This photo of President Trump says it all!
The United States of America is in real trouble. Under the criminal Joe Biden regime we are in an undeclared war in Ukraine against Russia; a war that could get out of control and easily escalate into WWIII. We have millions of illegal aliens already in our country with more to follow bringing in drugs, disease, criminals, child traffic, terrorists, and others from all over the world including Communist Chinese. Look at the pictures. The majority flooding in appear to be military age men; not refugees.
We have inflation out of control. We have energy dependence on countries not our friends. We have economic dependency for essential goods and materials from Communist China; a country that wants to dominate the world. And we have elections filled with fraud.
The country is headed for collapse unless change comes soon. There is much talk, talk, talk about all the criminal behavior of our government highest agencies like the FBI, CIA, IRS, State Department, Intelligence Agencies and more; the “Deep State”. Talk and no consequences…. no convictions, no jail time. We have a court system that is either too timid (cowardly) to take on illegal activity and behavior or are corrupt itself.
The worst criminal occupies the highest office in the USA; the Presidency. Biden and his family should be in jail. That would be a start.
Our only hope is to hold out until Donald J. Trump can once again become the President of the United States of America. We pray.