to isolate the Sedition House. Those of us in “fly-over” country are getting impatient.