Vice President Kamala Harris has been known by many names: Crazy Kamala, Cackling Kamala, Senator Kamala, District Attorney Kamala, CA Attorney General Kamala, Border Czar Kamala, and more. But the best one I have heard came from her days in California when she was climbing the political ladder with the help of Willie Brown, her 30 year older lover and political heavy weight. That was “Headboard Harris”.
The other I like the best is “Cackling Kamala”. I swear when she gets into that hysterical laughing, she looks much like the Joker in the Batman series.

So, now we have what appears to be the chosen one, but not elected, Democrat running for President of the United States in the coming 2024 November election. Harris has not yet been crowned with the official nomination of the Democrat Party, but she is headed in that direction with the Democrat Party Convention coming soon. To secure the nomination, she will need to steal the delegates that were pledged to Joe Biden through primary elections in the states. Harris has not a single vote from anyone in any state in an election for the nominee for President. That does not matter though. The Democrat Party bosses will see her through.
Actually, it is not clear if there will be any Democrat Convention physically in Chicago. They have talked about doing the Convention virtually with no one showing up in town. Whatever the case, Kamala Harris for President is a total sham. Joe Biden was sidelined by his own party against his will, clearly. Yes, Joe should not have run for another term, but he should have gracefully bowed out long before he did leaving the nomination field open for others with a nomination to be completed the legitimate and legal way. Did not happen. What has happened is clearly a coup.
The record shows there is no one farther left politically than Kamala Harris. When she was in the US Senate representing California, she was named the most liberal (Socialist/Communist) person in the Senate. Before that, she was a nightmare of a District Attorney in San Francisco and as California Attorney General. Check her record beginning as a D.A. in California through her time in the US Senate and lastly as Vice President. Now it appears there is an ongoing attempt to remake her image into a moderate Democrat, but her record is clear and scary.
In her campaign, Harris has already pulled the race card. She went directly to a traditionally black sorority, Zeta Phi Beta, in Indianapolis at their biennial convention to ask for support from black women. This was her second speaking stop as the Democrat presumptive Presidential candidate. She shunned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the joint session of Congress on the same day. This as Vice President of the United States and President of the US Senate. This was a clear message to Israel who is in a fight for their very existence.
The next months are going to define the course of the United States of America. Get informed and make the right choice. Are you better off now than you were four years ago under President Donald J Trump?