The Gannett Company, a major US media company whose newspaper flagship is USA Today, has announced its choices for “Women of the Year”. There is only one issue. One of the “women” is a man, Dr. Rachael Levine. Dr. Levine is a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and serves as the Assistant Secretary for Health under President Joe Biden.
Rachael Levine was born on October 28, 1957, as Richard Levine. He was married to Martha Peaslee Levine in 1988 and divorced in 2013. Together, they had two children, the offspring of a man and a woman. This leaves no doubt that Richard, now Rachael, is male, not female.
In 2011, he decided to “transition” to a she. Biologically, this is not possible. A short lesson in biology is in order.
In human beings, there are only two genders: male and female. The genetics are fixed and do not lie. Our DNA make up is determined at one point in time, conception, and cannot be changed. This happens only once in a lifetime; at the instant of beginning.
DNA is packaged in each of us in structures called chromosomes. We each have 46 chromosomes, 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. The chromosomes that determine our gender, male or female, are named the “X” and “Y”. Female children have two “X” chromosomes and male children have one “X” and one “Y” chromosome. That’s it.
And, yes, there are genetic abnormalities where there are extra chromosomes, DNA deletions, and more. And the CDC reports that about 2/3rds of all conceptions end in spontaneous abortion due to genetic abnormalities and other problems.
The point of all of this is there is no such thing as a transgender male or female. The term itself is an oxymoron. Biology is fixed at conception. One can claim to be a woman or man at will, but this does not change biology.
A prime example is what we now see in women’s athletics. So-called transgender women have different bone and muscle structure than biological women. This has resulted in transgenders being dominate in athletics requiring strength and endurance. Why true women have not gone ballistic over transgender participation in traditional womens’ sports is a mystery.
Biological men or women can identify with, dress like, groom like, romance like, and behave like those of the opposite sex; but they can never biologically become the opposite sex. This is regardless of hormone treatments and/or surgical changes. Will not happen. Time to quit fooling ourselves. A man should not be among the “Women of the Year”. This is an insult to women.
Froma Harrop – Nut Case
When I read columnist Froma Harrop’s column in the April 25th issue of the Kokomo Tribune, I thought to myself, “this writer is a good fiction writer!”. She wrote she believes we are blessed — or “lucky” — Joe Biden is our wartime president. I wanted to learn more, so off to the Internet.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I would have bet big money Froma was from New York before actually doing a search. I won. She was born, raised, educated, and lives in what many of us in “fly-over” country consider “crazy town”. I thank God she does not represent the now majority of the country. The red wave continues to build. November cannot come too soon, if the USA survives until then. She exemplifies exactly why.
As I wrote, I thought the column was fiction when first reading it. Joe Biden in fact is a total disaster and corrupt. Ironically, Ukraine is very close to the center of the Bidens’ corrupt activities along with China. Has been for many years.
Yes, we all hurt for the innocent people in Ukraine, but the President of the United States has first responsibility for the citizens of this country. Biden has seriously weakened the ability of the US to defend itself. He is greatly depleting our weapons reserves (don’t forget the wonderful exit from Afghanistan) and sending millions of dollars we don’t have. More borrowing and a hit to taxpayers.
Finally, Biden is not only allowing but encouraging the invasion on our southern border where our national defense forces should be directed. Millions of illegal aliens are invading our country coming from all over the world. Maybe Froma should move to Texas, Arizona or New Mexico close to the border. Perhaps her warped thinking would change.
Joe Biden and his administration have done nothing good for this country. The list is a mile long. And, by the way, the 2020 election was filled with fraud. Legal action continues in many states. So, that matter is not yet over. You will see.
There is already talk that if Republicans win the House and Senate in November, President Biden will be subject to impeachment. Whispering Joe needs to be removed from office. Many believe this country cannot survive another three years of his administration.
Froma Harrop is so out to lunch, but what would one expect from one totally so deep in liberal, Democrat, woke New York city.