Yesterday I happened to be at the Indiana University Kokomo campus for a short visit. I picked up a copy of the December 5th “Correspondent” newspaper to read. Interesting until I came to the piece by Caitlyn Laughner headlined, “Broken hearts of a pantsuit nation”.
I had a problem from sentence one. Clearly, Ms. Laughner does not understand the Constitution of the United States and the process by which a President is elected. It is called the Electoral College, not the popular vote. The framers of the Constitution established a system to protect the country from being dominated by population centers. A similar structure is reflected in the make up of the US Congress. Take a look at the election results on the electoral map. The system works and has for over 200 years.
Ms. Laughner’s statement she is a “Bernie babe” says a great deal. The Senator is a socialist by his own admission. Perhaps what attracts Ms. Laughner the most of all to Sanders were the freebies he proposed; in particular “free” college for all. The voters who pay taxes and therefore, the bill for the freebies did not go for this and other proposals and positions that were completely unrealistic. Sanders was defeated in the Democrat primary with the help of deception, deceit, and dirty tricks at the highest level of the Democrat Party and the Clinton campaign. “Crooked Hillary” is about the kindest thing that could have been said.
Then Laughner goes on with her diatribe against President Donald Trump blaming him for all sorts of woes she names. This was December 5th, well before Trump was sworn in, had any authority, and had taken any action. Maybe she should take a deep breath for a while. The world is not coming to an end. The voters spoke. The system worked. Now it is time to support the country, not whine and cry about the defeat of the pantsuit candidate.